
travelers' diarrhea among united states military personnel during joint american-egyptian armed forces exercises in cairo, egypt.a study was conducted of travelers' diarrhea in a united states military population on deployment in cairo, egypt, during july and august 1987. acute diarrhea requiring medical attention developed in 183 (4%) of 4,500 troops. a possible etiologic agent was identified in 49% of all diarrhea cases. enteric pathogens associated with cases of diarrhea included: enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (17% st-producers, 13% lt-producers, and 3% lt/st-producers); shigella (9%); campylobacter spp. (2%); salmo ...19911900113
a survey of enteropathogens among united states military personnel during operation bright star '94, in cairo, egypt.acute gastroenteritis is a potential cause of substantial morbidity in u.s. military personnel during deployment. this study was conducted to evaluate enteric pathogens associated with diarrhea in a u.s. military population on deployment in cairo, egypt, during november 1993. enteric pathogens found to be associated with cases of diarrhea included: enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec), 27% (22% heat-stable [st], 3% heat-labile [lt], and 2% st/lt producers); campylobacter spp., 3%; and salmone ...19957659237
microbiological profile of raw nile water.with the increase of population on the nile banks, a remarkable increase in industrial, agricultural, human activities, and recreational activities have also occurred. the effluents of such activities are discharged directly into the nile or through some agricultural drains which finally discharge their wastes into the nile. thus, the microbiological monitoring is one of the main objectives to protect the river nile. this study was conducted to determine the microbiological profile of river nile ...199817217019
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