
rotavirus diarrhoea in thai infants and hundred and three children aged from 1 month to 5 years were assessed for human rotavirus (hrv) infection over a 5-week period at children's hospital, bangkok. hrv was present in 18% and adenovirus in 10.7% of the children with gastro-enteritis. none of the controls excreted hrv. vomiting and dehydration were significantly associated with hrv diarrhoea. a comparison of the reliability of the detection methods showed the following sensitivities: rna-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page) 9 ...19957677416
predominant human rotavirus genotype g1p[8] infection in infants and children in bangkok, thailand.human rotavirus is the major etiologic agent of infantile diarrhea on a worldwide scale. in this study, rotaviruses were detected by reverse-transcription pcr in 42 of 83 stool specimens from children below the age of 3 years with acute diarrhea in bangkok, thailand, between november 1998 and august 1999. g and p types of all samples were characterized by restriction endonuclease analysis (rea) and multiplex pcr typing assay, respectively. strain g1p[8] (76.1%) was the predominant type, followed ...200111495300
molecular characterization of group a human rotaviruses in bangkok and buriram, thailand during 2004-2006 reveals the predominance of g1p[8], g9p[8] and a rare g3p[19] strain.the aim of this study has been to determine the incidence of diverse human rotavirus strains circulating in thailand between october 2004 and april 2006 by means of molecular characterization. pediatric patients aged between 2 months and 5 years diagnosed with acute diarrhea (n=307) in bangkok and buriram, thailand were tested for human rotavirus a (rv-a) by rt-pcr. a total of 130 specimens (42.3%) were found rv-a positive and 126 were characterized by direct sequencing of the capsid glycoprotei ...200818228123
a long term study of rotavirus infection in thai infants and children with diarrhoea.during 1977-1980, human rotavirus was detected by electron microscopic technique in the stool of 55 (30.7%) of 179 patients, hospitalized in bangkok metropolis. characteristic particles 65-70 nm in diameter, round shape, resembling a little wheel with radius capsomeres from the dense core. other some adenovirus and small virus particles were seen, 2.8% and 2.2% respectively. seasonal distribution among thai patients with rotavirus infection mostly occurred in january (58.8%). the youngest patien ...19827163842
the prevalence and genotype diversity of human rotavirus a circulating in thailand, 2011-2014.human rotavirus a (rva) is the major infectious virus causing acute watery diarrhea in children, especially those younger than 5 years of age, and is a major public health problem in thailand. outbreaks of this virus have been reported worldwide. besides the common genotypes, unusual genotypes providing evidence of inter-species transmission have also been described. therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and genotypes of rva in thailand. a total of 688 samples were c ...201626593177
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