
increasing imipenem resistance and dissemination of the isaba1-associated blaoxa-23 gene among acinetobacter baumannii isolates in an intensive care unit.the antibiotic susceptibility of acinetobacter calcoaceticus-acinetobacter baumannii complex strains recovered from the intensive care unit (icu) of west china hospital, sichuan, pr china, from 2006 to 2009 was investigated. the identification of a. baumannii and analysis of carbapenemase-encoding genes and their relationship with isaba1 were performed by pcr. furthermore, a diversilab repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence-based pcr (rep-pcr) microbial typing system and a multilocus sequenc ...201021127157
acinetobacter pittii and acinetobacter nosocomialis among clinical isolates of the acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii complex in sichuan, china.among 82 clinical isolates of the acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii complex recovered in 13 hospitals of sichuan, china, in 2011, 13 were acinetobacter pittii and 2 were acinetobacter nosocomialis. multilocus sequence typing revealed a novel sequence type (st) of a. nosocomialis and 7 novel sts of a. pittii. most isolates were hospital-acquired and colonized in the respiratory tract, while 6 cases with pneumonia due to a. pittii were identified. this study provided a snapshot of the local in ...201323639796
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