
[reproductive biology of anisotremus interruptus (perciformes: haemulidae) in the mexican central pacific].anisotremus interruptus is a widely distributed and commercially important species in the eastern pacific. a multi-year research on the reproduction of this species was carried out in coastal waters of jalisco, mexico. for this purpose, monthly samples were gathered with gillnets of different mesh sizes from 1998-2008. a total of 1090 individuals were collected with a total length range between 15.6-61.0cm. significant differences from expected 1:1 ratio were found for sex ratios in the total sa ...201223894940
koronacantha mexicana n. gen., n. sp. (acanthocephala: illiosentidae) from marine fishes in chamela bay, jalisco, mexico.a new species and genus of acanthocephala is described based on specimens found in the intestine of anisotremus interruptus (gill, 1862), haemulon sexfasciatum gill, 1863, haemulon scudderi gill, 1863, pomadasys leuciscus (günther, 1864), and eugerres sp. jordan and evermann, 1927, from the marine waters of chamela bay, jalisco, méxico. koronacantha mexicana n. sp. is characterized by having an elongate proboscis with a heavy cuticle, cuticular body spines, and 8 cement glands, indicating that i ...19968885889
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