
[taxonomic status of the chim virus (chimv) (bunyaviridae, nairovirus, qalyub group) isolated from the ixodidae and argasidae ticks collected in the great gerbil (rhombomys opimus lichtenstein, 1823) (muridae, gerbillinae) burrows in uzbekistan and kazakhstan].full-length genome of the chim virus (chimv) (strain leiv-858uz) was sequenced using the next-generation sequencing approach (id genbank: kf801656). the chimv/leiv-858uz was isolated from the ornithodoros tartakovskyi olenev, 1931 ticks collected in the great gerbil (rhombomys opimus lichtenstein, 1823) burrow in uzbekistan near chim town (kashkadarinsky region) in july of 1971. later, four more chimv strains were isolated from the o. tartakovskyi, o. papillipes birula, 1895, rhipicephalus turan ...201625335414
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