
disease risk analysis and post-release health surveillance for a reintroduction programme: the pool frog pelophylax lessonae.there are risks from disease in undertaking wild animal reintroduction programmes. methods of disease risk analysis have been advocated to assess and mitigate these risks, and post-release health and disease surveillance can be used to assess the effectiveness of the disease risk analysis, but results for a reintroduction programme have not to date been recorded. we carried out a disease risk analysis for the reintroduction of pool frogs (pelophylax lessonae) to england, using information gained ...201627393743
'salamander plague' on britain's doorstep.chytridiomycosis can cause mass declines in amphibians, and the chytrid fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is the classic cause of this disease. however, recently, a second strain of chytrid fungus has emerged in europe, resulting in major declines in fire salamanders. the zoological society of london (zsl) discussed this, and the implications for the uk, at a meeting in december in london. georgina mills reports.201525614547
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