
a delicate balance: risk factors for acquisition of bacterial vaginosis include sexual activity, absence of hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli, black race, and positive herpes simplex virus type 2 serology.the etiology of bacterial vaginosis (bv) is poorly understood, but better definition of the risk factors associated with its acquisition should improve our understanding of this complex disease entity.200817989585
do root lesions tend to develop in the same people who develop coronal lesions?the three purposes of this study are to: (1) describe the relationship between the prevalence of coronal caries and root caries; (2) describe the relationship between the three-year incidence of coronal caries and root caries; and (3) if the two conditions are associated, develop a multiple regression model that identifies characteristics distinguishing people who had increments of both root caries and coronal caries from people who had increments of either coronal caries or root caries, or who ...19979195500
eighteen-month coronal caries incidence in north carolina older this longitudinal study of a random sample of north carolinians over the age of 65 and living in their homes, 325 blacks and 280 whites were examined and interviewed 18 months after baseline examinations. coronal caries incidence was greater among whites than blacks. the increment due to teeth becoming root fragments were similar for both races; however, there were more newly crowned teeth among whites. newly crowned surfaces were not used as part of the caries increment in logistic regressio ...19947909331
three-year tooth loss among black and white older adults in north carolina.the distribution and determinants of tooth loss in older adults are poorly defined, especially in blacks, who have been underrepresented in previous studies. this study investigated, epidemiologically, the distribution and predictors of tooth loss in elder blacks and whites by following a random sample of older adults in north carolina for three years. it was hypothesized that blacks would be at greater risk of tooth loss and would have different risk factors for tooth loss. data from 263 blacks ...19957722064
university of north carolina caries risk assessment study. iii. multiple factors in caries prevalence.the baseline caries experienced of approximately 5,000 children in south carolina and maine was used as the dependent variable in caries risk assessment analyses. clinical, microbiologic, and demographic factors served as independent variables in a multivariate relationship to caries through regression and discriminant function analyses. four factors--number of dental visits by the child in the past year, presence of white spot lesions, and both the urgency of need for restorative care and the f ...19911920265
the university of north carolina caries risk assessment study: further developments in caries risk prediction.over 4000 first and fifth grade children from the areas surrounding aiken, south carolina, and portland, maine, participated in a 4-yr study to develop caries risk assessment models. the predictors used at baseline included detailed clinical examinations, salivary microbiological tests, and sociodemographic and dental behavior data. mean 3-yr caries increments in south carolina were twice those in maine. for the four risk assessment models (two grade cohorts at two sites) specificity values aver ...19921555390
comparative effectiveness of visual/tactile and simplified screening examinations in caries risk assessment.central to the development of a model for identifying children at high risk to caries is a clinical evaluation to assess dental status and other conditions potentially useful in caries prediction. traditionally, this evaluation has been based on a relatively lengthy visual/tactile examination conducted by a dentist. replacing the dentist examination with a dental auxiliary conducted screening evaluation could lead to reduced time and costs. the 4-yr university of north carolina caries risk asses ...19921464226
university of north carolina caries risk assessment study: comparisons of high risk prediction, any risk prediction, and any risk etiologic models.the purpose of this analysis is to compare three different statistical models for predicting children likely to be at risk of developing dental caries over a 3-yr period. data are based on 4117 children who participated in the university of north carolina caries risk assessment study, a longitudinal study conducted in the aiken, south carolina, and portland, maine areas. the three models differed with respect to either the types of variables included or the definition of disease outcome. the two ...19921464224
streptococcus mutans, lactobacilli, and caries experience in older adults.this study investigated salivary levels of streptococcus mutans, lactobacilli, and caries experience in a random sample of 448 black and 362 white older dentate adults living in north carolina. significant proportions of the participants had stimulated salivary flow rates less than 1.0 ml/min, salivary buffering capacity less than 4.0, s. mutans levels of 10(5) cfu/ml or more in stimulated whole saliva, or lactobacilli levels of 10(5) cfu/ml or more. each of these factor levels could be consider ...19921440133
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