
leishmaniasis in brazil: xvi. isolation and identification of leishmania species from sandflies, wild mammals and man in north para state, with particular reference to l. braziliensis guyanensis causative agent of "pian-bois".a total of 125 wild mammals (14 different species) were examined for evidence of infection with leishmania in an area of primary forest highly endemic for "pian-bois", due to leishmania braziliensis guyanensis, in north pará state, brazil. parasites isolated were characterized biologically, and biochemically on enzymic profiles. l. b. guyanensis was isolated from the viscera of one lesser anteater (tamandua tetradactyla) and one opossum (didelphis marsupialis), and the skin of one rodent (proech ...19817324128
identification, using isoenzyme electrophoresis and monoclonal antibodies, of leishmania isolated from humans and wild animals of ecuador.six strains of leishmania isolated from wild mammals and humans on the pacific coast of ecuador were identified by isoenzyme electrophoresis and by their reactivity patterns to a cross-panel of specific monoclonal antibodies using a radioimmune binding assay. single isolates from sciurus vulgaris, potos flavus, and tamandua tetradactyla were identified as leishmania amazonensis. three other strains, isolated from cutaneous lesions of humans, were identified as leishmania panamensis.19892919726
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