
monthly incidence of theileria cervi and seroconversion to babesia odocoilei in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in texas.monthly monitoring of fawns collected from an area in texas endemic for theileria cervi and babesia odocoilei showed that transmission of t. cervi occurred during july and august, a time period consistent with the occurrence of amblyomma americanum. seroconversion to b. odocoilei occurred during october to december and possibly continued through january and february. the time of seroconversion was more suggestive of transmission of b. odocoilei by ixodes scapularis than by amblyomma americanum.19921512881
role of the lone star tick, amblyomma americanum (l.), in human and animal diseases.we reviewed scientific literature pertaining to known and putative disease agents associated with the lone star tick, amblyomma americanum. reports in the literature concerning the role of the lone star tick in the transmission of pathogens of human and animal diseases have sometimes been unclear and even contradictory. this overview has indicated that a. americanum is involved in the ecology of several disease agents of humans and other animals, and the role of this tick as a vector of these di ...200919054615
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