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a mechanism for slow release of biomagnified cyanobacterial neurotoxins and neurodegenerative disease in guam. | as root symbionts of cycad trees, cyanobacteria of the genus nostoc produce beta-methylamino-l-alanine (bmaa), a neurotoxic nonprotein amino acid. the biomagnification of bmaa through the guam ecosystem fits a classic triangle of increasing concentrations of toxic compounds up the food chain. however, because bmaa is polar and nonlipophilic, a mechanism for its biomagnification through increasing trophic levels has been unclear. we report that bmaa occurs not only as a free amino acid in the gua ... | 2004 | 15295100 |
production of the neurotoxin bmaa by a marine cyanobacterium. | diverse species of cyanobacteria have recently been discovered to produce the neurotoxic non-protein amino acid beta-methylamino-l-alanine (bmaa). in guam, bmaa has been studied as a possible environmental toxin in the diets of indigenous chamorro people known to have high levels of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/ parkinsonism dementia complex (als/pdc). bmaa has been found to accumulate in brain tissues of patients with progressive neurodegenerative illness in north america. in guam, bmaa was fo ... | 2007 | 18463731 |
detection of the neurotoxin bmaa within cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater in china. | the cyanobacterial neurotoxin, beta-n-methylamino-l-alanine (bmaa), has been suggested as an important environmental factor for neurodegenerative disease such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis- parkinsonism dementia complex (als/pdc) in guam. bmaa was detected within the majority of cyanobacterial isolates surveyed in both free and symbiotic cyanobacteria, living in freshwater as well as marine environments. in this study, we report two methods using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization- ... | 2010 | 19822166 |