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creutzfeldt-jakob disease. report of a case of the panencephalopathic type and experiences of a teaching hospital in taiwan.we report a case of the unusual panencephalopathic type of creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd) in taiwan. this 59-year-old woman presented in 1983 with typical clinical manifestations of cjd and died 16 months later. postmortem examination revealed severe neuronal loss, spongiosis and gliosis extensively in cerebral cortex and striatum as well as in the white matter. we also report 6 other cjd patients seen from 1983 to 1991 at veterans general hospital-taipei.19938467846
is ataxic gait the predominant presenting manifestation of creutzfeldt-jakob disease? experience of 14 chinese cases from taiwan.creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd) is caused by an unusual prion protein. rare cjd cases have been reported in chinese individuals. this report describes the clinical manifestations of 14 chinese individuals with clinically definite cjd from the national taiwan university hospital during the period 1976-1995. it is the largest case series of chinese cjd up to now. all these patients fulfil the clinical definite diagnosis of cjd proposed by brown et al. (1986), including rapidly evolving dementia, m ...19968866427
the psychiatric manifestation of creutzfeldt-jakob disease.creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd) is considered to be very rare in the population, and the psychiatric manifestation of the disease even rarer with only one report in the past few years in taiwan. to clarify whether the psychiatric manifestation of cjd is really rare or whether it is neglected in taiwan, the authors reviewed the discharge notes of patients who had been admitted to a neurological unit in the past 15 years and conducted a chart review of the patients of cjd supported by the clinical ...19979177088
lack of evidence to support the association of the human prion gene with schizophrenia.recently a new variant of creutzfeldt-jakob disease, a human prion disease, with prominent psychiatric manifestations in the early stage was identified, suggesting that human prion disease may be associated with mental disorders. furthermore, a novel missense mutation with asparagine-to-serine substitution at codon 171 of the human prion gene (n171s) was identified in a family with severe psychiatric symptoms. this finding provides further clue that the prion gene may be a susceptibility gene fo ...200111244488
polymorphism distribution of prion protein codon 117, 129 and 171 in taiwan.prion diseases compass transmissible spongiform neurodegenerative diseases from various causes, including the genetic and infectious ones. we investigated the prevalence of codon 117, 129 and 171 polymorphism in prion protein (prp) in taiwanese, mainly for the sake of the informative absence of this genetic distribution. our subjects were 419 aged ones of han ethic origin. we evaluated the prp gene (prnp) polymorphism by restriction fragment length polymorphism, after amplification of their geno ...200717410475
population-based epidemiological study of neurological diseases in taiwan: i. creutzfeldt-jakob disease and multiple sclerosis.the purpose of the study is to investigate the epidemiology of creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd) and multiple sclerosis (ms) in taiwan.200919641330
incidence of creutzfeldt-jakob disease in taiwan: a prospective 10-year surveillance.this study was performed to estimate the incidence of creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd) in taiwan from 1998 to 2007. suspected cases of cjd were reported to the taiwan creutzfeldt-jakob disease surveillance unit, a nationwide, hospital-based case report system initiated since 1996 to prospectively conduct a cjd epidemiological study. consecutive patients who met the diagnostic criteria recommended by the world health organization were enrolled. the clinical information of each suspected case was c ...201020333444
major food safety episodes in taiwan: implications for the necessity of international collaboration on safety assessment and management.the major food safety episodes that occurred in taiwan during the past decade are briefly reviewed in this paper. among the nine major episodes surveyed, with the exception of a u.s. beef (associated with creutzfeldt-jakob disease)-related incident, all the others were associated with chemical toxicants. the general public, which has a layperson attitude of zero tolerance toward food safety, may panic over these food-safety-associated incidents. however, the health effects and impacts of most in ...201222871595
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