
person-to-person spread of salmonella typhimurium after a hospital common-source september, 1973, diarrhoea caused by salmonella typhimurium developed in 32 people in a maine hospital. both epidemiological and microbiological evidence indicated that raw egg beaten in milk ("egg-nog") was responsible for the infection. however, 6 patients and 8 employees had not had egg-nog, and their illness developed after the source of infection had been recognised and removed. most of these people had had direct contact with an infected patient, and presumably acquired the infection ...197546457
field and laboratory studies with marek's disease. 19694322830
incidence of tenosynovitis in maine broilers. 19715159552
a survey of the species of coccidia in chickens in maine. 196013810235
immunity levels against avian encephalomyelitis in vaccinated poultry breeder flocks in maine.four commercial poultry breeder flocks that were vaccinated under field conditions against avian encephalomyelitis (ae) with commercial live or inactivated vaccine were monitored periodically by virus-neutralization testing of blood serum samples and by challenge of their progeny eggs and chicks. the history of the flocks and results of the tests indicate that field exposure might occur during the laying period, thereby boosting immunity titers without causing clinical ae in the progeny chicks. ...1975168853
new strains of infectious bronchitis virus isolated in maine.twelve ibv isolants from diseased chickens in maine were studied by serum-neutralization tests in chicken tracheal culture. six isolants were neutralized by mass-type antisera. the serum-neutralizing characteristics of six other isolants from vaccine breaks differed from any of the standard ibv viruses and appear to comprise three new strains, maine 209, 212,and 246. the data provide additional evidence that strains of ibv responsible for disease probably vary from region to region and that the ...1976176989
molecular characterization of salmonella enteritidis isolates from maine poultry and poultry farm environments.eighty-six salmonella enteritidis isolates obtained during a surveillance program of poultry farms in maine were subjected to phage-typing, plasmid profiling and fingerprinting, outer-membrane polypeptide analysis, and antimicrobial sensitivity testing. isolates were obtained from a variety of sources, including poultry-farm environmental samples, chicken organ samples, human stool samples, cat feces, and live-trapped rats and mice. these isolates were compared with 21 s. enteritidis isolates or ...19921627105
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