
clinical evolution of chronic renal patients with hiv infection in replacement therapy.patients on renal replacement therapy (rrt) infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) are a special group with growing interest. in order to study the epidemiological data of hiv+ patients on rrt in spain, we collected individual information from 2004-2011 (period of use of highly active antiretroviral therapy [haart] in the autonomous communities of andalusia, aragon, asturias, catalonia, valencia, castilla la mancha, castilla león, galicia, madrid, la rioja and the basque country, c ...201526409500
prevalence and distribution of hepatitis c virus genotypes in spain during the 2000-2015 period (the gehep 005 study).we report the largest study on the prevalence and distribution of hcv genotypes in spain (2000-2015), and we relate them with clinical, epidemiological and virological factors.201728248445
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