
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
adansonian analysis of the rhizobiaceae. 19684870842
[bacterial strains agglutinable with serums with anti-shigella a, b, and c in various proportions]. 19684883357
hemingway's sweating waiter. 19684173715
[comparative study of bacterial phosphomonoesterases and phosphodiesterases hydrolyzing nucleic acids and nucleotides]. 19684310247
the detection of a strain of chromobacterium lividum in the tissues of certain leaf-nodulated plants by the immunofluorescence technique. 19684891921
fatal septicemia due to chromobacterium janthinum. 19685661183
tryptophan synthetic pathway and its regulation in chromobacterium violaceum.extracts of chromobacterium violaceum catalyzed all of the reactions involved in synthesizing tryptophan from chorismic acid. tryptophan auxotrophs which had lost any of these activities did not produce the characteristic purple pigment, violacein, when grown on a medium in which tryptophan was limiting. gel filtration of extracts allowed us to estimate molecular weights for the tryptophan enzymes. all of the enzymes appeared to have molecular weights below 100,000. no enzymes were observed to o ...19685669904
proteus and coliform meningoencephalitis in neonates.the characteristic necropsy and histological appearances are described of nine cases of proteus meningoencephalitis in neonates. one case which was not due to proteus has been included because of the close similarity of the gross appearances of the brain. umbilical sepsis in half the cases indicated that this is a common portal of entry of these organisms. that epidemiological factors may be of importance in the aetiology was suggested by the distribution of cases.19685697343
fatal infection due to chromobacterium violaceum. 19685698884
[metabolic products of microorganisms. 65. ferrioxamine from eubacteriales]. 19685709361
[some biochemical pecularities of bacteria of the genus pseudomonas]. 19685733641
beta-cyanoalanine formation by chromobacterium violaceum.nonproliferating cells of chromobacterium violaceum incubated with glycine, methionine, and succinate as substrates accumulated beta-cyanoalanine in the culture fluid. tracer experiments showed that carbons-2, -3, and -4 of beta-cyanoalanine are derived from the 2-carbon of glycine. when methionine-methyl-(14)c, succinate-1,4-(14)c, or succinate-2,3-(14)c was used as substrate, beta-cyanoalanine did not become labeled. if k(14)cn and serine were used as substrates, the cyano group of beta-cyanoa ...19695764335
effect of cultural conditions on the synthesis of violacein in mesophilic and psychrophilic strains of chromobacterium. 19695765167
extracellular enzymes produced by a pseudomonas sp. and their effect on cell envelopes of chromobacterium violaceum. 19695773756
effect of cold temperatures on the viability of chromobacterium violaceum.the effect of low, nonfreezing temperatures on the viability of five strains of chromobacterium violaceum was studied. the viability of cultures grown at 30 c was determined after exposure to various diluents held at 0 to 2 c. a culture diluted at its growth temperature served as the control. cells of strain n were most sensitive in the early part of the exponential phase of growth. cells of strains 252 and 341 were most sensitive in the late exponential, early stationary phase of growth. cells ...19695774755
effect of enzymes on the composition and structure of chromobacterium violaceum cell envelopes.cell envelopes of chromobacterium violaceum were isolated and treated under controlled conditions with trypsin, pronase, lipase, phospholipase c, lysozyme, and a mixture of enzymes produced by a bacteriolytic pseudomonas sp. after each enzyme treatment, losses in dry weight, protein, lipid, carbohydrate, 2,6-diaminopimelic acid, and total phosphorus were determined. electron-microscopic examination of the enzyme-treated envelopes indicated complete or partial loss of envelope rigidity or some en ...19695776532
the phosphoglyceride composition of gram-negative bacteria and the changes in composition during growth. 19694898381
a study of chromobacterium typhiflavum from the rat. 19694905075
chromobacterium violaceum infection in pigs. 19695387602
natural infections of gibbons with a bacterium producing violet pigment (chromobacterium violaceum). 19695388196
[distribution of hycrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms in soils of the main uzbekistan oil deposits]. 19695396592
[carbohydrate content of cells of oligonitrophilous bacteria]. 19695396599
[the effect of the culture fluids and extracts of several soil bacteria on tobacco mosaic virus]. 19695405235
biosynthesis of cyanide from [2-14c-15n]glycine in chromobacterium violaceum. 19694309602
the nature, intergeneric distribution and biosynthesis of isoprenoid quinones and phenols in gram-negative bacteria.1. twenty-two aerobically grown gram-negative bacteria were analysed for demethylmenaquinones, menaquinones, 2-polyprenylphenols, 6-methoxy-2-polyprenylphenols and ubiquinones. 2. all the eight enterobacteria and both the two facultative organisms (aeromonas punctata and aeromonas hydrophila) examined contain all the compounds listed above. the principal homologues are octaprenyl; in addition lower (down to tri- or tetra-prenyl for the 2-polyprenylphenols) and sometimes higher homologues are als ...19694886765
in-vitro sensitivity of 368 urinary organisms to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole and other antibacterials. 19704319442
bacterial genome sizes determined by dna renaturation studies. 19704396963
gamma-cyano-alpha-aminobutyric acid. a new product of cyanide fixation in chromobacterium violaceum. 19705417261
characterization of saccharolytic nonfermentative bacteria associated with man. 19705419802
nucleic acid similarities among pseudomonas pseudomallei, pseudomonas multivorans, and actinobacillus mallei.annealing experiments on membrane filters were carried out with deoxyribonucleic acids (dna) from selected strains of the nomen-species of pseudomonas, actinobacillus, chromobacterium, and micrococcus, with the use of dna of pseudomonas pseudomallei and actinobacillus mallei as reference materials. under the usual conditions employed in these experiments, the results were not quantitatively reproducible. incorporation of dimethylsulfoxide (dmso) into the incubation medium greatly increased diffe ...19705438051
nonfermentative bacilli associated with man. i. nomenclature. 19705453209
fatal infection due to chromobacterium violaceum in vietnam. 19705471231
letters to the editor. identification of serratia organisms. 19705475059
chromobacterium septicemia in the gibbon. 19705530776
ion-exchange separation and automated assay of complex mixtures of amino acids and hexosamines. 19704985912
formation of biologically active substances by rhizosphere bacteria and their effect on plant growth. 19704995526
[problems of histological identification diagnosis of the tissue forms of diverse pathogenic fungi]. 19705002468
timely topics of microbiology: nonfastidious gram negative rods: non-enterobacteriaceae, 1968-1971. 19715005220
properties of an r factor from pseudomonas r factor from pseudomonas aeruginosa, which confers resistance to penicillins, kanamycin, and tetracycline, was studied in escherichia coli k-12. the r factor could coexist with f-like or i-like plasmids and therefore constituted a novel compatibility group. the r factor was transferable from e. coli to bacterial genera outside the enterobacteriaceae (pseudomonas and members of the rhizobiaceae) to which transfer of f-like and i-like plasmids could not be demonstrated.19714945193
chromobacterium violaceum: pathogenic for man. 19715544148
[intrinsic protein content in the cells of oligonitrophili bacteria]. 19715565684
2,5-diketogluconate formation by chromobacterium. 19715314552
fatal chromobacterium violaceum septicemia. 19715094501
[heterotrophic microflora of amu-dar'ya surface waters and their significance in the mineralization of organic matter]. 19715096617
"gram-negative" infections of the skin. 19714329494
[defective phages in chromobacterium]. 19724146499
6 -amidinopenicillanic acids--a new group of antibiotics. 19724402006
[comparative assessment of thermophilic hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms in relation to their protein and amino acid content]. 19724263937
[c02 formation by microorganisms of different taxonomic groups cultivated on media with carbohydrates and hydrocarbons]. 19724272102
organization of bacteriophage tail-like particles in cells of chromobacterium violaceum.a strain of chromobacterium violaceum has been isolated which produces bacteriophage tail-like particles in high numbers. the extracellular morphology and the intracellular arrangement of these particles are described.19724112258
[newly discovered sugars in the specific polysaccharides of bacteria]. 19724208820
detection of "chromobacterium" typhi-flavum in stool specimens. 19724661461
[deep mycoses in dermato-venereological practice]. 19725062401
biosynthesis of phenazines. ii. incorporation of (6-14c)-d-shikimic acid into phenazine-1-carboxylic acid and iodinin. 19734733458
purification and characterization from chromobacterium violaceum of an enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of gamma-cyano-alpha-aminobutyric acid and thiocyanate. 19734760496
carbon source utilization tests as an aid to the classification of non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria. 19734571899
serine dehydratase from bacteria. 19734583868
genetic and phenetic classification of bacteria. 19734584677
the ortho-nitrophenol (onpg) test and acid from lactose in gram-negative genera.the results are given of the ortho-nitrophenol test for beta-galactosidase production (onpg test) on 588 strains of 123 aerobic species of bacteria, representing 30 genera. apart from some strains of erwinia herbicola (synonym chromobacterium typhiflavum) and of yersinia spp, these strains were not members of the enterobacteriaceae, in which family the onpg test is widely used and well documented. the strains were also tested for acid production from 1, 5, and 10% lactose and the findings are di ...19734587939
the oxidase activity of chromobacterium. 19734633854
the intracellular organization of bacteriophage tail-like particles in cells of chromobacterium violaceum following mitomycin c treatment. 19734122865
[the effect of ultraviolet rays on the microflora of meat]. 19734207537
studies on the lipase of chromobacterium viscosum. 3. purification of a low molecular weight lipase and its enzymatic properties. 19744208235
[dissolution of gold by microorganisms and the products of their metabolism]. 19744210177
carriage of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the hair. 19744212981
the tryptophan hydroxylase of chromobacterium violaceum. 19744279915
detection of a vibrio sp. by the bacteriophagous nematode pelodera chitwoodi. 19744418570
successful treatment of systemic chromobacterium violaceum infection. 19744479291
mesosome structure in chromobacterium violaceum.exponentially growing cells of the gram-negative bacterium chromobacterium violaceum demonstrate invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane with a high frequency. these invaginations conform to the ultrastructural appearance of mesosomes of gram-positive bacteria. as many as four mesosomes are observed per cell, each of which may increase the total membrane surface of the cell by 30%. washing of cells in dilute tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer effects a distension of the mesosome "neck" and ...19744828310
hydroxylation of tryptophan and its control in brain. 1975241047
the respiratory system of chromobacterium violaceum grown under conditions of high and low cyanide evolution.the particulate fraction of disrupted chromobacterium violaceum grown under cyanide-evolving conditions was unable to oxidize ascorbate plus n,n,n',n'-tetra-methyl-p-phenylenediamine (tmpd), but oxidized nadh and succinate by a linear respiratory pathway which was very resistant to inhibition by cyanide. when the bacteria were grown under conditions where little cyanide evolution occurred, particulate fractions developed the ability to oxidize ascorbate-tmpd by a pathway highly sensitive to cyan ...1975172598
adsorption and selection of rhizobia with ion-exchange papers.ion exchange papers were used to study the adsorption of 32p-labelled rhizobia on defined surfaces. two strains of rhizobium japonicum and one each of r. leguminosarum and r. lupini were compared with escherichia coli and bacillus subtilis. the ratio of adsorption to strong and to weak acid papers/strong and weak basic papers was consistantly higher for all rhizobial strains compared to the other bacteria. the process of desorption by increasing the ion-concentration causes about 35% desorption ...1975242293
improvements of the membrane filter method for dna:rrna hybridization.we describe and recommend the following improvements of dna:rrna membrane filter hybridization methods. one of our aims was to avoid dna release from filter discs during hybridization. 1. our hybridization conditions are 2 ssc in aq. dest., with 20% formamide, 50 c, overnight for 16 hr. 2. duplexing is over in 8-10 hr. 3. formamide has to be very pure (o.d. less than or equal to 0.2/cm light path at 270 nm). 4. rnaase treatment: 250 mug/5 ml 2 ssc/filter at 37 c for 1 hr. 5. our conditions for s ...19751082296
effect of chlorpromazine on the respiration and hexose monophosphate dehydrogenases of gram-negative bacteria.the drug chlorpromazine inhibits respiration in several gram-negative bacteria. the enzymes glucose-6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase from these microorganisms are not affected by the drug.19751090352
a maximal predictive classification of klebsielleae and of the yeasts.the concepts of the numerical method of maximal predictive classification are illustrated with classifications of 13 species of enterobacteria and of 434 species of yeast. the method seeks to classify into a specified number of classes (k) such that more correct statements can be made about the constituent members than with any other classification. the best choice of k relates to the separation of the classes as measured by the average number of correct statements made for an individual assigne ...19751113078
selective media for the enumeration of chromobacterium spp. in soil and water. 19751116981
metabolism of n-carbobenzoxyl-l-tryptophan by chromobacterium violaceum.chromobacterium violaceum (atcc 12472) metabolizes n-carbobenzoxyl-l-tryptophan into its 2', 3'-dehydro-derivative, and indole-3-propionic acid into indole-3-acrylic acid. the biotransformation accurs in resting cell incubations, and in growing cultures of the bacterium. tryptophan in fermentation media enhances the ability of chromobacterium violaceum to perform the conversion by an undetermined mechanism. the amino acid also prevents stored cultures from losing the ability to accomplish the ...19751125258
taxonomic position and seasonal variations in marine neritic environment of some gram-negative antibiotic-producing bacteria.six marine bacteria which synthesize macromolecular antibiotics were isolated from neritic waters on the french mediterranean coast, and their frequency recorded over two successive years. they appeared in relatively large numbers during the period august to december, and can be identified as marine pseudomonads; however, the low guaninecytosine ratio of their dna, lack of catalase and specific self-inhibition are not compatible with the characteristics of the genus pseudomonas. two produced vi ...19751141855
studies on the mechanism of lipase reaction. i. inhibition of lipase activity by emulsion of organic solvents. 19751182871
studies on the lipase of chromobacterium viscosum. iv. substrate specificity of a low molecular weight lipase. 19751182872
identification of chromobacterium violaceum: pigmented and non-pigmented strains.the classification and, therefore, identification of chromobacterium violaceum has been based upon its ability to produce a violet pigment. although the organism may yield non-pigmented variants when subcultured on artificial media, the isolation of non-pigmented strains from pathological tissues or from nature had not been reported. with a method established for the identification of c. violaceum regardless of violet pigmentation, non-pigmented strains were isolated from nature. the presence of ...19751236933
characteristics of yellow-pigmented nonfermentative bacilli (groups ve-1 and ve-2) encountered in clinical bacteriology.the morphological and physiological characteristics of 20 strains of motile, gram-negative, yellow-pigmented oxidative bacilli (groups ve-1 and ve-2) isolated in clinical bacteriology are described. electron micrographs demonstrate the polar multitrichous flagella of group ve-1 and polar monotrichous flagella of group ve-2. data obtained from guanine plus cytosine ratio studies of 56.8% for ve-1 and 68.9% for ve-2 distinguish the two groups of bacteria.19751176609
studies on the mechanism of the lipase reaction. ii. comparative studies on the adsorption of lipases and various proteins at the air-water interface.adsorption of lipases (ec and various proteins at the air-water interface has been investigated in relation to the mechanism of lipase reaction. aqueous solutions of lipases and denaturated proteins show surface activity as strong as that of synthetic detergents. however, ths surface activity of esterases and various other proteins is little or none. by foam fractionation it was shown that lipases were adsorbed at the air-water interface and the adsorption followed the equation of langm ...19751171698
isolation and identification of a genus, chromobacterium, not previously found on processed organism identified as chromobacterium lividum was isolated from processed poultry in georgia.19751171656
letter: carbohydrate fermentation, kia, and tsi agar reactions of chromobacterium violaceum. 19751163494
a mixed bacterial population in a continuous culture with and without kaolinite.chromobacterium lividum and a pseudomonas sp. were grown in pure and mixed continuous culture with and without the clay-mineral, kaolinite. irrespective of the growth conditions, c. lividum adhered to the wall of the culture vessel whereas the pseudomonas sp. showed no such tendency, at least visually. during mixed culture studies, the organism which was initially established in the culture dominated. the ratio between c. lividum and the pseudomonas sp. was about 20:1 when c. lividum was first e ...19751089463
beta-lactamase activity in chromobacterium violaceum.a strain of chromobacterium violaceum isolated from a fatally infected patient was found to produce a beta-lactamase. when the organism was grown in drug-free medium, beta-lactamase activity was barely detectable, but when it was grown in the presence of penicillin g, a much larger amount of activity was produced. the beta lactamase was active primarily against cephalosporins; it was sensitive to inhibition by cloxacillin but resistant to p-chloromercuribenzoate. thus this enzyme closely resembl ...1976977998
antibacterial activity of marine violet-pigmented alteromonas with special reference to the production of brominated compounds.the synthesis of several types of antibiotics was investigated in four strains of violet-pigmented bacteria belonging to the species alteromonas luteo-violaceus. two of the strains simultaneously produce an antibiotic polyanionic polysaccharide, weakly bound to the cells and diffusing throughout the medium, and two intracellular brominated bactericidal substances. the third strain only synthesizes the polyanionic antibiotic. the fourth one is totally inactive. the macromolecular antibiotic, prob ...1976974909
morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of some violet-pigmented bacteria isolated from seawater.sixteen violet-pigmented heterotrophic bacilli were isolated from mediterranean coastal waters. morphological and physiological studies showed that they have a number of characteristics specific to the genus chromobacterium. however, the absence of catalase, the presence of oxidase, and, more especially, the low percentage of bases guanine and cytosine in their dna exclude them from the genus. the specificity of some characters assigned to chromobacterium can thus be discussed. several features ...19761260521
unusual chromobacterium violaceum: aerogenic strains.this is the first report of chromobacterium violaceum strains that are aerogenic. two pigmented strains of c. violaceum and their nonpigmented variants produced gas in glucose broth. kliger iron agar, and triple sugar iron agar. they were similar morphologically and biochemically to other anaerogenic strains studied previously.19761254704
formation of indole-3-carboxylic acid by chromobacterium violaceum.l-tryptophan is converted to indole-3-carboxylic acid by growing cultures and resting cell suspensions of chromobacterium violaceum19761262308
absolute configuration of 3-hydroxy fatty acids present in lipopolysaccharides from various bacterial groups.the absolute configuration of 3-hydroxy fatty acids has been studied, which are present in the lipopolysaccharides of the following bacteria: phodopseudomonas gelatinosa, rh. viridis, rhodospirillum tenue, chromobacterium violaceum, pseudomonas aeruginosa, bordetella pertussis, vibrio metchnikovii, vibrio cholerae, salmonella spp., escherichia coli, shigella flexneri, proteus mirabilis, yersinia enterocolitica and fusobacterium nucleatum. the 3-hydroxy acids were liberated by strong alkaline hyd ...19761278168
studies on the mechanism of lipase reaction. iii adsorption of chromobacterium lipase of hydrophobic glass beads. 19765197
purification and properties of the extracellular metallo-proteinases of chromobacterium lividum (ncib 10926).four extracellular proteolytic enzymes (i-iv) (ec 3.4.22.-) were identified in static cultures of chromobacterium lividum (ncib 10926) by agar gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing. proteinases i-iii were freed of non-enzymic protein by chromatography on teae-cellulose and cm-cellulose. the enzyme mixture was then fractionated in a ph gradient by isoelectric focusing. all three enzymes were shown to be heat-labile metallo-enzymes. optimal activity occurred at ph 5.6 for enzyme i and at ph ...19769995
one-tube oxidation-fermentation methods: limitations posed by atypical fermentative reactions.atypical fermentation in the two-tube method of hugh and leifson (1953), whereby acid was produced in the sealed tube but not in the open tube, was determined to be the result of a preferential metabolism of peptone over the reactant carbohydrate. these atypical fermentations are only partially detected by one-tube oxidation-fermentation methods, and as such they constitute a source of limitation to the routine use of these abbreviated techniques for oxidative-fermentation determinations.1976776087
[formation of l-asparagine and l-glutamine deamidases by bacterial cultures].among studied 40 bacterial cultures, 17 strains catalysed hydroxylaminolysis of i.-asparagine and l-glutamine, and among these cultures seven strains belonged to the pseudomonas genus. extracts of the cells of ps. boreopolis 526 (mgu), ps. aurantiaca ibfm b-14, and ps. septica ibfm b-40 had the maximum deamidase activity during the stage of decelerated growth. the activity of l-asparaginase 2 was practically the same upon various ways of disintegration of the cells of ps. aurantiaca ibfm b-14: b ...1976781474
discrimination of rhizobium japonicum, rhizobium lupini, rhizobium trifolii, rhizobium leguminosarum and of bacteroids by uptake of 2-ketoglutaric acid, glutamic acid and phosphate.rhizobium strains (one each of rh. japonicum, rh. lupini, rh. leguminosarum) take up 2-ketoglutaric acid in general much faster and from lower concentrations in the medium than strains of escherichia coli, bacillus subtilis and chromobacterium violaceum. a strain of enterobacter aerogenes, however, is more similar to some rhizobium strains. the same strains of rhizobium take up also phosphate much faster and from lower concentrations than the other bacteria tested. 4 strains of rh. lupini proved ...1976818969
chromobacterium violaceum infection in a nonhuman primate (macaca assamensis).chromobacteriosis caused by chromobacterium violaceum was diagnosed as an assam macaque, macaca assamensis, that died 4 days after receipt of the yerkes primate center, it was received from a primate facility in florida where it has been housed with a group of rhesus monkeys for 5 years. the animal died suddenly without showing any signs of clinical illness. necropsy findings included extensive hepatic necrosis with the formation of multiple large cavitary lesions. foci of necrosis were also fou ...1976824500
immunological relationships of bacterial l-asparaginases.rabbit antisera against l-asparaginase preparations from escherichia coli, erwinia carotovora, citrobacter sp. and chromobacterium violaceum showed on immunoelectrophoresis that only the enzymes from e. coli and citrobacter are immunologically related. purified preparations had to be used to determine the immunological cross-reactions. immunoelectrophoresis at different ph values yielded the zero mobility points of the enzymes. the activity of the er. carotovora preparation was enhanced up to fo ...197654404
studies on the mechanism of lipase reaction. iv. action of the lipase from chromobacterium on monomeric p-titrophenyl acetate. 1976975437
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 763