
phylogenetically distinct hantaviruses in the masked shrew (sorex cinereus) and dusky shrew (sorex monticolus) in the united states.a limited search for hantaviruses in lung and liver tissues of sorex shrews (family soricidae, subfamily soricinae) revealed phylogenetically distinct hantaviruses in the masked shrew (sorex cinereus) from minnesota and in the dusky shrew (sorex monticolus) from new mexico and colorado. the discovery of these shrew-borne hantaviruses, named ash river virus and jemez springs virus, respectively, challenges the long-held dogma that rodents are the sole reservoir hosts and forces a re-examination o ...200818256444
natural infection of small mammal species in minnesota with the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis.the natural reservoirs for the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (hge) are suspected to be the small mammals that host immature stages of ixodes scapularis ticks. to determine if such small mammals are naturally infected, we collected blood and serum samples from small mammal species in rural and suburban areas of minneapolis and st. paul, minn. samples were collected from white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus), eastern chipmunks (tamias striatus), southern red-backed voles (clethrionomy ...19979157141
accumulation of methylmercury in invertebrates and masked shrews (sorex cinereus) at an upland forest-peatland interface in northern minnesota, usa.mercury (hg) methylation is often elevated at the terrestrial-peatland interface, but methylmercury (mehg) production at this "hot spot" has not been linked with in situ biotic accumulation. we examined total hg and mehg levels in peat, invertebrates and tissues of the insectivore sorex cinereus (masked shrew), inhabiting a terrestrial-peatland ecotone in northern minnesota, usa. mean mehg concentrations in s. cinereus (71 ng g-1) fell between concentrations measured in spiders (mean 70-140 ng g ...201729063129
food and external parasites of sorex palustris and food of sorex cinereus from st. louis county, minnesota. 19734705264
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