
bioethanol production from dedicated energy crops and residues in arkansas, usa.globally, one of the major technologic goals is to achieve cost-effective lignocellulosic ethanol production from biomass feedstocks. lignocellulosic biomass of four dedicated energy crops [giant reed (arundo donax l.), elephantgrass (pennisetum purpureum (schumach), miscanthus × giganteus (illinois clone), and (clone q42641) {hybrid of miscanthus sinensis anderss. and miscanthus sacchariflorus (maxim)}, hack. called giant miscanthus, and sugarcane clone us 84-1028 (saccharum l. spp. hybrid)] an ...201121086455
carbon dioxide emissions as affected by alternative long-term irrigation and tillage management practices in the lower mississippi river valley.ensuring the sustainability of cultivated soils is an ever-increasing priority for producers in the lower mississippi river valley (lmrv). as groundwater sources become depleted and environmental regulations become more strict, producers will look to alternative management practices that will ensure the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of their production systems. this study was conducted to assess the long-term (>7 years) effects of irrigation (i.e., irrigated and dryland production) and t ...201425371912
distribution of the long-horned beetle, dectes texanus, in soybeans of missouri, western tennessee, mississippi, and arkansas.the long-horned beetle, dectes texanus leconte (coleoptera: cerambycidae), is a stem-boring pest of soybeans, glycine max (l.) merrill (fabales: fabaceae). soybean stems and stubble were collected from 131 counties in arkansas, mississippi, missouri, and tennessee and dissected to determine d. texanus infestation rates. all states sampled had d. texanus present in soybeans. data from tennessee and arkansas showed sample infestations of d. texanus averaging nearly 40%. samples from missouri revea ...201021062147
early-season soybean as a trap crop for stink bugs (heteroptera: pentatomidae) in arkansas' changing system of soybean production.early-season soybean, glycine max l. merrill, was evaluated in arkansas soybean fields as a trap crop for a complex of stink bug species that included nezara viridula l., acrosternum hilare (say), and euschistus servus (say). early-season soybean production systems (espss) are composed of indeterminate soybean cultivars planted in april. in the first year of a 2-yr study, field-scale trap crops ( approximately 0.5-1.0 ha) of maturity group (mg) iii and iv soybean were planted adjacent to product ...200919389295
seasonal abundance, species composition, and population dynamics of stink bugs in production fields of early and late soybean in south arkansas.from 2003 through 2007, densities of stink bugs were monitored weekly in 297 commercial production fields of early and late soybean, glycine max l. merrill, in southeast and southwest arkansas. the goal of this research was to better understand seasonal abundance, species composition, and population dynamics of pentatomids as a benchmark reference for future management systems. thirty-five percent of all the 25-sweep samples taken in soybean contained at least one stink bug specimen. the average ...200919253641
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