
cancer in 15- to 29-year-olds by primary site.incidence: cancer occurring between the ages of 15 and 30 years is 2.7 times more common than cancer occurring during the first 15 years of life, yet is much less common than cancer in older age groups, and accounts for just 2% of all invasive cancer. cancer in adolescents and young adults is unique in the distribution of the types that occur. hodgkin lymphoma, melanoma, testis cancer, female genital tract malignancies, thyroid cancer, soft-tissue sarcomas, non-hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, brain ...200616794238
[dietary behavior, way of life, and nasopharyngeal cancer].nasopharyngeal carcinoma is prevalent in southeast asia, maghreb countries and greenland/alaska. this cancer, wherever prevalent, is closely associated to the epstein-barr virus (ebv), but its geographical repartition also suggests the possibility of a cultural factor. a comparison of food habits and way of life of cantonese, maghreb populations and eskimos shows certain common points: dried fish or meat, fermented and sometimes rotten, as well as salt preserved vegetables. certain berries of eu ...19826299438
association of epstein-barr virus with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in alaskan native patients: serum antibodies and tissue ebna and dna.biopsy specimens from alaskan native patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) and from other patients seen on the otolaryngology service were tested for epstein-barr virus-specific dna and nuclear antigen (ebna). serum samples from both groups were tested for various ebv-related antibodies. ebv dna and ebna results were in agreement in 29 of 31 tissue specimens tested by the two methods. ten of 11 biopsies containing npc cells were positive for ebv dna. two npc patients had biopsies that sho ...19816274814
a tribute to dr. werner henle collaborator on alaska medical research. 19882852902
salivary gland cancer in alaskan natives, 1966-1980. 19872820863
epstein-barr virus infection in carcinoma of the salivary gland.undifferentiated carcinoma of the parotid gland contains clonal epstein-barr virus episomes without ladder arrays of restriction enzyme fragments representing virion dna. analysis of epstein-barr virus transcription in situ in parotid carcinoma specimens revealed that the eber rnas, latent membrane protein mrna, and the bamhi-a rightward reading frame, barf0, are expressed in the malignant epithelial cells.19911658395
nasopharyngeal carcinoma in an alaskan eskimo family: report of three cases.nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) has been reported to occur in alsaka natives (eskimos, indians, and aleuts) at a rate greater than 15 times the rate for u.s. whites. at least 3 cases of npc have occurred in close relatives of a northern alaskan eskimo family. all 3 patients had poorly differentiated tumors and have died. blood groups, hla antigens, and antibodies to epstein-barr virus (ebv) were studied in the family members. ebv titers were elevated in the 1 npc patient tested and in 1 of 15 oth ...1979220446
epstein-barr virus d.n.a. in tumour tissue from native alaskan patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 197882107
nasopharyngeal carcinoma in alaskan eskimos indians, and aleuts: a review of cases and study of epstein-barr virus, hla, and environmental risk factors.the records of thirty-one patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) diagnosed from 1966 through 1976 among the alaskan native population (eskimo, aleut, indian) were reviewed. there were 25 males and six females, which results in relatively high incidence rates per 100,000 of 13.5 for males and 3.7 for females. clinical and pathologic features were similar to those found among southern chinese npc patients. five-year survival rate was 48%. antibodies to epstein-barr virus were higher in npc p ...19806253051
epstein-barr virus-specific antibody titers in seven alaskan natives before and after diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.results are presented of epstein-barr virus-specific serologic tests for seven alaskan native patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) from whom serum had been collected 2-10 years before diagnosis and up to 6 years after diagnosis. the pre-illness antibody spectra and titers of the npc patients did not differ from those of controls. however, broadened antibody spectra and elevated titers were associated with the emergence of npc disease, which in one case was present as early as 22 months b ...19806259065
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