
[valery jaworski (born in march 1949 in krakow), a physician and pioneer in gastrology in poland. in 1899 published a book about the helicobacter pylori bacteria (named by him as vibrio rugula)]. 200920455425
acute toxicity assessment of polish (waste) water with a microplate-based hydra attenuata assay: a comparison with the microtox test.the use of hydra attenuata in acute toxicity assessment is a potentially useful tool in (waste) water biomonitoring. the purpose of this study was to compare the sensitivity of h. attenuata with the extensively used microtox test on 14 (waste) water samples from the kraków region (south poland). to this end, specific morphological changes displayed by the freshwater cnidarian hydra attenuata (lethal lc50s and sublethal ec50s effects) and bioluminescence of the marine bacteria vibrio fisheri (mic ...199910635595
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