
structure and development of vesicles in larval tissue culture of aedes aegypti (l.). 19695775473
[study of variations of some digestive enzyme activities (caseinolytic and chymotrypsic) during the development of aedes aegypti larva]. 19695384810
sexual responses of adult male aedes aegypti using the forced-copulation technique. 19685726227
effect of starvation on molting and growth in aedes aegypti and a. vexans. 19685723757
the neurosecretory cells of the brain of aedes aegypti in relation to larval molt, metamorphosis and ovarian development. 19684176378
l-lactic acid: a mosquito attractant isolated from humans.l-lactic acid was the major component in material isolated from humans that was active as an attractant for female yellow fever mosquitoes, aedes aegypti (l.). the l(+)-isomer was several times as attractive as the d-isomer. good correlation was found between the attractiveness of an individual to mosquitoes and the quantity of lactic acid present in an acetone washing of his hand.19685673445
the effect of temperature and relative humidity on the flight performance of female aedes aegypti. 19685761668
the biochemical basis of female monogamy in mosquitoes. i. extraction of the active principle from aedes aegypti. 19685672305
reproductive isolation in stegomyia mosquitoes. i. sexual isolation between aedes aegypti and a. mascarensis. 19685758054
the multiplication of middleburg s and 1 plaque viruses in aëdes aegypti mosquitoes. 19684386019
susceptibility of aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti cell lines to infection by arbo and other viruses. 19685680415
gas-liquid chromatography analysis of ddt metabolism in aedes aegypti. 19685659016
fungal toxins against larvae of the yellow-fever mosquito, aedes aegypti. 19685654769
the effect of age on the flight performance of female aedes aegypti mosquitos. 19685649625
uptake of p32 by yellow-fever mosquito larvae of equal age, and those pupating synchronously: its loss and transfer during development, mating, and oviposition. 19685642119
mathematical formulae for estimating resistance potential and speed of development of ddt resistance in the yellow-fever mosquito. 19685642118
small-antenna, a sex-linked mutant of aedes aegypti. 20035691531
[organization and administration of aedes aegypti control and eradication programs]. 19684234278
[aedes aegypti and yellow fever]. 19684234277
physiology of feeding and oviposition behavior in aedes aegypti (l.) experimental dissociation of feeding and oogenesis. 19685642171
attraction of near-infrared radiation to aedes aegypti. 19685636845
research on aedes aegypti: needs and priorities. 19685992909
effect of insecticide-free rearing on the reproductive potential of organophosphorus-resistant african strains of aedes aegypti (l). 19685645180
the fine structure of the spermathecae and their ducts in the mosquito aedes aegypti. 19676081062
resistance in aedes aegypti to chemosterilants: effect of apholate selection on resistance to apholate, tepa, and metepa. 19676081039
teratogenic effects of a tranquilizer, trifluoperazine dihydrochloride on the yellow-fever mosquito. 19676081038
spermiogenesis in aedes aegypti (l.). 19675629261
a comparative genetical study of ddt resistance in adults and larvae of the mosquito aedes aegypti l. 19675587939
control of aedes aegypti (linn.) in southeast asia. 19675301555
bronze, a female-sterile mutant of aedes aegypti. 19675623787
[electrophysiological investigation of single olfactory receptors on the atennae of female mosquitoes (aedes aegypti l.)]. 19676077610
feeding and oviposition behavior in the mosquito aedes aegypti (l.). i. preliminary studies of physiological control mechanisms. 19676062263
the effect of some anions and cations upon the fluxes and net uptake of chloride in the larva of aëdes aegypti (l.), and the nature of the uptake mechanisms for sodium and chloride. 19676058980
[fine structure of the scolopidia in the johnston organ of aedes aegypti l]. 19674385310
mosquitoes: female monogamy induced by male accessory gland substance.male accessory glands were implanted in virgin females of aedes aegypti. when exposed to males, females copulated readily but were not inseminated; they remained sterile for life. extract from one male could sterilize more than 64 females. the active principle may be a protein or peptide. intraspecific transplant prevented insemination in 12 species, including aedes, anopheles, and culex; interspecific transplant gave partial protection.19675611023
reproductive behavior of aedes aegypti (l.) sublethally exposed to ddt. 19676052124
oviposition of aedes aegypti l. on a dry surface and hygroreceptors. 19676067781
toxicity of alkanes and alkenes to the pre-imaginal stages of the yellow-fever mosquito. 19676045138
spermatocysts in aedes aegypti (linnaeus). 19676040024
the fine-structural changes observed in the rectal papillae of the mosquito aedes aegypti, l. and their relation to epithelial transport of water and inorganic ions. 19676034562
aseptic rearing of aedes aegypti linn. 19676030587
seminar on the ecology, biology, control and eradication of aedes aegypti: introduction. 196720604320
effect of folic acid antagonists on larval development and egg production in aedes aegypti. 19676038000
problems of interaction and density in mosquitoes in relation to aedes aegypti eradication. 19675617578
current status of third united states army aedes aegypti eradication program. 19675617576
surveillance of aedes aegypti in the u.s. air force. 19675617573
lipids and dieldrin resistance in aedes aegypti. 19665976135
lethal effects of synthetic juvenile hormone on larvae of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti.emergence of adult mosquitoes is blocked after the addition of 1 part of crude synthetic juvenile hormone to 100,000 parts water. development is arrested at stages ranging from pupae to fully formed pharate adults incapable of escaping from the pupal exuvium. fourth-stage larvae just prior to metamorphosis are most sensitive: 40 percent were killed after being exposed for 1 dayto 1 part juvenile hormone in 2 million parts water. the active material also inhibits the hatching of mosquito eggs.19665919758
establishment and characterization of a clone from grace's in vitro cultured mosquito (aedes aegypti l.) cells. 20145337207
linkage of the ddt-resistance gene in some strains of aedes aegypti (l.). 19665971134
effects of high-intensity light flashes on mortality and reproduction of aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae). 19665919299
the stomodaeal nervous system, the neurosecretory system, and the gland complex in aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae). 19665944290
a selected strain of aedes aegypti resistant to gamma-radiations. 19665938768
reproductive and immunological characteristics of a strain of aedes aegypti selected for resistance to gamma radiation. 19664382786
chemosterilization of aedes aegypti (l.) by pupal treatment. 19664960433
distortion of sex ratio in populations of aedes aegypti. 19665960416
sex-linkage at two loci affecting eye pigment in the mosquito aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19665960412
genetic distortion of sex ratio in a mosquito, aedes aegypti. 19665958915
quantitation of effect of several stimuli on the approach of aedes aegypti. 19665932265
pertinacity of host-seeking behaviour of aedes aegypti. 19665961215
ultrastructural variations in the anal papillae of aedes aegypti (l.) at different environment salinities. 19666004786
physiological aspects of digestion of the blood meal by aedes aegypti (linnaeus) and culex fatigans wiedemann. 19665941568
separation and insect repellent activity of diastereoisomers of 2-ethyl-1,3-hexanediol against aedes aegypti. 19665908558
resistance to a chemosterilant, metepa, in aedes aegypti mosquitoes. 19665951138
biochemical differentiation of morphologically indistinguishable strains of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19665966507
aedes aegypti (l.) and its control in u.a.r. 19666002828
[some biometric characteristics of aedes aegypti l. mosquitoes cultivated under laboratory conditions]. 19665911308
in vitro properties of proteinases in the midgut of adult aedes aegypti l. and culex fatigans (wiedemann). 19664957298
long-term effects of acute low-level x-rays on the population dynamics of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti. 19655884553
studies on spermathecal filling in aedes aegypti (linnaeus). ii. experimental. 19655849123
inhibition of blood digestion and oocyte growth in aedes aegypti by 5-fluorouracil. 19655849118
an analytical study of coitus in aedes aegypti (linnaeus). 19655894287
[eradication of aedes aegypti and immunology of yellow fever: present aspects]. 20095887284
the contribution of aedes aegypti research to the advancement of biological science. 19655840645
failure of chlorine and sodium chloride to induce resistance in aedes aegypti to lindane, dieldrin, and ddt. 19654159294
[multiplication of an arbovirus, sindbis, in the body of an experimental "vector", the mosquito aedes aegypti (l.)]. 19654954286
hatching pattern of aedes aegypti eggs. 19655885960
repellency of skin-surface lipids of humans to lipids obtained from the washings, in acetone or diethyl ether, of the foreheads or arms of humans are very repellent to female aedes aegypti when evaluated in a dual-port olfactometer. by means of thin-layer chromatography, the repellent substances can be separated from nonrepellent material also present in skin lipids.196517838104
mosquito transmission of a reticulum cell sarcoma of hamsters.a transplantable reticulum cell sarcoma with leukemic manifestations can be transmitted from one hamster to another by means of a mosquito, aëdes aegypti (l.). the transmission seems to be by a transfer of tumor cells, and not by passage of some other oncogenic agent.196514280009
emergence and fertility of aedes aegypti (l.) reared in various concentrations of p32. 196514314951
physiological and genetical studies on resistance to ddt substitutes in aedes aegypti. 196514317630
measurement of salivation by aedes aegypti (l.) feeding on a living host. 196514330766
cross-over values in the sex chromosomes of the mosquito aedes aegypti and evidence of the presence of inversions. 196514297359
the genetics of black pedicel, a new colour mutant in aedes aegypti (l.). 196514297357
a morphological study of the female reproductive system and follicular development in the mosquito aedes aegypti (l). 196514269883
evaluation of four insecticides as aedes aegypti larvicides. 196414245047
resistance to the chemical sterilant, apholate, in aedes aegypti.increased resistance to the sterilizing effects of apholate was observed in two colonies of aedes aegypti (l.) exposed in the larval stage of each generation to concentrations of apholate that induced about 90 to 40 percent sterility in the eggs laid by the ensuing adults.196414163772
[considerations on the eradication of aedes aegypti on the american continent]. 19645873141
[study of the relation existing in larvae (4th stage) of aedes aegypti l. between duration of exposure to an insecticide and the resulting mortality]. 201314184786
aedes aegypti eradication in the americas. 196414075868
feeding response in aedes aegypti: stimulation by adenosine triphosphate.taste receptors which evoke ingestion of blood in the mosquito, aedes aegypti l., are stimulated by adenosine tetraphosphate, adenosine triphosphate, and adenosine monophosphate, in decreasing order. no other nucleotide is effective. certain chelators can partially simulate the effect of nucleotides. the feeding response is elicited only at an osmotic pressure close to that of blood, and requires the presence of sodium ions.196317834375
coastal survey of aedes aegypti-breeding in british guiana. 196314101935
antimetabolites in the nutrition of aedes aegypti l. larvae. thiamine, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid antagonists. 196314101005
antimetabolites in the nutrition of aedes aegypti l. larvae. pyridoxine antagonists. 196314113512
[simple mathematical interpretation of the sensitivity of aedes aegypti to ddt-base insecticides]. 201314073533
initial field studies in upper volta with dichlorvos residual fumigant as a malaria eradication technique. 2. entomological mud houses in wakara, upper volta, dichlorvos dispensers installed at the rate of one dispenser per approximately 500 cubic feet (14 m(3)) produced 70% or higher average kills of adult aëdes aegypti, exposed overnight in screen wire cages suspended at levels of 6 feet (1.8 m) and 2 feet (0.6 m), for approximately three months during the wet season and four months during the dry season. average kills of 96% and 80% were obtained in the dry season at the 6-foot and 2-foot levels, respectively, ...196314056277
ddt-resistance and larval development in aedes aegypti (linnaeus). ii. the length of larval development and adult resistance in the trinidad strain. 196214001760
ddt-resistance and larval development in aedes aegypti (linnaeus). i. the length of larval development in ddt-resistant and susceptible strains. 196214001759
a preliminary note on sex ratio and hatching-response in eggs of aedes aegypti (linnaeus). 196214001758
genetics of ddt-resistance in several strains of aedes aegypti. 196214015907
Displaying items 13001 - 13100 of 14974