
[follow-up of epidemic viral infections in nurseries of rhone during 2 consecutive years]. 19911665223
epidemiology and burden of rotavirus diarrhea in day care centers in lyon, france.this study gives, for the first time, an estimate of the incidence and the cost of rotavirus infection in day care centers in lyon, france.200616900310
[epidemiology and burden of rotavirus diarrhea in day care centers in lyon, france].rotavirus is the main cause of severe, dehydrating diarrhoea in infants and young children. in industrialized countries, pediatric rotavirus gastroenteritis (prge) is responsible for high morbidity, particularly among children under 3 years of age attending day care centers (dccs). the objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence, management and cost of prge in dccs. we also described the nature of group a rotavirus genotypes. this study also compared the performance of different diag ...200818456480
[sensitivity and specificity of the vikia rota-adeno immuno-chromatographic test (biomérieux) and the elisa ideia rotavirus kit (dako) compared to genotyping].the performances of two diagnostic tests for rotavirus infection in stool samples were evaluated during a prospective study in children of less than 36 months in child-care centers of lyon from november 2004 to may 2005. the vikia rota-adeno immuno-chromatographic test (biomérieux) and the elisa ideia rotavirus kit (dako) were compared with a referral method, the genotyping. fifty-seven stool samples were collected and analyzed by rt-pcr. the virus genome was detected in 29 samples. the most fre ...200918838230
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