
spatial and temporal dynamics of stink bugs in southeastern farmscapes.a 3-yr study (2009-2011) was conducted to examine the spatial and temporal dynamics of stink bugs in three commercial farmscapes. study locations were replicated in south carolina and georgia, in an agriculturally diverse region known as the southeastern coastal plain. crops included wheat, triticum aestivum (l.), corn, zea mays (l.), soybean, glycine max (l.), cotton, gossypium hirsutum (l.), and peanut, arachis hypogaea (l.). farmscapes were sampled weekly using whole-plant examinations for co ...201525843577
action thresholds for managing megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean based on sweep-net sampling.the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (f.), first discovered in the united states in 2009, has rapidly become a pest of commercial soybean, glycine max (l.) merrill, throughout much of the southeast. because of its recent arrival, management practices and recommendations are not well established. to develop action thresholds, we evaluated insecticide applications targeted at different densities of adults and nymphs determined using the standard 38-cm diameter sweep net sampling method in 12 soybean ...201526470324
developing sampling plans for the invasive megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean.since its discovery in the southeastern united states, the invasive plataspid megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae) has infested soybean (glycine max (l.) merrill) fields in often very high numbers. to optimize sampling plans, sweep-net and beat-cloth sampling was conducted in soybean fields in south carolina during 2012 and 2013. across all fields, densities averaged 7.2 ± 0.5 (sem) adults and 4.5 ± 0.4 nymphs per 20 sweeps and 5.5 ± 0.3 adults and 4.5 ± 0.3 nymphs per 1.83 m of row ...201426470088
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