
Immunization of chukar partridges against coccidia (Eimeria kofoidi and Eimeria legionensis) with low doses of live oocysts.Experiments were conducted to determine whether chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) chicks would develop protective immunity after inoculation with coccidia. Young chukar chicks in battery cages inoculated with 100 or more oocysts of Eimeria kofoidi or Eimeria legionensis had significant protection at challenge 4 wk later, as measured by greatly reduced oocyst shedding and improved weight gain as compared with unvaccinated, challenged controls. However, when birds were housed in litter pens and ...201122017029
the life cycle of eimeria dispersa tyzzer 1929 from the turkey in gallinaceous birds.the life cycle of a turkey strain of eimeria dispersa was studied in chickens, chukar partridge, ring-necked pheasant, and bobwhite quail. endogenous development in partridge and quail differed from development in chickens and pheasant. in partridge and quail, mature 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation schizonts, macrogamets, and oocysts were found in tissue sections at an earlier time interval, mature 1st-generation schizonts were larger, and mature 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation schizonts contained ...1978722458
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