
introduction of potential heartwater vectors and other exotic ticks into florida on imported reptiles.following the discovery of establishment of the african tortoise tick amblyomma marmoreum in florida, the present study was undertaken to determine the extent of introduction of exotic ticks into florida on imported reptiles. exotic ticks were identified on 29 (91%) of 32 reptile premises in 18 counties of florida. the ticks, found on a variety of imported tortoises, snakes, and monitor lizards, belonged to 4 amblyomma species (a. marmoreum, amblyomma nuttalli, amblyomma sabanerae, and amblyomma ...200010958443
emerging tick-borne disease in african vipers caused by a cowdria-like organism.heartwater is a tick-borne infectious disease caused by the rickettsial organism cowdria ruminantium, currently ehrlichia ruminantium. it poses an imminent threat to the western hemisphere, where it could cause mortality in cattle and other ruminant livestock in excess of 70%. it has been reported in the caribbean; and its vector, amblyomma sparsum, has been found on imported african spurred tortoises (geochelone sulcata) and leopard tortoises (geochelone pardalis) in southern florida in the uni ...200617135546
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