
a temporal-spatial cluster of sudden infant death syndrome in navarre, apparent temporal-spatial cluster of sudden infant death syndrome (sids) was noted in the autonomous community of navarre, spain, when four unrelated children aged between 1 and 6 months died unexpectedly within a 7-day interval in january, 1990. the population under one year of age in navarre was approximately 4,800. the scan test of temporal clustering showed that the sudden infant deaths occurred closer to one another in time significantly more often than would be expected by chance. all f ...19947813689
effectiveness of trivalent seasonal and monovalent influenza a(h1n1)2009 vaccines in population with major chronic conditions of navarre, spain: 2010/11 mid-season analysis.we defined a cohort of people with major chronic conditions (152,585 subjects) in navarre, spain, using electronic records from physicians, to obtain 2010/11 mid-season estimates of influenza vaccine effectiveness. the adjusted estimates of the effectiveness of the 2010/11 trivalent influenza vaccine were 31% (95% confidence interval (ci): 20–40%) in preventing medically attended influenza-like illness, and 58% (95% ci: 11–80%) in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza. having received the mo ...201121345321
use of medical care during pandemic (h1n1) 2009, navarre, spain.of 233 households with laboratory-confirmed pandemic (h1n1) 2009 in navarre, spain, only 64% (107/166) of contacts with influenza-like illness had sought medical care. this value was lower for adults (53%, 39/74) than for children <15 years of age (74%, 68/92), as well as for those with cases secondary to another household case (58%, 64/111).201121801624
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