
peritoneal fluid culture and antibiotic treatment in patients with perforated appendicitis in a pacific island.little data on the usefulness of microbiological samples in appendicular peritonitis (ap) are available. the objectives of the study were to document the clinical value of systematic peritoneal swabbing in complicated appendicitis, to establish whether they influence postoperative outcome, and to help to optimize empirical preoperative treatment.201525944107
isolation and partial characterization of bacteria (pseudoalteromonas sp.) with potential antibacterial activity from a marine costal environment from new caledonia.marine bacteria are a rich source of bioactive metabolites. however, the microbial diversity of marine ecosystem still needs to be explored. the aim of this study was to isolate and characterize bacteria with antimicrobial activities from various marine coastal environment of new caledonia. we obtained 493 marine isolates from various environments and samples of which 63 (12.8%) presented an antibacterial activity against a panel of reference pathogenic strains (staphylococcus aureus, pseudomona ...201424106876
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