
concurrent circulation of antigenically distinct strains of respiratory syncytial virus during community outbreaks.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is considered to be of a single serotype. antigenic variants are detectable both by neutralization and monoclonal antibodies and have been divided into two broad categories, groups 1 and 2. group 2 isolates have been considered to be uncommon. we used indirect immunofluorescence with strain-specific monoclonal antibodies to study rsv isolates from hospitalized infants in the greater boston area. of 223 rsv isolates recovered over a five-month period in 1983-1984 ...19862418126
prevalence of respiratory syncytial virus subgroups over six consecutive outbreaks: 1981-1987.indirect immunofluorescence with strain-specific monoclonal antibodies was used to determine the phenotype of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) isolates obtained from infants hospitalized in greater boston over six successive outbreaks from 1981 to 1987. of 981 isolates, 591 (60%) were classified as subgroup a and 383 (39%) as subgroup b. the prevalence of subgroups varied both between and within yearly outbreaks. in 1983-84 and 1984-85, both subgroups circulated concurrently and in almost equal ...19892760479
prevention of nosocomial transmission of respiratory syncytial virus in a newborn nursery.during three winter seasons prior to 1984-1985 the special care nursery at new england medical center experienced respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) epidemics that required closure of the unit. prior to and during the 1984-1985 winter season, several measures were taken to prevent recurrent nosocomial rsv transmission. in the winters of 1984-1985 and 1985-1986 there were 26 introductions of community-acquired rsv with no transmission of nosocomial cases during 1,688 patient days at risk as compar ...19883351266
laboratory service for influenza and other respirovirus diseases. 19676020911
a simultaneous outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus type 3 in a newborn nursery.over a 3-week period, 20 of 34 (59%) infants in a newborn nursery developed nosocomial viral respiratory tract disease. either respiratory syncytial virus (seven infants) or parainfluenza virus type 3 (five) or both (two) were demonstrated in respiratory secretions from 14 of the 20 symptomatic patients. symptoms in the 20 infants included rhinitis (15 infants), cough (14), apnea (eight), pulmonary infiltrates (seven), and fever (six). there were no differences in symptoms between children infec ...19846325655
outbreak of pneumonia in a long-term care facility: antecedent human parainfluenza virus 1 infection may predispose to bacterial determine the causes of an outbreak of lobar pneumonia.19989736104
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