
malaria in the emergency department.eleven patients with malaria seen over five years in one emergency department demonstrate a trend toward more efficient diagnosis and outpatient treatment. ten patients were diagnosed using a routine wright's stained peripheral blood smear (three fortuitously). because treatment of hospitalized patients consists of no more than oral chloroquine, the current regimen allows for outpatient management. determination of species and extent of drug resistance, as well as eradication of plasmodium vivax ...19836349433
association between malaria incidence and all cancer mortality in fifty u.s. states and the district of columbia.there is a relationship between malaria in the united states and brain tumor incidence, seen in data on malaria outbreaks in 2004 from the centers for disease control and prevention and reports of brain tumor incidence by state from 19 us states. methods: in the present study, data from 50 us states and the district of columbia on malaria outbreaks in 1994, compiled by the centers for disease control and prevention, was analyzed in relation to state by state all cancer mortality data, 1950-94, f ...201020530455
congenital malaria: diagnosis and therapy. 200010660824
pediatric plasmodium falciparium malaria: a ten-year experience from washington, dc.from 1983 to 1992 a total of 64 children were admitted with a diagnosis of malaria to children's national medical center in washington, dc. specific etiology is available in 59 of 64. of these 59 cases 52 (88%) were caused by plasmodium falciparum. fifty-one of 52 infections were acquired in africa, 35 (67%) of these in traveling united states citizens. eleven (21%) of 52 children were initially admitted to the intensive care unit for i.v. quinidine or quinine therapy. eight (73%) of these 11 pa ...19947970971
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