
safety and immunogenicity of escherichia coli o157 o-specific polysaccharide conjugate vaccine in 2-5-year-old children.escherichia coli o157:h7 causes severe enteritis and hemolytic-uremic syndrome, mostly in young children and older adults. similar to the case with shigella, serum igg against the o-specific polysaccharide of e. coli o157:h7 may confer immunity by lysing the inoculum in the intestine. a phase 1 trial in adults showed that a vaccine of e. coli o157:h7 o-specific polysaccharide conjugated to recombinant exotoxin a of pseudomonas aeruginosa (o157-repa) was safe and immunogenic.200616425130
immunoproteomics of membrane proteins of shigella flexneri 2a screen the immunogenic membrane proteins of shigella flexneri 2a 2457t.200516425402
signal transduction events involved in human epithelial cell invasion by campylobacter jejuni 81-176.analyses of invasive enteric bacteria (e.g. shigella, salmonella, listeria, and campylobacter) have shown that these pathogens initiate orchestrated signal transduction cascades in host cells leading to host cytoskeletal rearrangements that result in bacterial uptake. this current study was specifically aimed at examining the involvement of host membrane caveolae and certain protein kinases in epithelial cell invasion by c. jejuni strain 81-176, for which we have previously characterized the kin ...200616426812
transcriptional slippage in mxie controls transcription and translation of the downstream mxid gene, which encodes a component of the shigella flexneri type iii secretion apparatus.the shigella flexneri transcription activator mxie is produced by transcriptional slippage from two overlapping open reading frames. by using plasmids encoding a mxid-lacz translational fusion, we showed that transcriptional slippage in mxie influences both transcription and translation of the downstream mxid gene encoding an essential component of the type iii secretion apparatus.200616428428
anti-bacterial alkaloids of saracococca saligna.the crude ethanolic extract of saracococca saligna was found to be cytotoxic and antibacterial but produced no platelet aggregation induced by adp. antibacterial activity of two known alkaloid, pachyaximine-a and saracodine was determined. pachyaximine-a possessed significant antibacterial activity against escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, corynebacterium diphtheriae and corynebacterium pyrogenes. saracodme showed moderate activity against staphylococcus pyrogenes, escherichia coli, staph ...200516431389
erythromycin synergism with essential and trace order to establish the role of various essential and trace element complexation on the antibacterial activity of various macrolide antibiotics, the synergistic or antagonistic behavior of erythromycin metal complexes have been studied and compared with the parent drug. metal complexes of erythromycin with magnesium, calcium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc and cadmium have been investigated for their antibacterial activity and compared with erythromycin by observing th ...200516431396
detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic bacteria by hybridization to oligonucleotide detect the common intestinal pathogenic bacteria quickly and accurately.200516437687
cephalosporin resistant shigella flexneri from a clinical isolate--a rare finding.shigellosis is an important public health problem, especially in developing countries. antibiotic treatment of dysentery aimed at resolving diarrhea or reducing its duration, and to prevent transmission to other close contacts. isolates with resistance to first line drugs have been reported throughout world, third generation cephalosporins and quinolones are mainstay of treatment. shigella flexneri resistant to third generation cephalosporins in a clinical isolate is a rare finding, and this has ...200516438280
molecular characteristics of shigella spp. isolated from patients with diarrhoea in a new industrialized area of this study, we used plasmid profile analysis, xbai macrorestriction with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge), and pcr of the ipah gene, to study the molecular characteristics of 183 shigella spp. isolated during may 2000 to april 2003 from rectal swabs of patients with watery and/or bloody diarrhoea in a new industrialized area of thailand. among the 183 isolates, 167 were s. sonnei and 16 were s. flexneri. for plasmid profile analysis, the 183 isolates revealed 16 different plasmid patte ...200616438746
intracellular survival of shigella.bacterial invasion of eukaryotic cells and host recognition and killing of the invading bacteria are a key issue in determining the fate of bacterial infection. once inside host cells, pathogenic bacteria often modify the phagosomal compartment or enter the host cytosol to escape from the lytic compartment and gain a replicative niche. cytosolic invaders, however, are monitored by host innate immune systems, such as mediated by nod/card family proteins, which induce inflammatory responses via ac ...200616441429
shiga toxin exposure modulates intestinal brush border membrane functional proteins in rabbit ileum.the activities of lactase, sucrase and alkaline phosphatase (ap) were studied in intestinal brush border membranes of control and toxin-treated rabbits. purified shiga toxin (stx) exposure to ileal mucosa inhibited activities of brush border enzymes by 50%. kinetic analysis revealed that the observed decrease in bbm enzyme activities was due to reduced v(max) with no change in the affinity constants of the systems. the observed changes in enzyme activities were corroborated by western blot analy ...200616444589
activities of aqueous extracts of mallotus oppositifolium on shigella dysenteriae a1-induced diarrhoea in rats.1. mallotus oppositifolium is reported to possess medicinal properties and is traditionally used in cameroon for the treatment of diarrhoea. in the present study, we have evaluated the acute toxicity, in vitro antibacterial and in vivo antidiarrhoeal effects of an aqueous extract of these plant leaves. 2. shigella dysenteriae a(1) (sd1)-induced diarrhoeal rats were obtained by oral administration of increasing densities of the sd1 strain isolated from bloody diarrhoea occurring in east cameroon. ...200616445705
fluoroquinolone resistance linked to both gyra and parc mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region of shigella dysenteriae type 1.we examined the quinolone resistance-determining region (qrdr) of gyra, gyrb, and parc of recently isolated fluoroquinolone-resistant s. dysenteriae type 1 strains from south asia and compared data with fluoroquinolone-susceptible strains associated with previous epidemics of 1978, 1984, and 1994. in fluoroquinolone-resistant strains, double mutations (ser83-->leu, asp87-->asn or gly) and a single mutation (ser80-->ile) were detected in the qrdrs of gyra and parc, respectively.200616450072
apyrase, the product of the virulence plasmid-encoded phon2 (apy) gene of shigella flexneri, is necessary for proper unipolar icsa localization and for efficient intercellular spread.the role in virulence of the shigella flexneri ospb-phon2 operon has been evaluated. here we confirm that ospb is an effector and show that apyrase, the product of phon2, may be a virulence factor, since it is required for efficient intercellular spreading. apyrase may be important in a deoxynucleoside triphosphate-hydrolyzing activity-independent manner, suggesting that it may act as an interaction partner in the process of icsa localization.200616452446
class 2 integron-associated antibiotic resistance in shigella sonnei isolates in dakar, senegal.forty-three shigella sonnei isolates from adult patients with diarrhoea in dakar were analysed for the presence of integrons. isolates were resistant to sulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, tetracycline, streptomycin and spectinomycin. a high prevalence of class 2 integrons (93%) was found. these integrons showed three distinct structures: a class 2 integron, part of the tn7 family and its derivatives, carrying four cassettes in the order dfra1-sat-aada1-orfx; a truncated class 2 integron, without o ...200616455233
[autophagic host defense mechanism]. 200616457203
etiology and epidemiology of diarrhea in children in hanoi, vietnam.this paper provides a preliminary picture of diarrhea with regards to etiology, clinical symptoms, and some related epidemiologic factors in children less than five years of age living in hanoi, vietnam.200616458564
differential gene expression of pathogens inside infected hosts.dna microarray is a useful technology for studying differential gene expression in the context of microbe-host interactions. this review concentrates on recent findings of the survival strategies of three intracellular pathogens: shigella flexneri, salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and mycobacterium tuberculosis.200616459132
aerobic heterotrophic bacterial diversity in sediments of rajakkamangalam estuary, south west coast of india.the abundance of aerobic heterotrophic bacterial population in the sediment sample of six experimental stations (s1 to s6) at rajakkamangalam estuary was studied for a period of one year from march, 1998 to february, 1999. the important bacterial genera encountered were pseudomonas, bacillus, vibrio, escherichia, micrococcus, enterobacter, salmonella, aeromonas, shigella, klebsiella, proteus, alkaligenes, staphylococcus, citrobacter and flavobacterium. the bacterial population based on numerical ...200516459565
population-based incidence of infection with selected bacterial enteric pathogens in children younger than five years of age, 1996-1998.previous studies of bacterial enteric infections have suggested a disproportionate disease burden for children younger than 5 years of age.200616462289
new temperate dna phage bcp15 acts as a drug resistance vector.this study was designed to determine the role of a new temperate dna phage bcp15 in relation to drug resistance. the multidrug resistant shigella flexneri nk1925 was isolated from a patient of infectious diseases hospital, kolkata, india. this strain contained five plasmids ranging in size from 3 to 212 kb. after curing of five plasmids, this strain became sensitive to antibiotics. a plasmidless multidrug-resistant strain burkholderia cepacia dr11 was isolated during the survey of microorganisms ...200616463125
the use of fluoroquinolones in children.the fluoroquinolones are an important group of antibiotics widely used in the treatment of various infectious diseases in adults, as a result of an excellent spectrum of activity, good tissue penetration and convenient ways of administration. their use in children is limited as a result of possible fluoroquinolone-induced joint/cartilage toxicity observed mainly in juvenile animal studies.200616470165
bacterial invasin: structure, function, and implication for targeted oral gene delivery.the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal (gi) tract is the first line of defense against foreign pathogens and toxins ingested orally. the content of the gi tract is constantly being sampled by the immune system through specialized epithelial cells known as m-cells, which are present in the peyer's patches of the gut, providing a thin covering over lymphoid tissue. in this way, once a harmful entity is found an immune response can be activated to eliminate the threat. many bacterial pathogens ...200616472093
direct immunofluorescence assay for rapid environmental detection of vibrio cholerae immunofluorescence assay for direct detection of v. cholerae o1 was developed using polyclonal antibodies raised against outer membrane proteins (omps) of v. cholerae o1. production of omps varied with growth media used; maximum production was found in tryptic soy broth. the detection system was specific because no cross-reactivity was observed with other bacteria including v. cholerae o139, e. coli, s. dysenteriae and salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhi. the technique was able ...200516475506
tennessee shigella update. 200616475596
plasmid-mediated bacteriocin production by shigella flexneri isolated from dysenteric diarrhoea and their transformation into escherichia determine the production of bacteriocin by shigella flexneri strains, to relate their production to the presence of dysenteric diarrhoea and to asses the genetic determination of the bacteriocin.200616478521
detection of escherichia coli o157 using equal-length double-stranded fluorescence probe in a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay.enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (e. coli) o157 is a dangerous pathogen, which causes bloody diarrhea and severe hemolytic uremic syndrome (hus). although several assay systems based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) have been integrated to detect this pathogen, most of them are not specific. we report a real-time quantitative pcr method targeting rfbe, a gene specifically expressed in e. coli o157. this method can therefore be used to diagnose enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (e. ...200616480968
ptdins5p activates the host cell pi3-kinase/akt pathway during shigella flexneri infection.the virulence factor ipgd, delivered into nonphagocytic cells by the type iii secretion system of the pathogen shigella flexneri, is a phosphoinositide 4-phosphatase generating phosphatidylinositol 5 monophosphate (ptdins5p). we show that ptdins5p is rapidly produced and concentrated at the entry foci of the bacteria, where it colocalises with phosphorylated akt during the first steps of infection. moreover, s. flexneri-induced phosphorylation of host cell akt and its targets specifically requir ...200616482216
a review of vaccine research and development: human enteric infections.worldwide, enteric infections rank third among all causes of disease burden, being responsible for some 1.7-2.5 million deaths per year, mostly in young children and infants in developing countries. the main infectious agents responsible for human enteric infections include several viruses (enteric adenoviruses, astroviruses, human caliciviruses (hucv), rotaviruses (rv)) and several bacterial agents, such as campylobacter jejuni, a variety of pathogenic escherichia coli strains including enterot ...200616483695
comparison of bactericidal activity of six lysozymes at atmospheric pressure and under high hydrostatic pressure.the antibacterial working range of six lysozymes was tested under ambient and high pressure, on a panel of five gram-positive (enterococcus faecalis, bacillus subtilis, listeria innocua, staphylococcus aureus and micrococcus lysodeikticus) and five gram-negative bacteria (yersinia enterocolitica, shigella flexneri, escherichia coli o157:h7, pseudomonas aeruginosa and salmonella typhimurium). the lysozymes included two that are commercially available (hen egg white lysozyme or hewl, and mutanolys ...200616487612
comparative analysis of tandem t7-like promoter containing regions in enterobacterial genomes reveals a novel group of genetic islands.based on molecular information theory, 10 t7-like promoter models were built for the t7 group of phages and used to scan their host genomes and closely related genomes. 38 genomes were scanned and 12 clusters of tandem promoters were identified in nine enteropathogens. comparative analysis of these tandem promoter-bearing regions reveals that they are similar to each other, forming prophage-like islands of 4-13 kb. each island appears to contain two or three tandem t7-like promoters within a str ...200616493139
a chromogenic plating medium for the isolation and identification of enterobacter sakazakii from foods, food ingredients, and environmental sources.a chromogenic agar, r&f enterobacter sakazakii chromogenic plating medium (espm), was developed for isolating presumptive colonies of e. sakazakii from foods and environmental sources. espm contains two chromogenic substrates (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-alpha-d-glucopyranoside and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-beta-d-cellobioside), three sugars (sorbitol, d-arabitol, and adonitol), a ph indicator, and inhibitors (bile salts, vancomycin, and cefsulodin), which all contribute to its selectivity and d ...200616496571
radiation processing to ensure safety of minimally processed carrot (daucus carota) and cucumber (cucumis sativus): optimization of dose for the elimination of salmonella typhimurium and listeria monocytogenes.minimally processed vegetables are in demand, because they offer convenience to consumers. however, these products are often unsafe because of possible contamination with pathogens, such as salmonella, escherichia coli o157:h7, and shigella species. therefore, this study was carried out to optimize the radiation dose necessary to ensure the safety of precut carrot and cucumber. decimal reduction doses (d-values) of salmonella typhimurium mtcc 98 were ca. 0.164 kgy in carrot samples and 0.178 kgy ...200616496592
epidemiology, etiology and pathophysiology of traveler's diarrhea.traveler's diarrhea (td) is the most frequent health problem in travelers to developing countries. several personal and environmental risk factors are at the basis of td acquisition and are discussed in this paper. td is caused by a wide range of infectious organisms, etec and eaec bacteria strains being the main enteropathogens incriminated in td. other causative bacteria are: shigella spp., campylobacter spp., vibrio spp., aeromonas spp., salmonella spp., and plesiomonas spp. parasite species ...200616498258
crystal structure of hypothetical protein yfih from shigella flexneri at 2 a resolution. 200616498617
physical characterization of mxih and prgi, the needle component of the type iii secretion apparatus from shigella and salmonella.shigella and salmonella use similar type iii secretion systems for delivering effector proteins into host cells. this secretion system consists of a base anchored in both bacterial membranes and an extracellular "needle" that forms a rod-like structure exposed on the pathogen surface. the needle is composed of multiple subunits of a single protein and makes direct contact with host cells to facilitate protein delivery. the proteins that make up the needle of shigella and salmonella are mxih and ...200616501225
[oral pefloxacin in the treatment of acute gastroenteritis].in the case of travellers' diarrhoea, in order to reduce to a minimum the period of sickness and temporary invalidity, suitable therapy needs to be undertaken, involving the reintegration of fluids and electrolytes, as well as antibiotic treatment whose spectrum of action covers the most commonly isolated microorganisms. the aim of the study was to verify the rapidity of the antibacterial action of pefloxacin in the treatment of this type of gastrointestinal infection.199716501468
preparation, crystallization and preliminary x-ray crystallographic studies of diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase from shigella flexneri 2a.diadenosine tetraphosphate (ap4a) hydrolase (ec hydrolyzes ap4a symmetrically in prokaryotes. it plays a potential role in organisms by regulating the concentration of ap4a in vivo. to date, no three-dimensional structures of proteins with significant sequence homology to this protein have been determined. the 31.3 kda ap4a hydrolase from shigella flexneri 2a has been cloned, expressed and purified using an escherichia coli expression system. crystals of ap4a hydrolase have been obtain ...200516511239
expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of mxih, a subunit of the shigella flexneri type iii secretion system needle.a monodisperse truncation mutant of mxih, the subunit of the needle from the shigella flexneri type iii secretion system (ttss), has been overexpressed and purified. crystals were grown of native and selenomethionine-labelled mxih(cdelta5) and diffraction data were collected to 1.9 a resolution. the crystals belong to space group c2, with unit-cell parameters a = 183.4, b = 28.1, c = 27.8 a, beta = 96.5 degrees. an anomalous difference patterson map calculated with the data from the semet-labell ...200616511329
a sitabcd homologue from an avian pathogenic escherichia coli strain mediates transport of iron and manganese and resistance to hydrogen operon encoding a member of the family of atp-binding cassette (abc) divalent metal ion transporters, homologous to salmonella enterica sitabcd, has been identified in the avian pathogenic escherichia coli (apec) strain chi7122. the sitabcd genes were located on the virulence plasmid papec-1, and were highly similar at the nucleotide level to the chromosomally encoded sitabcd genes present in shigella spp. a cloned copy of sitabcd conferred increased growth upon a siderophore-deficient e. col ...200616514154
is the enthesitis-related arthritis subtype of juvenile idiopathic arthritis a form of chronic reactive arthritis?enteric organisms are known to trigger reactive arthritis. the enthesitis-related arthritis (era) form of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (jia) clinically resembles reactive arthritis. therefore, we looked for a role of enteric bacteria in era.200616522678
thermal inactivation of water-borne pathogenic and indicator bacteria at sub-boiling temperatures.the use of harvested rainwater in domestic hot water systems can result in optimised environmental and economic benefits to urban water cycle management, however, the water quality and health risks of such a scenario have not been adequately investigated. thermal inactivation analyses were carried out on eight species of non-spore-forming bacteria in a water medium at temperatures relevant to domestic hot water systems (55-65 degrees c), and susceptibilities to heat stress were compared using d- ...200616524613
travellers' diarrhoea: contemporary approaches to therapy and prevention.travellers' diarrhoea remains a major public health problem, contributing to significant morbidity and disability. because bacterial enteropathogens cause a majority of this form of diarrhoea, antibacterial drugs are effective when used in chemoprophylaxis or for empirical treatment.a review of the medline listings for travellers' diarrhoea for the past 4 years was conducted; a library of >1,000 scientific articles on the topic was also considered in developing this review. persons who travel fr ...200616526819
enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric) sequences in escherichia coli: evolution and implications for eric-pcr.enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric) sequences are 127-bp imperfect palindromes that occur in multiple copies in the genomes of enteric bacteria and vibrios. here we investigate the distribution of these elements in the complete genome sequences of nine escherichia coli (including shigella species) strains. there is a significant tendency for copies to be adjacent to more highly expressed genes. there is considerable variation among strains with respect to the presence of an el ...200616533821
[primarily study on a multiplex pcr-based system for the rapid detection of salmonella spp., shigella spp. and escherichia coli o157:h7].to establish a multiplex pcr-based system for the simultaneous detection of salmonella spp., shigella spp. and escherichia coli 0157:h7 in 12 hours.200516535845
rapid, sequence-specific detection of unpurified pcr amplicons via a reusable, electrochemical sensor.we report an electrochemical method for the sequence-specific detection of unpurified amplification products of the gyrb gene of salmonella typhimurium. using an asymmetric pcr and the electrochemical e-dna detection scheme, single-stranded amplicons were produced from as few as 90 gene copies and, without subsequent purification, rapidly identified. the detection is specific; the sensor does not respond when challenged with control oligonucleotides based on the gyrb genes of either escherichia ...200616537478
isolation of enterobacter sakazakii from stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans l. (diptera: muscidae).enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic foodborne pathogen that causes meningitis, enterocolitis, and sepsis, primarily in immunocompromised infants. previously, it was suggested that stable flies, stomoxys calcitrans, were a vector or reservoir of this pathogen. in our study, by means of a culturing approach combined with 16s rdna pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism genotyping and sequencing, we screened 928 individual stable flies collected in kansas and florida. two stable flies ( ...200616541702
genomic compositions and phylogenetic analysis of shigella boydii subgroup.comparative genomic hybridization (cgh) microarray analysis was used to compare the genomic compositions of all eighteen shigella boydii serotype representative strains. the results indicated the genomic "backbone" of this subgroup contained 2552 orfs homologous to nonpathogenic e. coli k12. compared with the genome of k12199 orfs were found to be absent in all s. boydii serotype representatives, including mainly outer membrane protein genes and o-antigen biosynthesis genes. yet the specific orf ...200616544575
antibacterial activities of medicinal plants used for the treatment of diarrhoea in limpopo province, south africa.the ethnobotanical survey conducted in this study showed that 21 plant species belonging to 14 families are used in traditional medical practice in limpopo province, south africa, for the treatment of diarrhoea. methanol, ethanol, acetone and hot water extract from different plant parts (leaves, roots, bark and stem rhizome), of several of these plants (indigofera daleoides, punica granatum, syzygium cordatum, gymnosporia senegalensis, ozoroa insignis, elephantorrhiza elephantina, elephantorrhiz ...200616545928
molecular epidemiology of human astrovirus infections in kolkata, india.the study is aimed to determine the seasonal distribution and clinical characteristics of astroviruses associated with acute watery diarrhoea among children in kolkata and characterize them at the molecular level.200616546454
altering the length of the lipopolysaccharide o antigen has an impact on the interaction of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium with macrophages and complement.a panel of isogenic salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium strains that vary only in the length of the o antigen was constructed through complementation of a wzz double mutant (displaying unregulated o-antigen length) with one of two homologous (wzzst and wzzfepe) or three heterologous (wzzo139 of vibrio cholerae and wzzsf and wzzphs-2 of shigella flexneri) wzz genes. each gene was functional in the s. enterica serovar typhimurium host and specified production of o-antigen polymers with lengths ...200616547065
dendritic cells in the recognition of intestinal microbiota.mucosal dendritic cells (dcs) constantly survey the luminal microenvironment which contains commensal microbiota and potentially harmful organisms regulating pathogen recognition and adaptive as well as innate defense activation. distinct mechanisms are beginning to emerge by which intestinal antigen sampling and handling is achieved ensuring specificity and contributing to redundancy in pathogen detection. distinct dc subsets are associated with these mechanisms and regulate specific innate or ...200616548882
multiple promoters control expression of the yersinia enterocolitica phage-shock-protein a (pspa) operon.the widely conserved phage-shock-protein a (pspa) operon encodes an extracytoplasmic stress response system that is essential for virulence in yersinia enterocolitica, and has been linked to other important phenotypes in escherichia coli, salmonella enterica and shigella flexneri. regulation of pspa operon expression is mediated through a promoter upstream of pspa that depends on sigma factor rpon (sigma(54)) and the enhancer binding protein pspf. pspa, pspb and pspc, encoded within the pspa ope ...200616549664
development of a hybrid shiga holotoxoid vaccine to elicit heterologous protection against shiga toxins types 1 and 2.the hemolytic uremic syndrome is a life-threatening sequela that occurs after infection with shiga toxin (stx)-producing escherichia coli (stec) or shigella dysenteriae type 1, and stx is responsible for initiating this syndrome. an stec isolate can express stx1, stx2, or both, but antisera to stx1 and stx2 are not cross-neutralizing. to produce a single vaccine candidate against both toxins, we created a genetic toxoid that contained the enzymatically-inactivated stxa2 subunit and the native st ...200616551486
shia abrogates the innate t-cell response to shigella flexneri infection.shigella spp. are the causative agent of bacillary dysentery. infection results in acute colonic injury due to the host inflammatory response. the mediators of the damage, infiltrating polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn), also resolve the infection. shigella flexneri's virulence effectors are encoded on its large virulence plasmid and on pathogenicity islands in the chromosome. the shi-2 pathogenicity island encodes the virulence factor shia, which down-regulates shigella-induced inflammation. in ...200616552062
immunocapture uppcr combined with dgge for rapid detection of shigella develop an immunocapture universal primer pcr (iuppcr) combined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) and evaluate it as a method permitting rapid detection of shigella species and their serotypes.200616553735
exoproducts of the escherichia coli strain h22 inhibiting some enteric pathogens both in vitro and in vivo.the antagonistic activity of the escherichia coli strain h22 against enteric bacteria was studied both in vitro and in vivo.200616553738
construction of a multivalent vaccine strain of shigella flexneri and evaluation of serotype-specific immunity.shigella flexneri causes more fatalities by shigellosis than any other shigella species. there are 13 different serotypes of s. flexneri and their distribution varies between endemic geographical regions. the immune response against s. flexneri is serotype-specific, so current immunization strategies have required the administration of multiple vaccine strains to provide protection against multiple serotypes. in this study, we report the construction of a multivalent s. flexneri vaccine strain, ...200616553820
antibody response to bacterial antigens: characteristics of antibody response to somatic antigens of salmonella typhimurium.the character of the antibody response in the rabbit to salmonella typhimurium somatic (o) antigen was similar to the response to each of several serotypes of shigella flexneri o antigens, namely a predominance of production of immunoglobulin m (igm) antibody. lipopolysaccharide protein (lpsp) and lipopolysaccharide (lps) fractions of salmonella o antigen differed significantly in both quantitative and qualitative aspects of their immunogenicity. lpsp elicited high levels of agglutinins and also ...197016557720
genetic transfer of shigella flexneri antigens to escherichia coli k-12.the genes controlling synthesis of shigella flexneri group- and type-specific antigens were transferred to escherichia coli k-12 recipients by conjugation with an s. flexneri hfr. after mating e. coli with an hfr strain of s. flexneri 2a and selecting for his(+) recombinants, a high proportion of the e. coli hybrids agglutinated in s. flexneri grouping serum. none of these hybrids expressed s. flexneri type-specific antigen ii. when an e. coli his(+) hybrid possessing the s. flexneri group antig ...197016557729
infection of cultured mouse macrophages with shigella flexneri.virulent, avirulent, and attenuated hybrid strains of shigella flexneri 2a are equally susceptible to phagocytosis by cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages. the virulent strain is highly lethal for the macrophages, whereas the avirulent is not and is killed. the attenuated hybrid strain is intermediate in its lethality. comparable results were obtained by using virulent and avirulent s. flexneri 1b, 3, and 5. destruction of macrophages occurs shortly after infection, suggesting virulent strains ...197016557758
modifying effect of colicin on experimental shigella keratoconjunctivitis.the ability of colicinogenic bacteria and colicin to inhibit shigella sonnei during the course of infection was studied. infection of the guinea pig conjunctivae was used as the experimental model. in s. sonnei-infected guinea pig conjunctivae which were treated with a colicinogenic strain of escherichia coli or with colicin, the number of s. sonnei cells was lower than in animals infected with s. sonnei but not treated. the decrease in the number of pathogenic organisms was associated with abse ...197016557793
bdellovibrio bacteriovorus parasitism in shigella species.bdellovibrio bacteriovorus was capable of parasitizing shigella boydii, s. flexneri, and s. sonnei. the bdellovibrio was able to produce plaques on lawns consisting of heat-killed or ultraviolet-irradiated s. boydii.197016557841
inhibition of shigella flexneri by the normal intestinal flora iii. interactions with bacteroides fragilis strains in vitro.five strains of bacteroides fragilis isolated from human feces were assayed for their inhibitory activities against shigella flexneri in vitro. inhibition was not detected when shigella and the bacteroides strains were simultaneously inoculated into a defined liquid medium containing glucose. inhibition was apparent only when shigella was inoculated into established bacteroides cultures. in exponential-phase cultures, the shigella growth rate was diminished and logarithmic growth was prematurely ...197016557847
correlation between pathogenicity of shigella and intraperitoneal survival in mice.phagocytosis of virulent and avirulent strains of shigella and escherichia coli in the mouse peritoneum was studied. a direct correlation between bacterial virulence and resistance to phagocytosis by peritoneal phagocytes was demonstrated. virulent strains were less readily cleared and were able to multiply to a limited extent within the peritoneal cavity. an epimerase-deficient, rough mutant of s. flexneri 2a was highly susceptible to phagocytosis. restoration of the cell wall structure in thes ...197016557879
a chromosomal locus which controls the ability of shigella flexneri to evoke keratoconjunctivitis.the primary step in the pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery is the penetration of intestinal epithelial cells by shigellae. lacking this capacity, shigella flexneri becomes avirulent. by means of intergeneric conjugation between various escherichia coli k-12 hfr strains and s. flexneri 2a virulent recipients and by reciprocal transduction analysis with phage p1 vir, we established a locus on the genome of s. flexneri 2a which is necessary for the ability of this strain to penetrate epithelial ce ...197116557949
identification of two widely separated loci conferring nicotinic acid dependence on wild-type shigella flexneri 2a.two widely separated loci causing the nicotinic acid dependence of wild-type shigella flexneri 2a were identified by intergeneric mating procedures and found to be closely linked to the gal and fuc chromosomal determinants.197116558004
studies on rough and smooth variants of shigella equirulis (b. nephritidis-equi). 193216559587
studies in microbic dissociation: ii. changes in the biological characters of shigella paradysenteriae during dissociation and partial reversion. 193516559812
fermentative variability of shigella paradysenteriae, sonne. 193616559888
the specificity of the agglutinin reaction for shigella dysenteriae: ii. agglutinin absorption relationships between shigella dysenteriae and escherichia coli. 193916560187
the cultural and antigenic properties of shigella sonnei. 193916560207
factors limiting bacterial growth: v. fractional sedimentation of shigella. 193916560265
further studies on the eijkman reactions of shigella cultures. 194316560672
a primary division of the genus shigella based on the trimethylamine test. 194316560673
an arabinose-fermenting bacterium of the lactose-negative, mannitol-negative shigella group. 194416560761
the formation of trimethylamine from choline as a characteristic of shigella alkalescens. 194416560779
species differentiation within the genus shigella by test for reduction of trimethylamine oxide. 194416560808
sucrose fermentation by shigella alkalescens. 194416560859
the increase of bacteriophage in vivo during experimental infections with shigella paradysenteriae, flexner, in mice. 194516560915
biochemical variants of shigella alkalescens types i and ii. 194516560978
two paracolon cultures related antigenically to shigella paradysenteriae. 194616561052
antigenic complex of shigella paradysenteriae, boyd type p274. 194616561065
the mannitol negative shigella group. 194616561085
additional shigella paradysenteriae serotype. 194616561096
hydrogen sulfide formation by shigella alkalescens. 194616561144
the serological relationship between erwinia tracheiphila and species of shigella. 194616561192
urea decomposition as a means of differentiating proteus and paracolon cultures from each other and from salmonella and shigella types. 194616561200
shigella types encountered in the mediterranean area. 194716561261
the action of pasteurella pestis bacteriophage on strains of pasteurella, salmonella, and shigella. 194716561327
description of strain c27: a motile organism with the major antigen of shigella sonnei phase i. 194716561346
shigella tieté. 194816561515
study on toxins and antigens of shigella dysenteriae i. : toxicity and antigenicity of whole organisms and various fractions of shigella dysenteriae. 194916561742
shigella nomenclature. 194916561743
study on toxins and antigens of shigella dysenteriae ii. : active protection of rabbits with whole organisms and fractions of shigella dysenteriae. 194916561797
the relationship of shigella dispar to certain coliform bacteria. 194916561811
epithelial cell penetration as an essential step in the pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery.labrec, eugene h., herman schneider, thomas j. magnani, and samuel b. formal. epithelial cell penetration as an essential step in the pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery. j. bacteriol. 88:1503-1518. 1964.-a parent strain of shigella flexneri 2a and a colonial mutant derived from it were studied in three animal models. both strains were equally virulent for mice when living cells suspended in hog gastric mucin were injected by the intraperitoneal route. feeding the parent strain to starved guinea ...196416562000
protection of monkeys against experimental shigellosis with attenuated vaccines.formal, samuel b. (walter reed army institute of research, washington, d.c.), e. h. labrec, amos palmer, and stanley falkow. protection of monkeys against experimental shigellosis with attenuated vaccines. j. bacteriol. 90:63-68. 1965.-two shigella flexneri 2a strains of reduced virulence were used as oral vaccines to protect monkeys against experimental challenge. one strain, a spontaneous mutant, had lost its ability to cause disease and was unable to penetrate the intestinal epithelium and re ...196516562044
immunological tolerance to microbial antigens i. absence of specific antibody-containing cells in lymphoid tissue of mice injected at birth with shigella soluble antigen.friedman, herman (albert einstein medical center, philadelphia, pa.). immunological tolerance to microbial antigens. i. absence of specific antibody-containing cells in lymphoid tissue of mice injected at birth with shigella soluble antigen. j. bacteriol. 92:390-397. 1966.-injection of a relatively large concentration of shigella soluble antigen (ssa) into newborn mice results in specific immunological tolerance (paralysis) characterized by inability of the animals to form normal levels of anti- ...196616562126
genomic divergence of escherichia coli strains: evidence for horizontal transfer and variation in mutation rates.this report describes the sequencing in the escherichia coli b genome of 36 randomly chosen regions that are present in most or all of the fully sequenced e. coli genomes. the phylogenetic relationships among e. coli strains were examined, and evidence for the horizontal gene transfer and variation in mutation rates was determined. the overall phylogenetic tree indicated that e. coli b and k-12 are the most closely related strains, with e. coli o157:h7 being more distantly related, shigella flex ...200516562379
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