
relationship between serum antibiotic concentration and inhibiting potency of the serum. application to ampicillin and amoxicillin. 1975654
inhibition of bacterial wall lysins by lipoteichoic acids and related compounds. 19751027
enterococcal survival in forcemeat preserved in polymer films and in cutlets made from it.the available data suggest that at 2 degrees and 5 degrees with a 12-day long storage in unpacked and in polymeric film packed forcemeat there occurs no propagation of the enterococci. at 22-24 degrees the multiplication of str. faecalis var. liquefaciens proceeded similarly both in packed and unpacked forcemeat. when the temperature in the central part of the cutlets prepared from the enterococci-contaminated forcemeat reaches 7-80 degrees the bulk of the str. faecalis var liquefaciens cells pe ...19751906
microbiological study of gentamiycin.gentamycin prepared at the all-union research institute of antibiotics did not differ by its antibacterial spectrum and the activity level from gentamycin samples from other countries. by its activity against clinical strains of ps. aeruginosa gentamycin was somewhat inferior than polymyxin but much more superior than carbenicillin. an agar-diffusion method using bac. pumilus ntcc 8241 as the test microbe was developed for determination of gentamycin activity. the gentamycin sulfate complex and ...19752095
the interrelationship between the inhibitory activity of milk with different types of beta-lactoglobulins and the resistance of cattle to the course of the investigation of piebald (black-white) cattle it is found that 17,62% animals produce the aa type beta-lactoglobulin, 49,52%--the ab type and 32,86%--the bb type. the higher inhibitory activity of milk with the bb type beta-lactoglobulin was found which retained in dilution 1 : 32. the total flora of teat, cyst and parenchyma milk of animals with the bb type beta-lactoglobulin as well as enterococcus bacteria were much lower than in milk of cows with the aa type homogenous f ...19755340
gentamicin-susceptibility of various pathogens isolated from clinical materials.we studied on the antibacterial activity of gentamicin against various pathogens isolated from clinical materials mainly isolated during 1974 and 1975, comparing with other antibiotics. beta hemolytic streptococci, pneumococci and enterococci are less susceptible to gentamicin than staphylococci. staph, aureus and staph. epidermidis resistant to various antibiotics are very susceptible to gentamicin, and no resistant strain to this drug was found. haemophilus influenzae, h. parainfluenzae and h. ...19765619
microbial interactions in foods: meats, poultry and dairy products. 19765780
the cleaning and disinfection by heat of bedpans in automatic and semi-automatic machines.this work is concerned with the cleaning and disinfection by heat of stainless-steel and polypropylene bedpans, which had been soiled with either a biological contaminant, human serum albumin (hsa) labelled with technetium-99m 99m(tc), or a bacteriological contaminant, streptococcus faecalis mixed with tc-labelled hsa. results of cleaning and disinfection achieved with a test machine and those achieved by procedures adopted in eight different wards of a general hospital are reported. bedpan wash ...19766591
bactericidal mechanisms in rabbit alveolar macrophages: evidence against peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide bactericidal mechanisms.the role of peroxidase-mediated bacterial killing by rabbit alveolar macrophages was examined. during 3 h of incubation in vitro, alveolar macrophages ingested and killed greater than 88% of the streptococcus faecalis, proteus mirabilis, or streptococcus pneumoniae present in the incubation mixture. preincubation of alveolar macrophages with inhibitors of catalase, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole or sodium nitrite, did not alter their bactericidal potential. iodination of ingested zymosan particles, a pe ...19767533
an improved method for determination of vitamin k. 19769016
approach to a practical method for screening and identifying microorganism genera from urine (author's transl).in this study the author reported upon a practical new system for screening and identifying the microbial agents causing urinary tract infections. this system is composed of a combination of 3 screening procedures (ph-value + nitrite-test + catalase-test) and 8 selective culture media for the purpose of genus identification within 24 hours (uripret-g). a total of 130 cultures was investigated. the employed microorganisms were mainly recovered from urine samples. they included the following speci ...197611179
the role of microflora in development of graft-versus-host disease. 197611583
ultrastructural, physiological, and cytochemical characterization of cores in group d streptococci.cores are large, rod-shaped structures that have been found almost exclusively in group d streptococci, measure 0.1 to 0.16 mum in diameter, and extend the width or length of cells. this study has shown that cores are produced in the cells at a reproducible point in early stationary growth after extensive mesosomal formation and after the ph has dropped below 6.5. when cells containing cores were introduced into a fresh medium with a ph above 6.5, the structures disappeared within 5 min. the str ...197712140
transport and metabolism of vitamin b6 in lactic acid bacteria.streptococcus faecalis 8043 concentrates extracellular 3hpyridoxal or 3hpyridoxamine primarily as the corresponding 5'-phosphates. accumulation of pyridoxamine requires an exogenous energy source and is inhibited by glycolysis inhibitors. a membrane potential is not required for transport of pyridoxamine, and an artificially generated potential does not drive uptake in this organism. based on this and other evidence, it is concluded that s. faecalis accumulates pyridoxamine by facilitated diffus ...197714135
serological grouping of streptococci by a slide coagglutination method.a new method for the serological grouping of streptococci by coagglutination with specific antibodies absorbed to protein a-containing staphylococci has been assessed. a total of 242 strains of streptococci, including beta-haemolytic streptococci of groups a, b, c, f, and g, streptococcus pneumoniae and strep. faecalis were studied. all streptococci of groups a, b, c, and g, groupable by standard methods, were correctly grouped by coagglutination, although 7-3% showed varying degrees of cross-a ...197714975
resistance mechanism of chloramphenicol in streptococcus haemolyticus, streptococcus pneumoniae and streptococcus faecalis.the chloramphenicol resistance of streptococcus haemolyticus, streptococcus pneumoniae and streptococcus faecalis isolated from clinical materials was proved to be due to an inactivating enzyme produced by these bacteria. the inactivated products of chloramphenicol were identified as 1-acetoxy, 3-acetoxy and 1,3-diacetoxy derivatives by thin-layer chromatography and infrared spectroscopy. the responsible enzyme was thus confirmed to be chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. the enzyme was inducible. ...197716197
the exchange reaction of peptides r-d-alanyl-d-alanine with d-14calanine to r-d-alanyl-d-14calanine and d-alanine, catalysed by the membranes of streptococcus faecalis atcc 9790.under alkaline conditions, the membrane-bound dd-carboxypeptidase of streptococcus faecalis atcc 9790 catalyses exchange reactions in which the x-l-r3-d-ala moiety of peptides of the type x-l-r3-d-ala-d-ala is transferred to simple amino compounds such as d-alanine, glycine and glycyl-glycine. the enzyme system is unable, however, to catalyse complex reactions that would simulate the natural transpeptidation reaction.197716752
kinetics and equilibrium of the inactivation of ornithine transcarbamylases by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. 197716927
bacterial endocarditis: clinical and bacteriological aspects and prognostic factors.the microbiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of all (71) cases of bacterial endocarditis admitted to the hôpital cantonal, geneva, between august 1970 and october 1974 were reviewed: there was a definite trend towards higher prevalence of acute cases compared to subacute cases. the pathogenic role of s. epidermidis, mostly in cases of prosthetic valve endocarditis, could be demonstrated in several cases. when defined initially by microbiological criteria only, acute endocarditis were ch ...197717156
plaque formation by streptococci in an artificial mouth and factors influencing colonization. 197718435
antimicrobial activity of human ascitic fluid. 197719339
acid production from lycasin, maltitol, sorbitol and xylitol by oral streptococci and lactobacilli.the acid production from maltitol was compared with the acid production from hydrogenated starch hydrolysate (lycasin), sorbitol and xylitol by a number of oral strains and reference strains of streptococcus mutans, s. sanguis, s. salivarius, s. mitior, s. milleri, s. faecalis, s. faecium, s. avium, lactobacillus casei and l. salivarius. the polyols were added to a final concentration of 1.0% to two different basal media. incubation was performed at 37 degrees c for 7 days after which the ph was ...197721508
microbiological measurement of folic coenzymes. ii. effect of the ph of ascorbic acid. 197723813
use of furagin in treatment of urinary tract infections. 197825493
the antimicrobial activity of urine of paraplegic patients receiving methenamine mandelate.the antimicrobial activity of urine collected from adult male paraplegics ingesting methenamine mandelate (mm) was evaluated. the in vitro bacterial growth in urine from these patients was inhibited when the free formaldehyde (hcho) concentration was 10 to 22 microgram per ml. when the hcho concentration was in the region of 28 microgram per ml or greater, bactericidal effect became apparent. urine containing 1323 microgram of mm per ml with a ph of 5.9 when freshly voided had sufficient hcho to ...197830734
effects of temperature on the autolytic enzyme system of streptococcus faecalis.the cellular autolytic reaction system in streptococcus faecalis atcc 9790 was analyzed for relative increases in reaction rates with increasing temperature by determination of arrhenius activation energies (e). the systems examined were: (i) an isolated wall-enzyme complex in 0.01 m sodium phosphate, ph 6.9; (ii) exponential-phase cells suspended in 0.01 or o.3 m sodium phosphate ph 6.8, or in 0.04 m ammonium acetate, ph 6.8, (iii) growing cultures deprived of glucose or lysine; and (iv) cultur ...197830752
[changes in the number of escherichia coli, streptococcus faecalis and streptococcus faecium stored in physiological solution at a temperature of 20 degrees c]. 197731606
[enterocins and their properties]. 197934298
[differential diagnosis of enterococci].the most stable differential signs of enterococci are: growth in the medium at ph 10.2, growth in broth containing 40% bile, citrate utilization, resistance to 0,05% potassium tellurite, 2, 3, 5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (ttc) reduction, the staining of colonies (plaques) on a medium with manganese, iron and zinc salts, glycerine fermentation under anaerobic conditions, mannite fermentation, the presence of hemolysin, of the proteolytic enzyme, and mobility. combined differential-diagnostic ...197834304
attachment of bacteria to exfoliated cells from the urogenital establish urogenital infections, organisms must adhere to the mucosal lining. a differential adherence capacity among various bacterial species was observed when exfoliated urethral and urothelial cells were tested in an in vitro system. no difference in the adherence capacity of a particular species was observed when tested with exfoliated cells obtained from voided urine from different healthy individuals of the same sex. escherichia coli harvested directly from urine specimens of patients ...197934577
effect of storage at 1 degree and 4 degrees c on viability and injury of staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli and streptococcus faecalis. 197935509
effect of ionizing radiation on transmembrane potential of streptococcus. 197935814
stereospecificity of sodium borohydride reduction of tyrosine decarboxylase from streptococcus faecalis.sodium boro[3h]hydride reduction of tyrosine decarboxylase from streptococcus faecalis followed by complete hydrolysis of the enzyme produces epsilon-[3h]pyridoxyllysine. degradation of this material to [4'-3h]pyridoxamine and stereochemical analysis with apoaspartate aminotransferase shows that the re side at c-4' of the cofactor is exposed to solvent at ph 5.5 and 7.0. after binding of l-tyrosine at ph 5.5 or tyramine at ph 7.0 to the holoenzyme, sodium boro[3h]hydride reduction proceeds from ...197936380
magnitude of pollution indicator organisms in rural potable water.a total of 460 water samples were randomly drawn from the potable water supply sources of rural communities in three counties of south carolina. about 10% of the population, not incorporated in municipalities, was sampled. the samples were tested for total coliforms, escherichia coli, and fecal streptococci. significant levels of these pollution indicator organisms were detected in almost all the water supplies. total coliforms were the most common, and only 7.5% of the water supplies were uncon ...197936849
organization and transfer of heterologous chloramphenicol and tetracycline resistance genes in pneumococcus.the cat and tet genes of chloramphenicol- and tetracycline-resistant clinical isolates of streptococcus pneumoniae from paris and japan were shown to be contained in adjacent heterologous insertions into the chromosome. the two insertions transformed laboratory strains at frequencies that were low, unequal, and, for tet, very sensitive to the length of the donor deoxyribonucleic acid strand. in contrast, the transforming activity of cat was relatively stable. there was an unusual asymmetric cotr ...197937238
reduction of fecal indicator bacteria in sewage effluent when pumping for crop irrigation.when sewage effluent was pumped from a lagoon for spray irrigation the pumping process reduced the fecal coliforms (fc) by 66% and the fecal streptococci (fs) by 91%. bactericidal effects associated with the pumping of effluent were investigated in the laboratory by seeding sterilized effluent with fecal bacteria and repeatedly passing the liquid through a centrifugal impeller type pump at 50 psi pressure. the pumping effect was cumulative, 49 and 90% of fc being killed after two and four passag ...197938272
a study of the surface-active properties of the mg2+-activated atpase from cytoplasmic membranes of streptococcus faecalis.the surface activity and enzymic properties of the factor f1, the catalytic moiety of streptococcus faecalis h+-atpase, has been studied at the air-water and phospholipid-water interfaces. f1 does not interact with the monolayer phospholipids, hence its adsorption on a biological membrane must be due mainly to its recognition of proteins of the hydrophobic complex. the dimensions of the f1 molecule at the air-water interface have been estimated. in the presence of mg2+, base area is s = 1.8 . 10 ...197939596
a resonance raman and electronic absorption probe of membrane energization. quinaldine red in cells of streptococcus faecalis.resonance raman and electronic absorption spectra were used to show that the state of an amphiphilic cation, relative to dilute aqueous solution, changes when it is accumulated by cells of streptococcus faecalis when they are energized. the general characteristics of the cation employed, quinaldine red, closely paralleled those of other amphiphilic cations which have been used to measure membrane potential. a major aspect of the change is that in sodium-loaded cells, essentially all of the quina ...197939936
does penicillin kill bacteria?.the thesis is presented that the bactericidal action of penicillin and of other inhibitors of cell wall peptidoglycan synthesis, such as vancomycin and cycloserine, is secondary or tertiary to their ability inhibit specific reactions in the assembly of an osmotically protective cell wall. examples are given of the inhibition of these reactions, which results in inhibition of cell growth (bacteriostatic action) in the absence of either cellular lysis or rapid loss of viability. thus, in some inst ...197944383
teichoic acids of group d streptococci with special reference to strains from pig meningitis (streptococcus suis).immunoelectrophoresis revealed in phenol extracts from s. faecalis and s. faecium a mixture of free and lipid-bound teichoic acids, both reactive with group d antisera. in phenol extracts from s. suis only lipid-bound teichoic acid, also reactive with group d antiserum, was seen. this difference probably accounts for the low yield of group d antigen from s. suis as compared with s. faecalis and s. faecium when heating at ph 2 is used for extraction. when phenol is used good yields are obtained f ...197745589
accumulation of arsenate, phosphate, and aspartate by sreptococcus faecalis.uptake of arsenate and phosphate by streptococcus faecalis 9790 is strictly dependent on concurrent energy metabolism and essentially unidirectional. targinine supports uptake only in presence of glycerol or related substances; glycerol is not directly involved in transport but depletes the cellular orthophosphate pool and thus relieves feedback inhibition of transport. uptake of phosphate and arsenate is stimulated by k+ and by other permeant cations. the results suggest that electroneutrality ...197547322
phagocytosis in patients and carriers of chronic granulomatous disease.the phagocytic capacity of leucocytes from four patients and two carriers of chronic granulomatous disease (c.g.d.) was compared to that of normal leucocytes. leucocytes from c.g.d. patients phagocytised more staphylococcus aureus than did normal leucocytes after 5, 10, and 20 minutes of incubation. phagocytosis by leucocytes from two carriers of c.g.d. was intermediate between that in the patients and in controls. in contrast, phagocytosis of streptococcus faecalis, an organism readily killed b ...197548723
an electron microscopic study of the location of teichoic acid and its contribution to staining reactions in walls of streptococcus faecalis 8191.the location of the glucosylated teichoic acid in whole cells and isolated walls of streptococcus faecalis 8191 has been investigated using ruthenium red, gold-labelled concanavalin a and concanavalin a-peroxidase-diaminobenzidine. dense laminae were revealed in sections of osmium-fixed walls stained with ruthenium red which corresponded to similar regions stained by uranyl and lead. such regions were not seen after teichoic acid had been extracted, suggesting that the uptake of stain was by tei ...197550406
photobiological behaviour of bacteria and phages supplemented with aza-analogoues of nucleic acid bases.the photochemical stability of anomalous nucleic acid bases of the azatype, 5-azacytosine (i), 5-azacytidine (ii), 6-azacytosine (iii), 6-azacytidine (iv), 6-azathymine (v), 6-azauracil (vi), and 8-aza-adenine (vii) to u. v. light of the wavelength 254 nm differs from the u. v. stability of the normal constituents. changes of the u.v. inactivation of escherichia coli k12 c600, e. coli b, bacillus cereus, as well as e. coli phages gamma cb2 and gamma b2b5 supplemented with azaderivatives prior to ...197552947
effects of phenethyl alcohol on bacillus and streptococcus.the activity of phenethyl alcohol (pea) on bacillus cereus, b. megaterium, and streptococcus faecalis was studied by electron microscopy of thin sections and by the assay of intracellular k+ leakage. s. faecalis was unaffected by pea at concentrations up to 0.5%, b. cereus was severely damaged by 0.5% pea, and b. megaterium behaved intermediately. important membrane ultrastructural alterations were observed in b. cereus cells treated with 0.5% pea, namely the change in the geometry of the membra ...197660333
aldolases of the lactic acid bacteria. demonstration of immunological relationships among eight genera of gram positive bacteria using an anti-pediococcal aldolase serum.reciprocal qualitative and quantitative immunological experiments employing an anti-pediococcus cerevisiae aldolase serum confirmed many of the interspecific relationships demonstrated previously among lactic acid bacteria with antisera prepared against the streptococcus faecalis fructose diphosphate aldolase. the extent of immunological relatedness observed between the lactobacillus and pediococcus aldolases was markedly gses indicating that the pediococci share closer phylogenetic ties with th ...197665160
identification of the presence and type of biliary microflora by immediate gram stains.immediate gram stains were performed on gallbladder bile aspirated at the start of an operation for biliary disease in 191 consecutive patients undergoing elective biliary surgery. the results of the gram stains were telephoned to the operating theater within 20 minutes of collection. the over-all accuracy rate of the telephone gram stain reports compared with the subsequent bile cultures was 77 percent. the incidence of false-positive results was 12 percent, and false-negative results were reco ...197766763
chemical modification of peptide antibiotics: part iv--biologically active synthetic peptides & derivatives. 197667080
effect of combinations of penicillin and aminoglycosides on streptococcus faecalis: a comparative study of seven aminoglycoside antibiotics.the 50% inhibitory concentrations (ic50) of benzylpenicillin, streptomycin, sisomicin, gentamicin, tobramycin, kanamycin, amikacin, and butirosin were determined for 58 clinical isolates of streptococcus faecalis, 28 of which were recovered from cultures of blood samples from patients with endocarditis. the ic50 of streptomycin was less than 100 microng/ml for 42 strains, 192-10,000 microng/ml for eight, and larger than or equal to 10,000 micron/ml for eight. one isolate that was highly resistan ...197767159
prophylactic systemic antibiotics in colorectal surgery.the prophylactic value of gentamicin combined with either lincomycin or metronidazole in 52 patients undergoing colorectal surgery was investigated. the results confirmed the value of this practice. in a control group, the sepsis-rate was 48% with 1 death attributable to sepsis, compared with a sepsis-rate of 4% in the treated group. the combination of gentamicin and lincomycin was effective against sepsis but pseudomembranous colitis developed in 2 of the 14 patients treated with this combinati ...197769126
rapid identification and antibiotic sensitivity testing of bacteria isolated from clinical infections.a total of 834 bacterial strains isolated from urine were subjected to rapid biochemical and serological identification and rapid antimicrobial sensitivity testing using autobac 1. for enterobacteria (742 strains) six tests (acetoin-, beta-galactosidase-, hydrogensulphide-, indole-, ornithin-decarboxylase-and urease-production) correctly identified to genus or species level more than 99% of the strains within four hours. staphylococci and streptococci (92 strains) were identified with full accur ...197769255
circulation of h+ and k+ across the plasma membrane is not obligatory for bacterial growth.streptococcus faecalis grows normally in the presence of gramicidin and other ionophores under conditions such that there is no gradient of ph or of electrical potential across the plasma membrane and that currents of h+, k+, and na+ are short-circuited. growth requires a rich medium, a slightly alkaline ph, and a high concentration of external k+. the proton circulation maintains the cytoplasmic ph and pools of ions and other metabolites but is not obligatory for biosynthetic functions includin ...197769317
casein degradation and amino acid liberation in milk by two highly proteolytic strains of lactic acid bacteria.amongst 100 isolates of lactic acid bacteria, lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus feacalis proved to be highly proteolytic as demonstrated by starch gel electrophoresis and liberation of various amino acids. both these organisms hydrolysed casein differently to produce different concentrations of amino acids.197770973
[modification of the method of bacteriological diagnosis of intestinal dysbacteriosis]. 197771381
chemical modification peptide antibiotics: part vii--synthetic peptides with sequences from gramicidin b & c. 197772723
culture-negative endocarditis. 197874643
[characteristics of enterococci isolated from the pharynx, urine and the genital organs of pregnant women]. 197875300
transferable drug resistance to group a and group b streptococci. 197876183
immunohistochemical localization of a choriogonadotropin-like protein in bacteria isolated from cancer the use of specific antibody to human chorionic gonadotropin (cg) as well as to its beta-subunit, and the application of the indirect fluorescein-labeled and peroxidase-labeled antibody techniques, we have demonstrated the presence of a membrane (wall)-associated cg-similar immunoreactive protein in 15 strains of bacteria isolated from tissues of patients bearing malignant neoplasms. these microorganisms were classified as s. epidermidis, (12) e. coli (2), and a single strain of p. maltophili ...197876504
stomach as source of bacteria colonising respiratory tract during artificial ventilation.10 adults had intermittent positive-pressure ventilation for 3--34 days. all 10 had paralytic ileus. microbial overgrowth in the stomach was found in 9 patients (bacterial in 7 and fungal in 2); gram-negative bacteria predominated. the trachea invariably became colonised by bacteria, mainly gram-negative organisms. in 3 instances the gram-negative bacteria were found in the stomach before they appeared in the tracheal aspirate, and in 1 case the pathogen originated in the faeces.197881991
catheter-associated urinary-tract infections. 197882043
association between streptococcus faecalis urinary infections and graft rejection in kidney the first month after transplantation 50% of 193 consecutive renal transplant recipients had bacteriuria. the most common organisms isolated were streptococcus faecalis (34), escherichia coli (28), pseudomonas spp. (11), and staphylococcus (9). there was a significant correlation between infection with str. faecalis and graft failure at one, three, and twelve months. this observation suggests that urinary infection with str. faecalis may be associated with graft failure which is probably the ...197882139
[method of bacteriocin typing]. 197882670
[quaternary structure and mechanism of action of putrescine carbamoyltransferase (proceedings)]. 197884627
streptococcus faecalis urinary-tract infection and renal-allograft rejection. 197986016
interaction of a bivalent ligand with igm anti-lactose antibody. 197987219
a rapid bioassay method for gramicidin by measuring rubidium ion leakage from streptococcus faecalis. 197991602
effect of leukocyte hydrolases on bacteria. xiv. bacteriolytic effects of human sera, synovial fluids, and purulent exudates on staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus faecalis: modulation by cohn's fraction ii and by polyelectrolytes.normal sera and plasma, derived from humans, calves, rats, rabbits, horses, human synovial fluids, inflammatory exudates, and leukocyte extracts, when sufficiently diluted are highly bacteriolytic for staph, aureus, strep. faecalis, b. sutilis and to a variety of gram-negative rods. on the other hand, concentrated serum or the other body fluids are usually not bacteriolytic for these bacterial species. while the lysis of staph, aureus and b. subtilis by diluted serum is not lysozyme dependent, l ...197992458
relationship between cellular autolytic activity, peptidoglycan synthesis, septation, and the cell cycle in synchronized populations of streptococcus faecium.synchronized, slowly growing (td = 70 to 80 min) cultures were used to study several wall-associated parameters during the cell cycle: rate of peptidoglycan synthesis, septation, and cellular autolytic activity. the rate of peptidoglycan synthesis per cell declined during most of the period of chromosome replication (c), but increased during the latter part of c and into the period between chromosome termination and cell division (d). an increase in cellular septation was correlated with the inc ...197896095
approximation of the cell cycle in synchronized populations of streptococcus faecium.slowly growing populations (td = 70 to 80 min) of streptococcus faecium (s. faecalis atcc 9790) were synchronized by selection after sucrose gradient fractionation. the cell cycle was approximated by correlating the patterns of dna accumulation and cell division. more specifically, the beginning of cell cycle was equated with the beginning of a rapid linear increase in dna accumulation. the dna content of the culture approximately doubled during the period of accumulation, which lasted about 51 ...197896099
characterization of bacterial l-(-)-tyrosine decarboxylase by isoelectric focusing and gel chromatography.the purification of l-(-)-tyrosine apodecarboxylase (tad) (e.c., obtained from extracts of cells of streptococcus faecalis, has been investigated by means of preparative isoelectric focusing, molecular sieve chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. isoelectric focusing demonstrated two separate fractions possessing enzyme activity that had pi values of 4.5 and ca. 3.2. in the chromatographic methods, however, the activity was obtained in a single peak. it was found th ...197896122
multivalvular vegetations in a patient with enterococcal endocarditis diagnosed by echocardiography.a patient with enterococcal endocarditis of 11 months' duration is presented, and the role of surgery and echocardiography is reviewed. echocardiography revealed vegetations of the aortic and mitral valves. after appropriate antibiotic therapy the patient had successful aortic and mitral valve replacement with porcine heterografts. enterococcal endocarditis is increasing in frequency and is likely to infect young women of childbearing age, elderly men who have had genitourinary tract manipulatio ...197896535
the role of phosphatidylglycerol as a donor of phosphatidyl and of sn-glycerol-1-phosphate groups in biosynthetic reactions. 197896663
plasmid-mediated mechanisms of resistance to aminoglycoside-aminocyclitol antibiotics and to chloramphenicol in group d streptococci.genes conferring resistance to aminoglycoside-aminocyclitol antibiotics in three group d streptococcal strains, streptococcus faecalis jh1 and jh6 and s. faecium jh7, and to chloramphenicol in jh6 are carried by plasmids that can transfer to other s. faecalis cells. the aminoglycoside resistance is mediated by constitutively synthesized phosphotransferase enzymes that have substrate profiles very similar to those of aminoglycoside phosphotransferases found in gram-negative bacteria. phosphorylat ...197896732
solubilization and isolation of the membrane-bound dd-carboxypeptidase of streptococcus faecalis atcc9790. properties of the purified enzyme.streptococcus faecalis atcc 9790 possesses six membrane-bound, penicillin-binding proteins. that numbered 6 (mr 43000) is the most abundant one and is the dd-carboxypeptidase studied previously. the enzyme has been solubilized and purified to the stage where one single protein band can be detected by gel electrophoresis. the purification procedure does not alter the properties that the enzyme exhibits when it is membrane-bound. the dd-carboxypeptidase itself may be a killing target for penicilli ...197897082
cellular lysis of streptococcus faecalis induced with triton x-100.lysis of exponential-phase cultures of streptococcus faecalis atcc 9790 was induced by exposure to both anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate) and nonionic (triton x-100) surfactants. lysis in response to sodium dodecyl sulfate was effective only over a limited range of concentrations, whereas triton x-100-induced lysis occurred over a broad range of surfactant concentrations. the data presented indicate that the bacteriolytic response of growing cells to triton x-100: (i) was related to the ratio of ...197897265
aminoglycoside-inactivating enzymes in clinical isolates of streptococcus faecalis. an explanation for resistance to antibiotic synergism.clinical isolates of enterococci (streptococcus faecalis) with high-level resistance to both streptomycin and kanamycin (minimal inhibitory concentration >2,000 mug/ml), and resistant to synergism with penicillin and streptomycin or kanamycin were examined for aminoglycoside-inactivating enzymes. all of the 10 strains studied had streptomycin adenylyltransferase and neomycin phosphotransferase activities; the latter enzyme phosphorylated amikacin as well as its normal substrates, such as kanamyc ...197897312
use of pyruvate fermentation compared with tetrazolium reduction in the differentiation of group d streptococci.the reduction of 2, 3, 5 triphenyltetrazolium chloride in the original medium of barnes (journal of general microbiology, 14, 57, 1956), and in a modified medium, was compared with the ability to ferment pyruvate as a means of separating streptococcus faecalis from all other group d streptococci. the tetrazolium reduction test gave an occasional negative reaction with str. faecalis strains. in addition, a number of strains gave a weakly positive reaction in the test, as did some strains of str. ...197897331
folate antagonists. 12. antimalarial and antibacterial effects of 2,4-diamino-6-[(aralkyl and alicyclid)thio-, sulfinyl-, and sulfonyl]quinazolines.a series of 2,4-diamino-6-[(aralkyl and alicyclic)thio-, sulfinyl-, and sulfonyl]quinazolines was prepared via condensation of 5-chloro-2-nitrobenzonitrile or 5,6-dichloro-2-nitrobenzonitrile with the appropriate aralkyl or alicyclic thiopseudourea, reduction of the resulting 2-nitro-5-[(aralkyl or alicyclic)thio]benzonitrile with stannous chloride to the amine, and cyclization with chloroformamidine hydrochloride. oxidation was effected with hydrogen peroxide or the bromine complex of 1,4-diaza ...197897382
[sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. evaluation of a rapid automatic method (author's transl)].a rapid automated sensitivity testing system is evaluated in this report. the results have been compared with the standard disk diffusion method (ics). three hundred strains recently isolated from clinical cases : enterobacteriaceae, staphylococcus aureus, streptococci d, pseudomonas aeruginosa, have been tested. the general agreement between the two techniques was 89 p. cent.197897613
streptoccocus faecalis endocarditis: an emerging problem?the clinical features of 16 patients with streptococcus faecalis endocarditis are reviewed and the currently favoured antimicrobial regimens for such infections are detailed.197897645
[index of contamination of fecal origin in mussels (mytilus edulis) without purification of the ria de arosa]. 197797772
interactions of helium, oxygen, and nitrous oxide affecting bacterial growth.helium at pressures of 20 to 70 atm in the presence of air found to stimulate growth of streptococcus faecalis, escherichia coli, and staphylococcus aureus, mainly by increasing the rate of exponential growth. however, at these same pressures, helium potentiated the growth-inhibitory actions of oxygen and nitrous oxide (n2o). oxygen was found to act essentially as an anesthetic gas in inhibiting growth of s. faecalis; its potency was approximately the same as that of n2o, and it acted additively ...197897828
bacterial endocarditis on a prosthetic valve. oral treatment with amoxicillin.a patient with endocarditis due to streptococcus faecalis on an aortic valvular prosthesis was successfully treated using large oral doses of amoxicillin concurrently with intramuscular administration of streptomycin. oral therapy was employed because of a persistent reaction to intravenously administered antibiotics. oral therapy for bacterial endocarditis occurring on an artificial valve may be attempted as a last resort when all other accepted therapeutic measures have failed.197898296
an analysis of group d streptococci recovered from cancer patients. 197898452
limulus lysate activity of lipoteichoic acids. 197798539
induced cell aggregation and mating in streptococcus faecalis: evidence for a bacterial sex pheromone.recipient strains of streptococcus faecalis produce a trypsin sensitive, heat resistant, nuclease resistant factor, designated clumping-inducing agent (cia) which causes strains carrying certain conjugative plasmids to aggregate. rna and protein synthesis but not dna synthesis are required for aggregation to occur. recipient filtrates that contain cia activity also induce donors to mate at high frequencies. introduction of a transferable plasmid into strains producing cia dramatically reduces th ...197898769
pars plana vitrectomy as a primary treatment for acute bacterial endophthalmitis.we successfully treated six patients with culture-proven acute bacterial endophthalmitis by a combination of emergency pars plana vitrectomy and the instillation of intravitreal antibiotics. all six patients regained satisfactory vision.197899040
molecular studies and possible relatedness between r plasmids from groups b and d streptococci.resistance plasmids isolated from streptococcus agalactiae (group b) and s. faecalis (group d) have been compared in regard to resistance markers, molecular weight, and dna-dna homology. three of them (pip501, pip612, and pip613) have been found to confer identical (or very similar) resistance patterns (erythromycin, lincomycin, and streptogramin b, respectively) and to have similar molecular weights (19.8 x 10(6), 22.7 x 10(6), and 17.6 x 10(6), respectively) and a high level of dna-dna homolog ...197899083
accumulation of thallous ions (tl+) as a measure of the electrical potential difference across the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria.the accumulation of thallous ions (204tl+) by intact bacteria was investigated. i conclude that tl+ is a permeant cation, and that it therefore accumulates in response to the electrical potential difference (delta psi) across the cytoplasmic membrane (interior negative). a comparison with other methods shows that the distribution ratio of 204tl+ serves as a reasonably satisfactory method for measuring the membrane potential of streptococcus faecalis. glycolyzing cells of this organism develop me ...197899163
use of microbiologic and enzymatic assays in studies on the disposition of 2'-deoxycomformycin in the mouse. 197899236
antagonistic interaction of rifampicin and trimethoprim. 197899420
early onset nonenterococcal group d streptococcal infection in the newborn infant. 197899505
group d streptococcal infections. 197899508
aspartate carbamyltransferase (streptococcus faecalis). 197899635
[penicillin-aminoglycoside synergism for streptococcus faecalis. in vitro study of aminoglycosides]. 197899849
[an instructive case of streptococcus faecalis endocarditis]. 197899850
[the antibacterial activity of diphenhydramine (author's transl)].diphenhydramine (n,n-dimethyl-2-diphenyl-methoxy-ethylamine) [n,n-dimethyl-2-(diphenylmethoxy)-ethylamin] (dph) is a well-known local anaesthetic and an antagonist of both acetylcholine and histamine. we tested its antibacterial efficacy by means of three different investigation methods, i.e. microcalorimetry, continuous density measurement and the microdilution test to find out the mic of this compound against various bacteria. dph inhibits the growth of e. coli and klebsiella strains at a conc ...197899881
assessment of wound contamination by wound irrigation. experimental investigations on quantitative recovery of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.the quantitative recovery of e. coli, s. faecalis and b. fragilis from operative abdominal wounds was investigated in pigs in an experimental model suitable for statistical calculations. wounds were contaminated in groups of ten with different numbers of either a single bacterial species or a mixture of two species. the wound was irrigated with saline 20 minutes after contamination. significant differences in recovery were found between the bacterial species investigated. expressed as percentage ...197899976
experimental endocarditis in rabbits. 2. course of untreated streptococcus faecalis infection.insertion of a polyethylene catheter in the left side of the heart was used to induce sterile endocarditis in 34 rabbits. bacterial endocarditis was established by injection of approximately 10(8) streptococcus faecalis into the blood stream simultaneous with the removal of the catheter which had been in place for 3 days. the course of the bacterial endocarditis was examined by autopsy of rabbits sacrificed at regular intervals after the infection. the results showed that the presence of the cat ...197899977
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