
serogroups of bacteroides nodosus isolated from ovine footrot in britain. 19853992861
bacteria and aetiology of cancer of large bowel. 19714099643
degradation of steroids by intestinal bacteria. i. deconjugation of bile salts. 19704315139
the non-sporing anaerobic bacteria in human faeces. 19744599664
an eight year study of postoperative wound infection in two district general hospitals. 19816174588
aetiological agents of necrobacillosis in captive a series of 27 wallabies (macropus rufogriseus) with necrobacillosis, 14 animals were affected in the face, nine in the leg and six in the internal organs, two being affected in more than one site. fusobacterium necrophorum was the predominating organism, occurring in 69 per cent of lesions, usually in heavy and occasionally in pure culture. bacteroides species (six in all), often in considerable numbers, were found in 48 per cent of lesions, and f nucleatum in 14 per cent. aerobes or faculta ...19846463385
role of the reference laboratory in susceptibility testing of anaerobes and a survey of isolates referred from laboratories in england and wales during 1993-1994.methods for susceptibility testing of anaerobes and their patterns of susceptibility remain debatable. the responsibilities of the public health laboratory service anaerobe reference unit include identification of referred isolates; development of methods; monitoring of the occurrence of anaerobic infections; performance of taxonomic studies; maintenance of a reference collection; and monitoring of the antibiotic susceptibility of clinical isolates. selection of antibiotics for anaerobic infecti ...19957548547
some bacteraemias encountered in hospital practice.this is a retrospective study of the results of 4,642 blood cultures taken from 2,190 patients from 1960 to 1967 in one london hospital. the results suggested that an increased incidence of bacteraemias at this particular hospital was mainly due to the increase in the number of patients having blood cultures. some of the bacteraemias were terminal or transient and probably of doubtful clinical significance.19705423950
faecal steroid composition and its relationship to cancer of the large bowel. 19715111052
bacteroides infections. 19734699610
cross-infection hazards associated with the use of pumice in dental laboratories.the bacteriological contamination of pumice slurry in polishing units in a dental clinical area (high risk), a production laboratory (medium risk), and a non-clinical teaching laboratory (low risk), was investigated. slurry samples taken from all three areas were found to be heavily contaminated with pathogenic organisms. the investigations were repeated following the addition of a disinfectant with both bacteriocidal and virucidal properties to the pumice. lower bacterial counts were obtained i ...19902074300
anaerobic vaginosis: study of male sexual hundred male sexual partners of women with anaerobic vaginosis (av) were screened for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (std). thirty male partners had evidence of non-gonococcal urethritis (ngu), compared to 5 in the control group (p less than 0.05). chlamydia trachomatis was isolated from 14 male partners, compared to 3 in the control group. forty-five male partners required treatment for stds, compared to 11 in the control group (p less than 0.02). nine (40%) male partners wit ...19912043700
significance of bacteroides ureolyticus in the lower genital a study to determine the significance of bacteroides ureolyticus in the lower urogenital tract using a new selective and differential medium, this organism was isolated from 30.1% of asymptomatic men, 37.8% of men with genital warts, and 26.3% of men with non-gonococcal urethritis. using the same selective medium b. ureolyticus was isolated from 49% of women attending the same genitourinary clinic with symptoms of vaginal discharge and/or pruritus vulvae, 44.1% of asymptomatic women, and 50% ...19921571380
diet and faecal flora: a comparison of rural northern nigeria and london, uk. 1978360224
sustainable microbial water quality monitoring programme design using phage-lysis and multivariate techniques.contamination of surface waters is a pervasive threat to human health, hence, the need to better understand the sources and spatio-temporal variations of contaminants within river catchments. river catchment managers are required to sustainably monitor and manage the quality of surface waters. catchment managers therefore need cost-effective low-cost long-term sustainable water quality monitoring and management designs to proactively protect public health and aquatic ecosystems. multivariate and ...201121962927
integrated analysis of water quality parameters for cost-effective faecal pollution management in river many parts of the world, microbial contamination of surface waters used for drinking, recreation, and shellfishery remains a pervasive risk to human health, especially in less economically developed countries (ledc). however, the capacity to provide effective management strategies to break the waterborne route to human infection is often thwarted by our inability to identify the source of microbial contamination. microbial source tracking (mst) has potential to improve water quality managemen ...201121324505
persistent colonization with tannerella forsythensis and loss of attachment in adolescents.colonization with tannerella forsythensis may characterize the conversion of periodontally healthy sites into diseased sites. this three-year study describes the prevalence of t. forsythensis and its relationship to clinical loss of attachment (loa) in a group of adolescents considered at risk of developing early chronic periodontitis. adolescents with (loa+) and without (loa-) loss of attachment were examined at baseline and 1.5 and 3 yrs subsequently. on each occasion, attachment loss was meas ...200414981125
prevalence and degree of expression of the carbapenemase gene (cfia) among clinical isolates of bacteroides fragilis in nottingham, uk.the carbapenemase gene (cfia) was detected in 12 (6.9%) out of 175 clinical isolates of bacteroides fragilis from nottingham, three times the frequency reported from france. only one gene copy was present in all cases. eleven (6.3%) of the cfia-positive isolates were susceptible to imipenem or meropenem (mic < 8 mg/l); strains of this type have the potential to convert to high-level resistance. one isolate (0.6%) displayed resistance to both carbapenem antibiotics and was associated with specifi ...199911252334
effect of feeding on infants' faecal newborn english infants, the predominant faecal bacteria were coliforms and bacteroides, as shown by gram film, culture, and gas-liquid chromatography, whether they were bottle fed or exclusively breast fed. this contrasted with bifidobacterial predominance in faeces from breast-fed nigerian infants. presumably environmental factors other than exclusive breast feeding are also important for establishing the flora. no differences were detected between the flora of infants of atopic and non-ato ...19827039517
the antimicrobial susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria in a london teaching hospital. 19816917845
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