
PMID(sorted ascending)
interrelationships in trace-element metabolism in metal toxicities in a cobalt-resistant strain of neurospora crassa.a strain of neurospora crassa was isolated by training the mould to grow on media containing high concentrations of co(2+). this strain, the co(r) strain, exhibited approximately tenfold the resistance of the parent strain to co(2+) and ni(2+) but not to zn(2+) or cu(2+). co(2+) toxicity in the co(r) strain was reversed by mg(2+) but not by fe(3+). also, co(2+) did not affect iron metabolism in this strain. it is suggested that the mechanism of resistance in the co(r) strain involves an alterati ...19734269100
lack of guanosine tetraphosphate accumulation during inhibition of rna synthesis in neurospora crassa. 19734269209
[studies on the conidial differentiation of "neurospora crassa". iv. chemo-structural modifications of the wall in the wild type and two aconidial mutants]. 19734269228
a nuclease from neurospora crassa conidia specific for single-stranded nucleic acids. 19714269245
characterization of excision repair in neurospora crassa.the excision of pyrimidine dimers from the deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) of neurospora crassa was examined. postirradiation incubation in the presence of several chemicals known to inhibit various repair systems indicated that caffeine reduced the rate of excision twofold, but did not inhibit excision completely as did proflavine and quinacrine. examination of the time course of excision showed that repair occurs at a relatively rapid rate: approximately 60 dimers excised per min after 500 ergs/mm ...19734269375
tryptophan metabolism and kynureninase induction in mutants of neurospora crassa resistant to 4-methyl-tryptophan.mutants of neurospora crassa that are resistant to 4-methyl-tryptophan were found to differ in ability to synthesize kynureninase in the presence of the inducers kynurenine, 3-oh-kynurenine, n-formyl-kynurenine, tryptophan, and indole. one strain (mtr26), although incapable of accumulating intracellular pools of these compounds, showed induced synthesis of kynureninase, whereas the second (mtr21) could neither accumulate nor be induced by them. strain mtr21, with the suppressor su(mtr), could no ...19734269379
cold-sensitive mutants of neurospora crassa.cold-sensitive mutants of the eucaryote neurospora crassa have been isolated by a modification of the filtration-enrichment technique of catcheside. the mutants include osmotic remedial, auxotrophic, transport, and incorporation deficient isolates.19734269583
mutation in neurospora crasa affecting some of the extracellular enzymes and several growth characteristics.a mutant of neurospora crassa, strain t9, which shows reduced activity of glucoamylase, was isolated. the mutant glucoamylase was not altered in ph optimum, or thermostability, but altered in elution profile of bio-gel filtration. the t9 mutation led to other distinct phenotypic effects: a poor growth response, resistance to the effect of sorbose, a high activity of extracellular acid phosphatase, and an increased sensitivity to high osmolarity of the growth medium. the discussion was based on t ...19734269585
[selective conidiogenic effect of thymine on a "serineless" mutant of neurospora crassa]. 19734269682
redundant dna of neurospora crassa. 19724269805
a new class of p-fluorophenylalanine-resistant mutants in neurospora crassa. 19724269807
mitochondrial translation products before and after integration into the mitochondrial membrane in neurospora crassa. 19734270056
action of single-strand specific neurospora crassa endonuclease on ultraviolet light-irradiated native dna. 19734270183
separation of the neutral carotenoids of neurospora crassa using concave gradient elution chromatography. 19734270371
induction of beta-glucosidases in neurospora crassa.the induction of beta-glucosidases (ec was studied in neurospora crassa. cellobiase was induced by cellobiose, but other inducers had little effect on this enzyme. cellobiase activity was very low in all stages of the vegetative life cycle in the absence of di-beta-glucoside inducer. aryl-beta-glucosidase was semiconstitutive at late stages of culture growth prior to conidiation. at early stages, aryl-beta-glucosidase was induced by cellobiose, laminaribiose, and gentiobiose, and weakl ...20154270443
correlation of growth inhibition patterns to nucleoside transport models in neurospora crassa.growth of inhibition patterns provide evidence for a common nucleoside transport or utilization system, a separate system or systems for adenine transport, and another adaptable mechanism of adenosine transport.19734270445
regulation of exocellular proteases in neurospora crassa: role of neurospora proteases in induction.cells of neurospora crassa strain 74a, grown on sucrose for 12 h and transferred to a medium containing protein as sole carbon source, would not produce exocellular protease in significant amounts. when a filtrate from a culture induced to make protease by normal growth on a medium containing protein as principal carbon source was added to an exponential-phase culture in protein medium, exocellular protease was made in amounts similar to those made during normal induction. the material in the cu ...20144270446
in vitro formation of nitrate reductase using extracts of the nitrate reductase mutant of neurospora crassa, nit-1, and rhodospirillum vitro formation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (nadph)-nitrate reductase (nadph: nitrate oxido-reductase, ec has been attained by using extracts of the nitrate reductase mutant of neurospora crassa, nit-1, and extracts of either photosynthetically or heterotrophically grown rhodospirillum rubrum, which contribute the constitutive component. the in vitro formation of nadph-nitrate reductase is characterized by the conversion of the flavin adenine dinucleotide ( ...19734270447
regulation of a sulfur-controlled protease in neurospora crassa.wild-type neurospora crassa produces and secretes extracellular protease(s) when grown on a medium containing a protein as its principle sulfur source. readily available sulfur sources, such as sulfate or methionine, repress the synthesis of the proteolytic activity. preliminary characterization of the proteolytic enzyme shows it to have a molecular weight of about 31,000, a ph optimum of 6 to 9 with casein as substrate, and esterolytic activity against acetyl-tyrosine ethyl ester with a ph opti ...20144270448
repressible extracellular nucleases in neurospora crassa. 19734270540
cellular compartmentation of aromatic amino acids in neurospora crassa. i. occupation of a protein synthesis pool by phenylalanine in tyr-1 mutants. 19734270570
inhibition of ribosomal rna synthesis during a shift-down transition of growth in neurospora crassa. 19734270631
sulphate transport by protoplasts of neurospora crassa. 19714270665
biochemical basis of radiation-sensitivity in mutants of neurospora crassa. 19734270666
cellular compartmentation of aromatic amino acids in neurospora crassa. ii. synthesis and misplaced accumulation of phenylalanine in phen-2 auxotrophs. 19734270797
sex-hormones in neurospora crassa: further studies on its biological properties. 19734270872
cold-induced increase of glycerol kinase in neurospora crassa. 20154270897
respiration of wild type and extrachromosomal mutants of neurospora crassa.the specific rates of respiration of cells of wild type and four extrachromosomal mutants of neurospora crassa were measured throughout the vegetative growth cycle. two forms of respiration were observed: (i) cyanide sensitive; and (ii) cyanide resistant, salicyl hydroxamate sensitive. these two forms are called terminal and alternate, respectively. the former proceeds by the mitochondrial electron transfer chain and involves the cytochromes; the latter apparently proceeds by the initial portion ...19734270947
glucose utilization and ethanolic fermentation by wild type and extrachromosomal mutants of neurospora crassa.logarithmic growth rates, maximal biomass, specific glucose utilization rates, and ethanol accumulation were measured in aerobic cultures of wild type and extrachromosomal mutants of neurospora crassa. maximal biomass and ethanol accumulation of wild type and [mi-1] were proportional to the initial glucose concentration in the range of 2 to 10%. the specific rates of glucose utilization by the mutants were 13- to 20-fold greater than those of wild type in young cultures. the specific rates of gl ...19734270948
the neutral carotenoids of wild-type and mutant strains of neurospora crassa. 19734270986
effects of suppressor mutations on nonalleic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutants of neurospora crassa. 19734270987
the identification of a third b-galactosidase activity in neurospora crassa. 19734271074
the peptides of the hyphal wall of neurospora crassa. 19734271184
influence of l-sorbose on the growth and morphology of neurospora crassa. 19734271185
effects of glycine and serine on serine hydroxymethyltransferase levels in logarithmic cultures of neurospora crassa wild type and ser-1-mutant. 19734271349
use of liquid nitrogen and high ionic strength for the isolation of functional polyribosomes from neurospora crassa. 20144271372
genetic characterization of ad-3 mutants induced by chemical carcinogens, i-phenyl-3-monomethyltriazene and i-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene, in neurospora crassa. 19734271461
characteristics of a transport-deficient mutant (nap) of neurospora crassa. 19734271482
membrane-associated ribosomes in mitochondria of neurospora crassa. 19734271498
transcription of non-repeated dna in neurospora crassa. 19734271645
a search for complexity at the mating-type locus of neurospora crassa. 19734271649
regulation of phosphate metabolism in neurospora crassa. characterization of regulatory mutants.a mutant of neurospora crassa, called uw-6, differs from wild type in being partially constitutive for synthesis of a species of alkaline phosphatase, and also for a species of phosphate permease that has a high affinity for phosphate at high ph. uw-6 is possibly allelic with a mutant called nuc-2 that was previously isolated by ishikawa. nuc-2 has the converse phenotype, in that it cannot be derepressed for either of these two activities. uw-6 is co-dominant with its wild-type allele in heterok ...19734271653
polysomes, ribonucleic acid, and protein synthesis during germination of neurospora crassa conidia.the level of polysomes in ungerminated conidia of neurospora crassa depends on the method used to collect spores. spores harvested and exposed to hydration contain 30% of their ribosomes as polysomes, whereas those not exposed to hydration contain only 3% of their ribosomes as polysomes. during the germination process, the percentage of the ribosomes which sediment as polysomes increases rapidly to a level of approximately 75% during the first 15 to 30 min of germination. this rapid increase has ...19744271808
the effects of nitrogen source upon respiration of neurospora crassa. 19734271970
apparent effect of pentachloronitrobenzene on the hyphal wall polysaccharides of two strains of neurospora crassa. 19734272173
morphological mutants of neurospora crassa: possible evidence of abnormal morphology due to changes in dna composition. 19734272373
evidence for the existence of membrane-bound ribosomes in neurospora crassa. 19734272491
changes in free and membrane-bound ribosomes during the vegetative growth of neurospora crassa. 19734272492
acidic amino acid transport in neurospora crassa mycelia. 19734272502
effects of yeast proteinase and its inhibitor on the inactivation of tryptophan synthase from saccharomyces cerevisiae and neurospora crassa. 19734272540
[metabolic products of microorganisms. 120. uptake of iron by neurospora crassa. ii. regulation of the biosynthesis of sideramines and inhibition of iron transport by metal analogues of coprogen (author's transl)]. 19734272844
control of non-allelic recombination in neurospora crassa. 20144273091
a new map of the amination-1 locus of neurospora crassa, and the effect of the recombination-3 gene. 19734273092
partial characterization of transfer rna genes isolated from neurospora crassa. 19734273106
isolation of circadian clock mutants of neurospora crassa.three mutants of neurospora crassa have been isolated which have altered period lengths of their circadian rhythm of conidiation. the strains, designated "frequency" (frq), were obtained after mutagenesis of the band (bd) strain with n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine. in continuous darkness at 25 degrees bd has a period length of 21.6 +/- 0.5 hours; under the same conditions the period length of frq-1 is 16.5 +/- 0.5 hours; frq-2, 19.3 +/- 0.4 hours; and frq-3, 24.0 +/- 0.4 hours. each of the ...19734273217
isolation and characterization of low-kynureninase mutants of neurospora crassa.two kynureninase activities are known in neurospora crassa, one of which (kynureninase i) is inducible, the other (kynureninase ii) being constitutive. a method is described for the isolation of low-kynureninase mutants of n. crassa. when grown on an inducer, the mutants show significantly less kynureninase i activity compared with wild type, whereas constitutive kynureninase ii activity is unaffected. since a low level of kynureninase i activity remains in the mutants examined, the mutations ma ...19744273316
circadian rhythms of nucleic acid metabolism in neurospora crassa.wild-type, band, and fluffy strains of neurospora crassa exhibit circadian rhythms of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid content in the growth-front hyphae of cultures grown on a solid medium. there is also a rhythm of (3)h-uridine incorporation into the nucleic acids of the band strain. maximum incorporation precedes the peaks of nucleic acid content which occur during conidiation. as cultures age, ribonucleic acid content decreases rapidly and deoxyribonucleic acid content decreases gr ...19744273317
the effect of thiourea on ureide metabolism in neurospora crassa.the wild-type strain of neurospora crassa em 5297a can utilize allantoin as a sole nitrogen source. the pathway of allantoin utilization is via its conversion into allantoic acid and urea, followed by the breakdown of urea to ammonia. this is shown by the inability of the urease-less mutant, n. crassa 1229, to grow on allantoin as a sole nitrogen source and by the formation of allantoate and urea by pre-formed mycelia of this mutant. in the wild strain (em 5297a) thiourea is tenfold more toxic o ...19734273557
regulation of repressible alkaline phosphatase by organic acids and metal ions in neurospora crassa. 19734273558
genetics of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine-resistant mutants of neurospora crassa. 19734273634
mutations in neurospora crassa affecting ascus and ascospore development. 20134273813
cytochrome b in neurospora crassa mitochondria. site of translation of the heme protein. 20144273944
acetate-nonutilizing mutants of neurospora crassa: acu-6, the structural gene for pep carboxykinase and inter-allelic complementation at the acu-6 locus. 19734274061
nitrate transport system in neurospora crassa.nitrate uptake in neurospora crassa has been investigated under various conditions of nitrogen nutrition by measuring the rate of disappearance of nitrate from the medium and by determining mycelial nitrate accumulation. the nitrate transport system is induced by either nitrate or nitrite, but is not present in mycelia grown on ammonia or casamino acids. the appearance of nitrate uptake activity is prevented by cycloheximide, puromycin, or 6-methyl purine. the induced nitrate transport system di ...19744274457
uptake of nitrite by neurospora the nitrate transport system, the nitrite uptake system in neurospora crassa is induced by either nitrate or nitrite. this induction is prevented by cycloheximide, puromycin, or 6-methyl purine. the k(m) for nitrite of the induced nitrite uptake system is 86 mum, and the v(max) is 100 mumol of nitrite per g (wet weight) per h. nitrite uptake is inhibited by metabolic poisons such as arsenate, dinitrophenol, cyanide, and antimycin a. no repression or inhibition of the nitrite transport syste ...19744274458
changes in enzyme activity of germinating conidia of neurospora crassa. 19734274506
methylation and processing of mitochondrial ribosomal rnas in poky and wild-type neurospora crassa. 19744274511
control of transcription in neurospora crassa. 19744274640
a quantitative estimate of dna-rna hybridization in neurospora crassa. 19744274642
multigenic control of ribosomal properties associated with cycloheximide sensitivity in neurospora crassa. 20144274736
the mitochondrial beta-cytochromes of the wild type and poky strains of neurospora crassa. evidence for a component reduced only by dithionite. 19744275176
occlusion of the septal pores of damaged hyphae of neurospora crassa by hexagonal crystals. 19744275239
occurrence of n-formylkynurenine in extracts of neurospora crassa: evidence for the activity of tryptophan pyrrolase.n-formylkynurenine and kynurenine have been detected in extracts of tryptophan-grown neurospora crassa. when the mycelia were grown in medium supplemented with l-[2-(14)c]tryptophan, the radioactivity was detected in n-formylkynurenine and n-formylanthranilic acid; with l-[beta-(14)c]tryptophan, radioactivity was detected in n-formylkynurenine, kynurenine, kynurenic acid, and xanthurenic acid. the occurrence of n-formylkynurenine in extracts of tryptophan-grown neurospora is interpreted as direc ...19744275312
amino acid transport during development of neurospora crassa conidia: substrate repression. 19744275410
photoreceptor pigment for blue light responses in neurospora crassa. 19744275420
induction of cyanide-insensitive respiration in neurospora crassa. 19744275427
purification and properties of the nitrate reductase isolated from neurospora crassa mutant nit-3. kinetics, molecular weight determination, and cytochrome involvement. 19744275465
purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis in neurospora crassa and human skin fibroblasts. alteration by ribosides and ribotides of allopurinol and oxipurinol. 19744275559
quantitative assay of pyrazofurin, a new antiviral, antitumor antibiotic.pyrazofurin, a carbon-linked nucleoside, has been previously reported to possess antiviral and antitumor activity. the antagonistic effect of pyrazofurin against neurospora crassa has been utilized to develop a quantitative assay for the compound.19744275616
developmental regulation of choline sulfatase and aryl sulfatase in neurospora crassa. 19744275662
the inducible quinate-shikimate catabolic pathway in neurospora crassa: genetic organization. 19744275708
a selective technique for the isolation of neurospora crassa from soil. 19744275709
the inducible quinate-shikimate catabolic pathway in neurospora crassa: induction and regulation of enzyme synthesis. 19744275849
neurospora crassa glucogen phosphorylase: interconversion and kinetic properties of the "active" form. 19744275853
a study of l-glutamine: d-fructose 6-phosphate amidotransferase in certain developmental mutants of neurospora crassa. 19744275871
conidiation of neurospora crassa in submerged culture without mycelial phase. 19744275899
metabolic products of microorganisms. 132. uptake of iron by neurospora crassa. 3. iron transport studies with ferrichrome-type compounds. 19744275989
production of aminopurines and their nucleotides by neurospora crassa. 19734276003
relationship between (8-14c)adenosine transport and growth inhibition in neurospora crassa strain ad-8.the kinetic parameters of [8-(14)c]adenosine transport by a general nucleoside uptake system were studied in germinated conidia of the ad 8 strain of neurospora crassa. the apparent k(m) for adenosine uptake by this system was found to be 6.2 mum. the apparent k(i) values for other nucleosides competing with adenosine for uptake were measured by using dixon plots. nucleosides which were efficient competitive inhibitors of adenosine transport were found to inhibit severely the rate of growth of s ...19744276058
uptake and efflux of sulfate in neurospora crassa. 19744276129
artificial induction of the sexual cycle of neurospora crassa. 19744276299
effects of ultraviolet radiation on carotenoid-containing and albino strains of neurospora crassa. 19744276420
[derepression and conidiation in a neurospora crassa mutant (acu-3) nonutilizing acetate]. 19744276450
[microbiological transformation of estrogens. transformation of equilenine into 12 beta-dihydroequilenine by neurospora crassa]. 19734276716
properties of repressible alkaline phosphates from wild type and a wall-less mutant of neurospora crassa. 19744276965
a perithecial color mutant of neurospora crassa. 19744277338
immunological difference of mitochondrial and cytoplasmic ribosomes of neurospora crassa. 19744277526
peptide utilization by amino acid auxotrophs of neurospora crassa.the ability of auxotrophs of neurospora crassa to grow on certain tripeptides, despite the presence of excess competing amino acids, suggests it has an oligopeptide transport system. in general, dipeptides did not support growth except in those instances where extracellular hydrolysis occurred, or where the dipeptide appeared to be accumulated by an uptake system which is sensitive to inhibition by free amino acids. considerable intracellular peptidase activity toward a large number of peptides ...19744277602
rna polymerase activities in neurospora crassa. 19744277640
a histidine-3 mutant, in neurospora crassa, due to an interchange. 19744277978
Displaying items 1601 - 1700 of 5889