
enumeration of pathogenic bacteria from sewage sludge in kuwait.domestic sewage in kuwait is mainly treated by an activated sludge process. sewage sludges at different treatment stages and the digested sludge were studied for their content of pathogenic bacteria. two gram-positive cocci and eight gram-negative bacilli were isolated and enumerated in the sewage sludges and in raw sewage. during march, aeromonas hydrophila was the dominant bacterium isolated. serratia liquefaciens in raw sewage and sludge-2, and salmonella species in digested sludge were domin ...19873121985
indigenous soil bacteria with the combined potential for hydrocarbon consumption and heavy metal resistance.introduction: transconjugant bacteria with combined potential for hydrocarbon utilization and heavy metal resistance were suggested by earlier investigators for bioremediation of soils co-contaminated with hydrocarbons and heavy metals. the purpose of this study was to offer evidence that such microorganisms are already part of the indigenous soil microflora. methods: microorganisms in pristine and oily soils wer ...201121948132
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