
the complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin of amazon river dolphin (inia geoffrensis).the complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin from amazon river dolphin, inia geoffrensis, was determined by specific cleavage of the protein to obtain large peptides which are readily degraded by the automatic sequencer. three easily separable peptides were obtained by cleaving the protein with cyanogen bromide at the methionine residues and four peptides were obtained by cleaving the methyl-acetimidated protein with trypsin at the arginine residues. from these peptides over ...19751191640
placentation in dolphins from the amazon river basin: the boto, inia geoffrensis, and the tucuxi, sotalia fluviatilis.a recent reassessment of the phylogenetic affinities of cetaceans makes it timely to compare their placentation with that of the artiodactyls. we studied the placentae of two sympatric species of dolphin from the amazon river basin, representing two distinct families. the umbilical cord branched to supply a bilobed allantoic sac. small blood vessels and smooth muscle bundles were found within the stroma of the cord. foci of squamous metaplasia occurred in the allanto-amnion and allantochorion. t ...200717597550
object carrying as socio-sexual display in an aquatic river dolphins or botos (inia geoffrensis blainville) were observed carrying objects in 221 social groups over a 3-year study period. sticks, branches and clumps of grass were taken from the water surface and often repeatedly thrashed or thrown. lumps of hard clay were collected from the river bed and held in the mouth while the carrier rose slowly above the surface and submerged again. carriers were predominantly adult males and less often subadult males. adult females and young dolphins ...200818364306
first report of major histocompatibility complex class ii loci from the amazon pink river dolphin (genus inia).we report the first major histocompatibility complex (mhc) dqb1 sequences for the two species of pink river dolphins (inia geoffrensis and inia boliviensis) inhabiting the amazon and orinoco river basins. these sequences were found to be polymorphic within the inia genus and showed shared homology with cetacean dqb-1 sequences, especially, those of the monodontidae and phocoenidae. on the other hand, these sequences were shown to be divergent from those described for other riverine dolphin speci ...200617117356
perception of local inhabitants regarding the socioeconomic impact of tourism focused on provisioning wild dolphins in novo airão, central amazon, brazil.botos (inia geoffrensis) are currently provisioned for use in tourist attractions in five sites in the brazilian amazon. despite the known negative effects associated with human-wild dolphin interactions, this activity has been regulated and licensed in the anavilhanas national park in novo airão, amazonas state, brazil. we present an updated evaluation of the perception of the local community concerning the possible socioeconomic impacts of this tourism in novo airão. in april 2011, 45 intervie ...201324346803
when you get what you haven't paid for: molecular identification of "douradinha" fish fillets can help end the illegal use of river dolphins as bait in brazil.the fishery for calophysus macropterus, an amazonian necrophagous catfish, is highly detrimental to river dolphins and caimans, which are deliberately killed for use as bait. in the brazilian amazon, this fishery has increased over the last decade, in spite of the rejection of scavenger fishes by brazilian consumers. it was suspected that c. macropterus fillets were being sold in brazilian markets, disguised as a fictitious fish (the "douradinha"). we collected 62 fillets from "douradinha" and o ...201526245791
acoustic characteristics of biosonar sounds of free-ranging botos (inia geoffrensis) and tucuxis (sotalia fluviatilis) in the negro river, amazon, brazil.odontoceti emit broadband high-frequency clicks on echolocation for orientation or prey detection. in the amazon basin, two odontoceti species, boto (amazon river dolphin, inia geoffrensis) and tucuxi (sotalia fluviatilis), live sympatrically. the acoustic characteristics of the echolocation clicks of free-ranging botos and tucuxis were measured with a hydrophone array consisting of a full-band and an acoustic event recorder (a-tag). the clicks of the two species were short-duration broadband si ...201526328686
amazon river dolphins (inia geoffrensis) use a high-frequency short-range biosonar.toothed whales produce echolocation clicks with source parameters related to body size; however, it may be equally important to consider the influence of habitat, as suggested by studies on echolocating bats. a few toothed whale species have fully adapted to river systems, where sonar operation is likely to result in higher clutter and reverberation levels than those experienced by most toothed whales at sea because of the shallow water and dense vegetation. to test the hypothesis that habitat s ...201526447198
vocalizations of amazon river dolphins (inia geoffrensis): characterization, effect of physical environment and differences between populations.the vocal repertoire of the amazon river dolphin and its geographic variations are still poorly known, especially in relation to ecological variables. here the acoustic characteristics of low frequency pulsed vocalizations, with single or multiple pulses, recorded in two protected areas of the amazon were described and differences in acoustic emissions related to water properties were analyzed. both frequency and time parameters differ relative to abiotic condition of water turbidity. changes in ...201627036265
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in free-living amazon river dolphins (inia geoffrensis) from central amazon, brazil.toxoplasma gondii is an important pathogen in aquatic mammals and its presence in these animals may indicate the water contamination of aquatic environment by oocysts. serum samples from 95 free-living amazon river dolphins (inia geoffrensis) from the mamirauá sustainable development reserve (rdsm), tefé, amazonas, central amazon, brazil were tested for t. gondii antibodies using the modified agglutination test (mat). antibodies (mat=25) to t. gondii were found in 82 (86.3%) dolphins with titers ...201121764516
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