
variation of biomass and carbon pools with forest type in temperate forests of kashmir himalaya, accurate characterization of tree, understory, deadwood, floor litter, and soil organic carbon (soc) pools in temperate forest ecosystems is important to estimate their contribution to global carbon (c) stocks. however, this information on temperate forests of the himalayas is lacking and fragmented. in this study, we measured c stocks of tree (aboveground and belowground biomass), understory (shrubs and herbaceous), deadwood (standing and fallen trees and stumps), floor litter, and soil from ...201525638061
altitudinal variation of soil organic carbon stocks in temperate forests of kashmir himalayas, india.soil organic carbon stocks were measured at three depths (0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm) in seven altitudes dominated by different forest types viz. populus deltoides, 1550-1800 m; juglans regia, 1800-2000 m; cedrus deodara, 2050-2300 m; pinus wallichiana, 2000-2300 m; mixed type, 2200-2400 m; abies pindrow, 2300-2800 m; and betula utilis, 2800-3200 m in temperate mountains of kashmir himalayas. the mean range of soil organic carbon (soc) stocks varied from 39.07 to 91.39 mg c ha(-1) in j. regia and ...201525619695
wood specific gravity variation among five important hardwood species of kashmir himalaya.wood specific gravity (sg) is a measure of the amount of structural material a tree species allocates to support and strength. in the present study, specific gravity varied among the five different woods at three different sites from 0.40 in populus nigra at site iii (shopian) to 0.80 in parrotiopsis jacquemontiana at site ii (surasyar). among the three different sites, specific gravity varied from 0.73 to 0.80 in parroptiosis jacquemontiana; in robinia pseudoacacia it varied from 0.71 to 0.79; ...201424897794
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