
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
didelphonema longispiculata (hill, 1939) wolfgang, 1953 (nematoda: spiruroidea) and other helminths from the opossum (didelphis marsupialis virginiana) in georgia. 19715090983
ectoparasites of opossums and raccoons in southeastern georgia.twelve species of ectoparasites (four fleas, three ticks, three chiggers, one macronyssid mite, and one atopomelid mite) were recovered from 42 opossums, didelphis virginiana kerr, live-trapped from september 1992 through april 1994 in southeastern georgia. the fleas, ctenocephalides felis (bouché) (prevalence = 19%) and polygenis gwyni (c. fox) (36%); the ticks, dermacentor variabilis (say) (40%) and ixodes scapularis say (19%); and the macronyssid mite, ornithonyssus wernecki (fonseca) (21%), ...19947815408
ticks (acari: ixodidae) in bulloch county, 18-mo study was conducted in bulloch county, georgia, to determine tick species composition, seasonal activity of individual tick species, and host-tick associations. the following 7 methods of tick collection were included: (1) live trapping of potential host animals, (2) checking wild game, (3) drag sampling, (4) carbon dioxide attraction, (5) checking livestock, road kills, nests, and burrows, (6) samples submitted from veterinarians, and (7) ticks collected by local residents and submitte ...19968742526
site selection by intestinal helminths of the virginia opossum (didelphis virginiana).digestive tract helminths of the virginia opossum (didelphis virginiana) were examined for site specificity and interspecific interactions. thirty opossums were live-trapped at 2 localities in georgia, killed, and their digestive tracts removed and divided into the following sections; esophagus, stomach, small intestine (20 equal sections), cecum, and large intestine (5 equal sections). helminths present in each section were identified and counted. three trematode, 1 cestode, 2 acanthocephala, a ...199910207354
seroprevalence of trypanosoma cruzi in raccoons from south carolina and georgia.trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of american trypanosomiasis or chagas' disease, is of both medical and veterinary importance as is evidenced by chronic phase myocarditis in humans and dogs. further, t. cruzi has been reported from over 20 species of wildlife reservoir hosts in the usa, with raccoons (procyon lotor) and opossums (didelphis virginiana) being the most common. whereas previous studies on t. cruzi in raccoons have included only culture and direct examination of blood, the indi ...200211838232
skeletal lesions in a population of virginia opossums (didelphis virginiana) from baldwin county, georgia.antemortem skeletal lesions were analyzed in 61 virginia opossums (didelphis virginiana) collected as roadkill from baldwin county, georgia, usa. as evidenced by bridging fracture calluses, misalignments, bone-surface depressions, perforations, localized superficial calluses, periosteal proliferations, and bony bridges across intervertebral disk spaces, 64% of the individuals had signs of one or more healed injuries. within the subset of skeletons with bone lesions, 54% had healed rib fractures ...200919395742
seroprevalence of trypanosoma cruzi among eleven potential reservoir species from six states across the southern united states.trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of chagas' disease, is a substantial public health concern in latin america. although rare in humans and domestic animals in the united states, t. cruzi is commonly detected in some wildlife species, most commonly raccoons (procyon lotor) and virginia opossums (didelphis virginiana). to increase our understanding of the reservoir host species range and geographic distribution, 11 species of mammals from six states spanning the known range of t. cruzi (arizo ...201020020815
high prevalence of porocephalus crotali infection on a barrier island (cumberland island) off the coast of georgia, with identification of novel intermediate hosts.porocephalus crotali is a pentastomid parasite that uses crotaline snakes as definitive hosts and a variety of rodents as intermediate hosts. a study of definitive and intermediate pentastome hosts on cumberland island, georgia, revealed high prevalence of p. crotali infection in crotalid snakes as well as several mammalian species. despite the presence of numerous nymphs in some animals, clinical signs of disease were not observed. in intermediate hosts, the liver, mesentery, and reproductive o ...201526042344
metal accumulation in wild-caught opossum.the virginia opossum (didelphis virginiana) is widespread in the usa, ranging south through latin america. the ecology of opossums is such that they are in frequent contact with soils, suggesting that they may function as a valuable bioindicator for chemical contamination in terrestrial environments. surprisingly, there have been virtually no toxicology studies on opossums. here, we provide the first analysis of metal contaminants in opossum liver tissues. liver samples were obtained from 471 op ...201627138002
metal accumulation in bobcats in the southeastern usa.bobcats (lynx rufus) are wide-ranging mammals found throughout the continental usa. as carnivores near the top of their food chain, bobcats would seem to be a useful bioindicator of metal pollution in terrestrial environments. however, there is very limited research on bobcats in toxicology studies. here, we offer the first analysis of metal (copper, selenium, silver, and zinc) contaminants in the livers of wild bobcats. liver tissues from 120 adult bobcats (i.e., estimated to be ≥1 year old) we ...201627629555
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