
immunocytochemical diagnosis of pacheco's indirect immunoperoxidase method for the detection of herpesvirus in the liver and digestive tract of two psittacines (ara macao and cacatua sulphurea) with pacheco's disease is described. the anti-pachecovirus antiserum used was obtained from hyperimmunized specific pathogen-free chickens. it is concluded that this easily executed technique yields reliable results, allows a firm diagnosis of pacheco's disease to be made and it would be suitable for investigating the pathogenesis of pacheco's ...199218670969
[fine needle aspiration cytology of myxoid lesions of soft tissues: a study of 24 cases].to summarize the diagnostic features of fine needle aspiration cytology (fnac) of myxoid lesions in soft tissue, and to define the cytological criteria for differentiating benign lesions from sarcomas and between various myxoid lesions.200718070452
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