
genetic diversity of the rice bean (vigna umbellata) genepool as assessed by ssr markers.the genetic diversity of 472 rice bean accessions (388 cultivated and 84 wild) from 16 asian countries was evaluated by 13 simple sequence repeat (ssr) markers. in total, 168 alleles were detected, and the numbers of alleles in cultivated and wild accessions were 129 and 132, respectively. the gene diversity in cultivated populations (0.565) was about 83% of that for wild (0.678) populations. cultivated populations from vietnam, myanmar, nepal, and india had the highest gene diversity (>0.5). ea ...201324433207
development and characterization of a new set of genomic microsatellite markers in rice bean (vigna umbellata (thunb.) ohwi and ohashi) and their utilization in genetic diversity analysis of collections from north east india.rice bean [vigna umbellate (thumb.) ohwi and ohashi] is an underutilized crop believed to be domesticated in the myanmar-thailand region of asia. in india, rice bean is mainly cultivated in the north-eastern hills, which is a hotspot for biological diversity. a 5' anchored pcr was used to develop microsatellite markers in rice bean. twenty-eight specific primer pairs were designed and employed to characterize sixty five ricebean accessions collected from north east india. a total of 179 alleles ...201728686712
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