the use of salivary steroids to monitor circadian rhythmicity on expeditions in the arctic. | the circadian variation in salivary cortisol concentration was investigated in four men during a traverse on foot, of the greenland ice cap and of salivary cortisol and testosterone on a summer expedition to spitzbergen. in both instances circadian rhythmicity was demonstrated both before leaving the u.k. and throughout the expedition. the acrophase of the rhythms followed the changes in activity patterns on both expeditions although there was a dissociation between the cortisol and testosterone ... | 2013 | 3870838 |
dental analgesia by jet injection. | jet injection is a procedure of introducing anaesthetic solution into the tissues without the use of the hypodermic needle. this is accomplished by forcing the solution under high pressure from a minute orifice in the form of a high velocity jet. | 2013 | 3917006 |
[epidemiological changes of leprosy in the fujian province]. | | 2013 | 3769662 |
analysis of acetaminophen and barbiturate combinations by differentiating nonaqueous titration. | | 2013 | 4811292 |
the use of salivary steroids to monitor circadian rhythmicity on expeditions in the arctic. | the circadian variation in salivary cortisol concentration was investigated in four men during a traverse on foot, of the greenland ice cap and of salivary cortisol and testosterone on a summer expedition to spitzbergen. in both instances circadian rhythmicity was demonstrated both before leaving the u.k. and throughout the expedition. the acrophase of the rhythms followed the changes in activity patterns on both expeditions although there was a dissociation between the cortisol and testosterone ... | 2013 | 3870838 |
circadian rhythm of total protein synthesis in the cytoplasm and chloroplasts of gonyaulax polyedra. | protein synthesis of gonyaulax polyedra was analyzed by means of electron microscopic autoradiographs under constant conditions at different times of the 24-hr cycle. circadian rhythmic changes in the synthesis rate of total protein were determined in the cytoplasm and chloroplasts of growing cells. three independent series of experiments in constant light showed a maximum of grains per unit area during the 'subjective' dark phase (= phase that corresponds to the dark phase during a 12:12 hr ld ... | 2013 | 3870836 |
circadian rhythm of total protein synthesis in the cytoplasm and chloroplasts of gonyaulax polyedra. | protein synthesis of gonyaulax polyedra was analyzed by means of electron microscopic autoradiographs under constant conditions at different times of the 24-hr cycle. circadian rhythmic changes in the synthesis rate of total protein were determined in the cytoplasm and chloroplasts of growing cells. three independent series of experiments in constant light showed a maximum of grains per unit area during the 'subjective' dark phase (= phase that corresponds to the dark phase during a 12:12 hr ld ... | 2013 | 3870836 |
[permeability of erythrocyte membranes in patients with chronic liver diseases]. | | 2013 | 3682734 |
[therapeutic management of strabismus]. | | 2013 | 3635181 |
increased serum placental-like alkaline phosphatase activity in smokers originates from the lungs. | to study the origin of increased serum placental-like alkaline phosphatase (plap-like) activity in smokers, heat stable alkaline phosphatase activity was assayed from serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) fluid in 83 smoking and non-smoking patients. plap-like activity was increased in about 80% of the smokers, independently of the underlying lung disease. isoenzyme activities in bal fluid correlated (r = 0.631, p less than 0.001) with serum values. when adjusted for the albumin concentration, ... | 2013 | 3678417 |
ptt.119, p-f-phe-m-bis-(2-chloroethyl)amino-l-phe-met ethoxy hcl, a new chemotherapeutic agent active against drug-resistant tumor cell lines. | ptt.119 [p-f-phe-m-bis-(2-chloroethyl)amino-l-phe-met ethoxy hcl], a new synthetic tripeptide, was highly effective against the l-phenylalanine mustard (l-pam) resistant (l1210/l-pam and p388/l-pam) tumor lines, as well as the sensitive l1210 leukemia. cytolytic activity of ptt.119 against all three leukemias was significantly greater than equimolar doses of l-pam. these in vitro results paralleled the significant increases in mean survival times of hosts and, in some cases, abrogations of tumor ... | 2013 | 4040366 |
[xylestesine-f: clinical and biological experimentation. ii. cytological effect at various concentrations]. | | 2013 | 4527599 |
can midwives deliver? | | 2013 | 3648458 |
spinning your wheels? tips on establishing a chapter research committee. | | 2013 | 3643853 |
[evaluation of storage conditions of live, attenuated vaccines against measles, in authorized vaccination centers and health services of the state of são paulo (brazil)]. | | 2013 | 3836498 |
cutaneous involvement in erythroleukemia. report of a case. | | 2013 | 4533485 |
cutaneous involvement in erythroleukemia. report of a case. | | 2013 | 4533485 |
[a small magnet spies on mastication]. | | 2013 | 3867384 |
[a small magnet spies on mastication]. | | 2013 | 3867384 |
[world federation of associations of clinical toxicology centers and poison control centers. information bulletin no. 33]. | | 2013 | 3843761 |
career guidance and promoting family practice. | | 2013 | 3556875 |
treatment of mental problems in general practice. a one year prospective study from an island community in northern norway. | the aim of the study was to provide a basis for improving the treatment and prevention of mental problems in a defined local community. the prescribing of psychotropic drugs has been recorded as well as the use of non-drug therapy and the factors which worsened the patients' mental problems. the rate of psychotropic drug-users was 15% for females and 9% for males. the total prescribing during one year amounted to 59 defined daily doses (ddd) per thousand inhabitants per day. hypnotics/sedatives ... | 2013 | 3616530 |
malignant neoplasms in registered cases of primary immunodeficiency syndrome. | the occurrence of malignant neoplasms among registered cases of primary immunodeficiency syndrome was studied. a total of 17 malignant tumors occurred in 596 (2.9%) infant patients; two in eight (25%) patients with chediak-higashi syndrome, seven in 49 (14.3%) with ataxia-telangiectasia and one in 12 (8.3%) patients with immunodeficiency with hyper-immunoglobulin-m-emia. the overall incidence of malignant tumors in these cases was 200-300 times that in the general population. the incidence in ja ... | 2013 | 4009992 |
animals and medicine. the long fox memorial lecture. | | 2013 | 3915702 |
[anchor 615-615a. o. gmür system for removable bridgework and acrylic resin dentures]. | | 2013 | 4225755 |
[interrelation of administered fluid, hemodynamics and renal function during induced hypotensive anesthesia]. | | 2013 | 3820551 |
radiologic case study. shoulder impingement syndrome. | | 2013 | 3575188 |
a schoolgirl with onset of anorexia nervosa during a concealed pregnancy. | | 2013 | 3664140 |
photoreaction of monofunctional 3-carbethoxypsoralen with dna: identification and conformational study of the predominant cis-syn furan side monoadduct to thymine. | | 2013 | 3562583 |
[feasibility of methods of outpatient preparation for proctologic examination. comparison of phosphate and sorbit enemas in a randomized double-blind study]. | phosphate and sorbite enemas for preparing a patient for rectoscopy and flexible endoscopy were compared in a randomised double-blind study on 60 patients. side effects were low and equally rare in both groups of patients. there was no statistically significant difference in the cleansing quality of both enemas. phosphate enemas produced reliable onset of action in a significantly shorter time, and the cleansing depth was also significantly better. | 2013 | 3536389 |
cases from the past; a look back. | | 2013 | 3548585 |
position statement of the american dental association on dental licensure. | | 2014 | 4520309 |
position statement of the american dental association on dental licensure. | | 2014 | 4520309 |
death anxiety as related to depression and health of retired persons. | | 2014 | 4398602 |
death anxiety as related to depression and health of retired persons. | | 2014 | 4398602 |
[vascular myelopathies]. | | 2014 | 4369710 |
[vascular myelopathies]. | | 2014 | 4369710 |
letter: traveller's ankle and traveller's back. | | 2014 | 4271326 |
[longitudinal study of shedding of the mandibular deciduous incisors (author's transl)]. | | 2014 | 4527425 |
[charles winchester du bouche--famous surgeon of russia and france]. | | 2014 | 4255917 |
biochemical abnormalities in huntington's chorea brains. | | 2014 | 4277376 |
biochemical abnormalities in huntington's chorea brains. | | 2014 | 4277376 |
isolated adrenal cells: corticosterone production in response to cyclic amp (adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate). | | 2014 | 4322689 |
[influence of programing auditory stimuli on various types of reaction time]. | | 2014 | 4234180 |
incidence of uveitis in bantu-speaking negroes of south africa. | | 2014 | 4425640 |
incidence of uveitis in bantu-speaking negroes of south africa. | | 2014 | 4425640 |
guest editorial: long term care--a top health priority. | | 2014 | 4218610 |
[inhibiting effect of 5 n-amyl=recorcinol on lymphoblastic transformation]. | | 2014 | 4218530 |
[new concepts in the classification of malignant hemopathies]. | | 2014 | 4218497 |
[plasma substitutes and blood group serology. part 1: experimental studies on the influence of different plasma substitutes on the blood group determination (author's transl)]. | | 2014 | 4218452 |
[study of hemagglutinating antigens in the serodiagnosis of chagas' disease]. | | 2014 | 4218353 |
stable nuclear rna returns to post-division nuclei following release to the cytoplasm during mitosis. | | 2014 | 4218174 |
[malformations in the eye region based on autosomal aberrations]. | | 2014 | 4218124 |
[tumors of the spinal cord in children]. | | 2014 | 4218044 |
[carcinoma of the nasopharynx. experience of the institute of radiology of the university of florence (author's transl)]. | | 2014 | 4217825 |
rickets, osteomalacia, and renal osteodystrophy. part ii. | | 2014 | 4217798 |
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylating enzyme in dark-grown and in green euglena cells. | | 2014 | 4217794 |
[etiology of the nephrotic syndrome]. | | 2014 | 4897146 |
traumatic transection of thoracic trachea. | | 2013 | 4037922 |
traumatic transection of thoracic trachea. | | 2013 | 4037922 |
saturated fat avoidance. | | 2013 | 3823904 |
regulatory sequences in the promoter of the dictyostelium actin 6 gene. | the promoter region of the developmentally regulated actin 6 gene of dictyostelium has been dissected by a series of deletions. functional analysis of the deletions in dictyostelium transformants revealed two short regulatory sequences: a positive upstream element (pue) between -599 and -572 which increases transcription by a factor of 10 but does not affect the developmental pattern of expression and an upstream activator sequence (uas) between -249 and -215 which is essential for transcription ... | 2013 | 3816763 |
[late results of anterior penetrating prosthesis in leukomas following chemical burns]. | | 2013 | 3892399 |
immunopathology of sle and related diseases. | | 2013 | 3810437 |
true blood flow and venous admixing in single needle dialysis: an in vitro study. | | 2013 | 4806622 |
facets of dementia. do we need special care units for dementia patients? | | 2013 | 3851817 |
quality assurance: simple, rational and desirable. | | 2013 | 3781122 |
pseudotumor cerebri. | this paper reports the case of a 27-year-old obese female who presented for routine eye examination with bilateral disc edema. a preliminary diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri was confirmed following neurologic examination. causative mechanisms and treatment alternatives of this syndrome, as well as differential diagnosis of the swollen disc, will be discussed. | 2013 | 3771993 |
aids and africa: lessons for us all. | | 2013 | 3772940 |
prevention of endometrial cancer with progestogens. | unopposed oestrogen replacement therapy increases the risk of endometrial cancer in post-menopausal women. however, the addition of progestogen to the oestrogen therapy reduces the risk of endometrial carcinoma by preventing and effectively treating hyperplasia of the endometrium. in a 5-yr prospective study with a further 4 yr of follow-up (1975-83), 31 adenocarcinomas of the endometrium were detected over 27243 patient-years of observation, for an incidence of 113.8:100 000 women. the first re ... | 2013 | 3747849 |
refractory anemia with excess of blasts: a flow cytometry study of intracellular dna. | | 2013 | 3741315 |
[the nurse in an isolated or jungle post faced with upper digestive system pathology]. | | 2013 | 3849914 |
[a brief survey of the task group on coordination of protein sequence data banks and of its parent organization codata]. | | 2013 | 3775036 |
[dna data bank of japan]. | | 2013 | 3775034 |
changes in the protein complement following uv irradiation and their photoreversal in sea urchin (hemicentrotus pulcherrimus) embryos. | | 2013 | 3628504 |
voluntary work: teaching in troubled areas. | | 2013 | 3633547 |
nursing in a changing environment. | | 2013 | 3643842 |
the elderly mentally handicapped in hospital: a clinical study. | in a study of 99 long-stay hospital residents aged 65 years and over, two thirds were functioning in the moderately to mildly handicapped range, two thirds were under the age of 75 years and there was an overall female to male ratio of 2:1. as in the general population, mobility problems, a tendency to falls and fractures, cardiorespiratory disease, deteriorating eyesight, and hearing and urinary incontinence were commonly found; all increased in frequency with age. a fifth exhibited psychiatric ... | 2013 | 3625760 |
ippd contact allergy from an orthopedic bandage. | | 2013 | 3652702 |
aiding recovery from a stroke. | | 2013 | 3635869 |
anterior spinal fusion complicated by paraplegia. a case report of a false-negative somatosensory-evoked potential. | a case of an anterior spinal artery syndrome complicating an anterior spinal fusion is reported. besides documenting a relatively rare complication of anterior spinal surgery, the level of the lesion (t6) and the association of spinal shock are relatively unusual. intraoperative somatosensory-evoked potentials (sep) deteriorated only transiently and failed to reflect adequately the neurologic injury either intraoperatively or postoperatively. the shortcomings of sep monitoring are discussed, and ... | 2013 | 3660079 |
focal epithelial hyperplasia: first report in méxico. clinical, light and ultrastructural microscopic studies. | | 2013 | 3592890 |
lipomas of the upper extremity. a series of fifteen tumors in the hand and wrist and six tumors causing nerve compression. | | 2014 | 4322966 |
[action of metopirone on the cytology of the distal lobe of the pituitary of the green frog, rana esculenta (l)]. | | 2014 | 4236614 |
[the treatment of lumbar kyphosis in spina bifida cystica]. | | 2014 | 4258734 |
[outstanding document on militant materialism (50th anniversary marking publication of v.i. lenin's work "on the importance of militant materialism")]. | | 2014 | 4261615 |
histochemical studies on n-acetyl-beta-galactosaminidase in the ovary of sexually mature women. | | 2014 | 4185858 |
[determination of digestive activity of gastric juice by means of catgut]. | | 2014 | 4185819 |
[on the planning of a ual laboratory service]. | | 2014 | 4185795 |
[studies on therapy of rheumatoid arthritis (progressive chronic polyarthritis) with cytostatic drugs]. | | 2014 | 4185745 |
[immunoelectrophoretic studies in tuberculosis and sarcoidosis of the lung]. | | 2014 | 4185743 |
[familial dysgammaglobulinemia]. | | 2014 | 4185717 |
a pseudo-random binary sequence generator: an aid to testing low frequency-wave analysers. | | 2014 | 4185699 |
[dynamics of protein-bound iodine and iodine extracted with butanol in diffuse toxic goiter patients treated with radioactive iodine (i-131) after preliminary treatment with mercazolyl and reserpine]. | | 2014 | 4185484 |
staging of breast cancer. | | 2014 | 4190566 |
[experience in nursing of premature triplets]. | | 2014 | 4487292 |
the cellular immune response of nonhuman primates to crude type 2 cholera toxin. | | 2014 | 4178322 |
regulation of purine metabolism in schizosaccharomyces pombe. iv. variations in the stability and kinetic parameters of amidophosphoribosyltransferase depending on growth phase and growth conditions. | | 2014 | 4371850 |
[in memory of paul moegen (7,3, 1904-2,11, 1973)]. | | 2014 | 4142325 |
[intra-arterial chemotherapy of head and neck tumors: statistical study of 129 cases treated at the institut gustave roussy]. | | 2014 | 4127613 |