
distribution and prevalence of cytauxzoon felis in bobcats (lynx rufus), the natural reservoir, and other wild felids in thirteen states.cytauxzoon felis, a protozoan parasite of wild and domestic felids, is the causative agent of cytauxzoonosis in domestic and some exotic felids in the united states. the bobcat (lynx rufus) is the natural reservoir for this parasite, but other felids such as florida panthers (puma concolor coryii) and domestic cats may maintain long-term parasitemias and serve as reservoirs. experimentally, two tick species, dermacentor variabilis and amblyomma americanum, have demonstrated the ability to transm ...201021071149
variation in the its-1 and its-2 rrna genomic regions of cytauxzoon felis from bobcats and pumas in the eastern united states and comparison with sequences from domestic cats.cytauxzoon felis, a tick-borne protozoan parasite, is the causative agent of cytauxzoonosis in domestic cats in the united states. the natural reservoir for this parasite is the bobcat (lynx rufus), which typically does not develop clinical signs. although not likely important reservoirs, c. felis has also been detected in pumas (puma concolor) in florida and louisiana. recent studies suggest that specific genotypes of c. felis that circulate in domestic cats may be associated with variable clin ...201222776107
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