
cytogenetic characterization and b chromosome diversity in direct-developing frogs of the genus oreobates (brachycephaloidea, craugastoridae).oreobates jiménez de la espada, 1872 is a large group of south american frogs with terrestrial reproduction and direct development, located in the superfamily brachycephaloidea. about 260 brachycephaloidean species have been cytogenetically studied so far, at least with standard techniques. however, this information represents fewer than 17% species of the family craugastoridae hedges, duellman & heinicke, 2008, where the genus oreobates is included. in the present work, using a diversity of sta ...201627186344
a simplified table for staging embryos of the pipid frog pipa arrabali.pipa is a neotropical genus of frogs that dwell in freshwater environments. it includes four species that lack free-swimming larvae (p. aspera, p. arrabali, p. pipa, and p. snethlageae) and three with tadpoles (p. carvalhoi, p. myersi, and p. parva). developmental tables such as the one proposed by nieuwkoop and faber might be useful for pipa species with tadpoles. however, for the other pipa species, to determine stages by this table or by any of the tables already prepared for frogs without ta ...201627683762
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