
genetic divergence in the common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) in the cerrado-pantanal ecotone.evaluating genetic diversity among genotypes is important for providing parameters for the identification of superior genotypes, because the choice of parents that form segregating populations is crucial. our objectives were to i) evaluate agronomic performance; ii) compare clustering methods; iii) ascertain the relative contributions of the variables evaluated; and iv) identify the most promising hybrids to produce superior segregating populations. the trial was conducted in 2015 at the state u ...201728363007
selection of common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) genotypes using a genotype plus genotype x environment interaction biplot.recently, the genotype plus genotype x environment interaction (gge) biplot methodology has been used to investigate genotype x environment interactions in several crop species, but has not been applied to the common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) crop in brazil. the aim of this study was to identify common bean genotypes that exhibit high grain yield and stability in the state of mato grosso do sul, brazil. we conducted 12 trials from 2000 to 2006 in the municipalities of aquidauana and dourados, ...201627525915
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