
susceptibility to insecticides used for control of piezodorus guildinii (heteroptera: pentatomidae) in the united states and information exists on the insecticide susceptibility of redbanded stink bug, piezodorus guildinii (westwood) (heteroptera: pentatomidae), despite its impact on soybean, glycine max (l.) merr., production in brazil and the united states. therefore, this study set out to 1) determine baseline levels of susceptibility to currently recommended pesticides using topical and vial bioassays, 2) determine the levels of esterase activity in populations in the united states and brazil, and 3) compa ...201020568634
partial life history of chrysodeixis includens (lepidoptera: noctuidae) on summer hosts.the soybean looper, chrysodeixis includens (walker) (lepidoptera: noctuidae), is a major defoliating pest of soybeans, glycine max (l.) merrill, in louisiana. however, other alternate host crops in the agroecosystem have the potential to impact c. includens populations. life table statistics of c. includens on four host plants were evaluated. c. includens larvae were fed leaves of three cotton gossypium hirsutum l. cultivars 'dp 143 b2rf,' 'dp 174 rf,' and 'phy 485 wrf'; cowpea vigna unguiculata ...201627375294
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