identification of enzymes responsible for extracellular alginate depolymerization and alginate metabolism in vibrio algivorus. | alginate is a marine non-food-competing polysaccharide that has potential applications in biorefinery. owing to its large size (molecular weight >300,000 da), alginate cannot pass through the bacterial cell membrane. therefore, bacteria that utilize alginate are presumed to have an enzyme that degrades extracellular alginate. recently, vibrio algivorus sp. sa2(t) was identified as a novel alginate-decomposing and alginate-utilizing species. however, little is known about the mechanism of alginat ... | 2017 | 27915375 |
vibrio algivorus sp. nov., an alginate- and agarose-assimilating bacterium isolated from the gut flora of a turban shell marine snail. | an agarose- and alginate-assimilating, gram-reaction-negative, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain sa2t, was isolated from the gut of a turban shell sea snail (turbo cornutus) collected near noto peninsula, ishikawa prefecture, japan. the 16s rrna gene sequence of strain sa2t was 99.59 % identical to that of vibrio rumoiensis dsm 19141t and 98.19 % identical to that of vibrio litoralis dsm 17657t. this suggested that strain sa2t could be a subspecies of v. rumoiensis or v. litora ... | 2016 | 27199227 |