
risk factors for the introduction of avian influenza virus into commercial layer chicken farms during the outbreaks caused by a low-pathogenic h5n2 virus in japan in 2005.avian influenza outbreaks caused by a low-pathogenic h5n2 virus occurred in japan from june to december 2005. all 41 affected farms housed layer chickens. therefore, we conducted a case-control study targeting all commercial layer chicken farms within the movement restriction areas in ibaraki prefecture, where most outbreaks were detected, to investigate the risk factors for the introduction of avian influenza virus (aiv). four variables were identified as risk factors associated with the introd ...200718035971
human h5n2 avian influenza infection in japan and the factors associated with high h5n2-neutralizing antibody titer.h5n2 avian influenza virus infection of humans has not been reported thus far. the first h5n2 avian influenza infection of poultry in japan occurred in ibaraki.200818603824
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