
new species and records of mites of the superfamily sarcoptoidea (acariformes: psoroptidia) from mammals in brazil.sixteen species of the superfamily sarcoptoidea (acariformes: psoroptidia) belonging to 10 genera of the families atopomelidae, listrophoridae, chirodiscidae, and listropsoralgidae are recorded in brazil. among them, three species, prolistrophorus hylaeamys sp. nov. from hylaeamys laticeps (lund, 1840) (cricetidae: sigmodontinae) from minas gerais, lynxacarus serrafreirei sp. nov. from galictis cuja (molina, 1782) (carnivora: mustelidae) from rio de janeiro (listrophoridae), and didelphoecius mi ...201626751869
helminth parasites of galictis cuja (carnivora, mustelidae), from localities in the atlantic forest of brazil.the current study aimed to investigate the helminth parasites of a population of galictis cuja (carnivora, mustelidae) that occur in atlantic forest in the southeastern region of brazil. we necropsied 18 specimens of g. cuja, collected between january 2009 and may 2014, ran over victims on br-040 highway, between the municipalities of duque de caxias, state of rio de janeiro and juiz de fora, state of minas gerais, localities inserted in atlantic rainforest biome. a total of six species of helmi ...201627925069
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