
[eco-hydrological characteristics and soil and water conservation effect of citrus plantation on slope red soil of jiangxi province, china].a 9-year observation was conducted at the experimental plots in the citrus reticulata plantation in jiangxi provincial eco-technology park to study the eco-hydrological characteristics and soil conservation benefits of the plantation on slope red soil. seven treatments were designed and monitored over nine years. the average flow and the rate of sediment for the seven treatments were reduced by 78.5% and 77.2%, respectively. the reduction rates were the highest in treatments band coverage of pas ...201222586974
rhizobium anhuiense sp. nov., isolated from effective nodules of vicia faba and pisum sativum.four rhizobia-like strains, isolated from root nodules of pisum sativum and vicia faba grown in anhui and jiangxi provinces of china, were grouped into the genus rhizobium but were distinct from all recognized species of the genus rhizobium by phylogenetic analysis of 16s rrna and housekeeping genes. the combined sequences of the housekeeping genes atpd, reca and glnii for strain ccbau 23252(t) showed 86.9 to 95% similarity to those of known species of the genus rhizobium. all four strains had n ...201526025940
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