
chytridiomycosis in native arizona frogs.twenty-seven adult/sub-adult lowland leopard frogs (rana yavapaiensis), two larval lowland leopard frogs, two adult chirichahua leopard frogs (rana chiricahuensis), and two adult canyon tree frogs (hyla arenicolor) collected from populations experiencing mortality events at eight sites were found to have characteristic lesions of chytrid fungus infection (batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). the mortalities occurred during december 1992 and between october and february in 1997-98 and december and fe ...200211838218
amphibian commerce as a likely source of pathogen pollution.the commercial trade of wildlife occurs on a global scale. in addition to removing animals from their native populations, this trade may lead to the release and subsequent introduction of nonindigenous species and the pathogens they carry. emerging infectious diseases, such as chytridiomycosis caused by the chytrid fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (bd), and ranaviral disease have spread with global trade in amphibians and are linked to amphibian declines and die-offs worldwide, which sugges ...200818717688
Growth of the amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in response to chemical properties of the aquatic environment.Water samples from two of 17 field sites in Arizona (USA) inhibited growth of the amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Chemical analyses of samples revealed statistically significant facilitating or inhibitory activity of certain elements. Although low levels of copper were found in environmental samples demonstrating facilitated growth, growth was inhibited at concentrations of copper sulfate (CuSO(4)) at or greater than 100 ppm.201121719835
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