
impacts of tillage, maturity group, and insecticide use on megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) populations in double-cropped soybean.megacopta cribraria (f.), also known as the kudzu bug, is a soybean pest in the united states, and it can cause up to a 60% yield reduction if not controlled. insecticides are commonly used to manage this pest in commercial soybean fields. however, other soybean production practices may also affect kudzu bug populations. this study investigated the effect of soil tillage, maturity group selection, and insecticide use on kudzu bug densities in soybean. during 2012 and 2013, at two locations each ...201728053208
occurrence of brown marmorated stink bug (hemiptera: pentatomidae) on wild hosts in nonmanaged woodlands and soybean fields in north carolina and virginia.nonmanaged plants occurring along forest edges and in suburban settings were sampled for brown marmorated stink bug, halyomorpha halys (stål), in north carolina (nc) and virginia (va) over the course of three growing seasons. commercial soybeans (glycine max), an attractive cultivated host, were also sampled in 2014 in nc and in va from 2010-2014. very few h. halys were found on nonmanaged plants or soybean fields in the coastal plain region of either state, but substantial populations were reco ...201526314046
action thresholds for managing megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean based on sweep-net sampling.the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (f.), first discovered in the united states in 2009, has rapidly become a pest of commercial soybean, glycine max (l.) merrill, throughout much of the southeast. because of its recent arrival, management practices and recommendations are not well established. to develop action thresholds, we evaluated insecticide applications targeted at different densities of adults and nymphs determined using the standard 38-cm diameter sweep net sampling method in 12 soybean ...201526470324
field evaluation of a model for predicting nitrogen losses from drained lands.the n simulation model, drainmod-n ii, was field-tested using a 6-yr data set from an artificially drained agricultural site located in eastern north carolina. the test site is on a nearly flat sandy loam soil which is very poorly drained under natural conditions. four experimental plots, planted to a corn (zea mays)-wheat (triticum aestivum l.)-soybean (glycine max.) rotation and managed using conventional and controlled drainage, were used in model testing. water table depth, subsurface draina ...201317071872
impact of neonicotinoid seed treatments on thrips (thysanoptera: thripidae) and soybean yield in virginia and north carolina.currently there are several neonicotinoid insecticide seed treatments registered for use on soybean (glycine max l.), with disparity in adoption rates in the eastern united states. a complex of seedling insect pests is found in mid-south soybean, but thrips are the primary early season pest of soybean in virginia and north carolina. published knowledge regarding their impact on soybean yield is minimal, as is the impact of thrips on soybean yield; thrips species composition is also understudied. ...201222812126
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