
[human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis c virus and hepatitis b viruses in patients with sickle-cell disease in togo].the clinical features of sickle cell disease (scd) are vaso-occlusive and/or hemolytic crises which treatment may require blood transfusions.200616414299
[serologic and genomic research by pcr of hepatitis c virus in different populations in lomé (togo)].an epidemiological survey carried out on several groups at university hospital of lome showed that the prevalence of anti-hcv antibodies is 3.3 % among blood donors, 1.3 % in std positive subjects and 6.1 % in hospitalized patients. the disparity of the hcv seropositivity rate was not statistically significant among hiv-infected and non-infected subjects (6.9 % vs 3.3 % respectively). the hcv rna was most frequently recovered from patients, whose serological pattern was confirmed but also from 3 ...19958646010
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