
diffusible signal factor-repressed extracellular traits enable attachment of xylella fastidiosa to insect vectors and transmission.the hypothesis that a wild-type strain of xylella fastidiosa would restore the ability of rpff mutants blocked in diffusible signal factor production to be transmitted to new grape plants by the sharpshooter vector graphocephala atropunctata was tested. while the rpff mutant was very poorly transmitted by vectors irrespective of whether they had also fed on plants infected with the wild-type strain, wild-type strains were not efficiently transmitted if vectors had fed on plants infected with the ...201424571393
effects of date of inoculation on the within-plant movement of xylella fastidiosa and persistence of pierce's disease within field grapevines.abstract the effects of date of inoculation on the development of pierce's disease (pd) were evaluated in california grapevines during 1997 through 2000 at four locations. some vines that had been inoculated either by using blue-green sharpshooters (graphocephala atropunctata) as vectors or mechanically by needle puncture with the pd causal bacterium xylella fastidiosa became infected during each month and at each location where infection was attempted. vines inoculated on the earliest inoculati ...200318943140
effects of temperature on the flight activity of graphocephala atropunctata (hemiptera: cicadellidae).graphocephala atropunctata (signoret) is the principal vector of xylella fastidiosa (wells, raju, hung, weisberg, mandelco-paul and brenner), the bacterium that causes pierce's disease of grapevine in coastal california. monitoring the activity of c. atropunctata in the early spring is important for timing insecticide sprays and assessing the potential for disease spread to adjacent vineyards. trapping studies with yellow sticky traps over 3 yr in napa valley, ca, established a significant corre ...200014658516
de novo transcriptome assemblies of four xylem sap-feeding insects.spittle bugs and sharpshooters are well-known xylem sap-feeding insects and vectors of the phytopathogenic bacterium xylella fastidiosa (wells), a causal agent of pierce's disease of grapevines and other crop diseases. specialized feeding on nutrient-deficient xylem sap is relatively rare among insect herbivores, and only limited genomic and transcriptomic information has been generated for xylem-sap feeders. to develop a more comprehensive understanding of biochemical adaptations and symbiotic ...201728327966
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